Why do many Americans believe in God?

Eh! So we are different people at different times, and depending who you are, let's say, next week, will depend on whether you think rape is moral or immoral?
No. It is like our moral view is a lump of clay. When we are young and in our formative years we shape that clay through relatively large changes, and as we get older the changes that are made are refinements, changes in the fine detail, as our experiences widen and the complex world around us leads us to have more complex morals.
When we are very young things are relatively black and white. When we gain more experience we see ever increasing shades of grey. And our moral view might change slightly.

I find it disappointing, though, that you honestly interpreted what I said in that way, as if you are only looking for confrontation and will interpret in whatever way maximises the chance for it.

Yes, we are different people at different times - if who we are is the sum of our experiences, memories etc.
And I would think only severe brain damage could cause the significant change in morals as you propose. And possibly not even then. I am certainly not aware of such a case. Change in personality, yes, this is common with brain damage, but such a significant change in morals? I don't know.
I don't know which sounds more ridiculous, allowing for moral behaviour depending on who you are at any given moment, or depending on God not having any bearing on what your morals are.
So if God has a bearing on what your morals are, God is included in the WHY beyond being a necessary pre-condition. As such, contrary to what you previously said, our reasons, our WHY we find the exampled actions immoral, are not the same.
So please can you answer the question again: why do you think the exampled actions are immoral? Your reasoning, your WHY, should now include an explanation of where God comes into your thinking beyond simply being a necessary pre-condition.
I didn't say I'm an atheist - agnostic.

I was trying to say I don't require a God to care.
I find it disappointing, though, that you honestly interpreted what I said in that way, as if you are only looking for confrontation and will interpret in whatever way maximises the chance for it.

I feel the same way about your interpretations and responses to me.

So, once again, are you saying that if you did not believe in God you would have no problems with doing harm to others? Once again, it's fortunate for those around you that you believe in a watchdog looking over your shoulder, otherwise they might be in danger.

I thank God my parents who exposed me to the word of God. and that word kept me at bay for over 50 years.
I visited just about every week a maximum facility of about 4000 man. In their young age , and some older they were not or did not have interest in the word of God, many are facing life sentence by the society.
I don't deny I could have been one of them. I would not be surprised if you could not be one of them also.
Remember your intellectual morality have not been created in the 1960 . But initiated 3000 years or earlier with the fear of God ( Commandments )

Do you want me to get moralistic on your ass?

I don't need some old geezer telling me I don't feel.
I thank God my parents who exposed me to the word of God. and that word kept me at bay for over 50 years.
I visited just about every week a maximum facility of about 4000 man. In their young age , and some older they were not or did not have interest in the word of God, many are facing life sentence by the society.
I don't deny I could have been one of them. I would not be surprised if you could not be one of them also.
Remember your intellectual morality have not been created in the 1960 . But initiated 3000 years or earlier with the fear of God ( Commandments )
What percentage of people in prison do you think are atheists?
What percentage of people in prison do you think are atheists?

How can you tell who is atheist and who is theist?
Is it possible that someone can say they are theist but don't believe in God?

The Rev David Paterson, a retired Church of England priest, said there was no conflict in preaching while being unable to believe in God...

...I preach using God’s terminology, but never with the suggestion that God actually exists,”


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How can you tell who is atheist and who is theist?
Is it possible that someone can say they are theist but don't believe in God?

The Rev David Paterson, a retired Church of England priest, said there was no conflict in preaching while being unable to believe in God...

...I preach using God’s terminology, but never with the suggestion that God actually exists,”


That's irrelevant to the discussion.
What percentage of people in prison do you think are atheists?
You know wester society law is borrowed from Hebrew law .
Now your question on % atheist in prison . Many people find God in prison . So what were they outside we don't know .
One think I can say young people from 18 to 35 year old they don't think about anybody but of them selve and how to conquer the world , As to me they are atheists, because the atheist is not responsible to no body but to himself . I don't know if you like my answer.
That's irrelevant to the discussion.

The OP asks why do many Americans believe in God, and that articles proves that people may not actually believe in God, despite their seeming
to. So how can we tell who or not actually believes in God? For all we know, many Americans may not actually believe in God, or many more Americans may actually believe in God.

So what is belief in God? Is it saying you believe, or acting like you believe? Or is it simply believing?
Does simply asserting stuff mean, that which you assert is true?
This applies to atheists and agnostics as well.

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You know wester society law is borrowed from Hebrew law .
Now your question on % atheist in prison . Many people find God in prison . So what were they outside we don't know .
One think I can say young people from 18 to 35 year old they don't think about anybody but of them selve and how to conquer the world , As to me they are atheists, because the atheist is not responsible to no body but to himself . I don't know if you like my answer.

And you haven't had a baby.
You know wester society law is borrowed from Hebrew law .
Now your question on % atheist in prison . Many people find God in prison . So what were they outside we don't know .
One think I can say young people from 18 to 35 year old they don't think about anybody but of them selve and how to conquer the world , As to me they are atheists, because the atheist is not responsible to no body but to himself . I don't know if you like my answer.
I don't like either one. Western law is by no means based on the Bible. Your second notion is the classic "no true Scottsman" fallacy. "If they are in prison, they must not be theists". All to avoid the uncomfortable fact that few prisoners are atheists. Theism doesn't make people more moral in terms of breaking secular laws.
So you believe they believe in God because they say so?
How do you know they're telling the truth?
How else?

Based on behaviour, atheists seem to be more Christ-like than Christians. Based on profession of belief, atheists seem to be more Christ-like than Christians. What criteria are you using?
How else?

Based on behaviour, atheists seem to be more Christ-like than Christians. Based on profession of belief, atheists seem to be more Christ-like than Christians. What criteria are you using?

So a theist is one because he/she say's she is?
Is that how you decide if that person is telling the truth?

So a theist is one because he/she say's she is?
Is that how you decide if that person is telling the truth?

I'm sure there is some margin of error, but for the most part, in an anonymous reporting situation, people are willing to share what their beliefs are. Unless you want to call into question all religious polls ever, some of which you may want to use at a later date to support your own positions.