Why do many Americans believe in God?

So if he/she considered their actions moral, their actions would have been moral.?

Are you the arbiter of morality?

Do moral absolutes exist?

I, like you, believe it is immoral. The difference our our justifications.
God IS the necessary pre-condition for morals.


God command is the reference point for our morals otherwise if no reference everything goes
So if he/she considered their actions moral, their actions would have been moral.?
Your question implies an objective morality - and I've said I don't subscribe to that. So if they thought their actions moral and I didn't, we would simply disagree. I would continue to judge their actions, from my perspective, as immoral.
Are you the arbiter of morality?
Your question implies an objective morality - and I've said I don't subscribe to that. I am the arbiter of my own morality.
Do moral absolutes exist?
If there is a moral view held by everyone then you could perhaps argue that there was - but since you can't interview everyone who has and will have lived, it's not something that can be established, in my view. So there may be, in as much as there is a shared subjective moral. I'm not sure how you would establish it, though.
I, like you, believe it is immoral. The difference our our justifications.
God IS the necessary pre-condition for morals, in my world view.
Okay, you've said God IS the necessary pre-condition for morals, but you haven't said WHY you think your example is immoral - i.e. you haven't actually answered the question. I had the decency to answer your question, please have the decency to answer mine: why do you think it is immoral?
Your question implies an objective morality - and I've said I don't subscribe to that. So if they thought their actions moral and I didn't, we would simply disagree. I would continue to judge their actions, from my perspective, as immoral.

So from your perspective morals are whatever anyone chooses them to be?

Okay, you've said God IS the necessary pre-condition for morals, but you haven't said WHY you think your example is immoral - i.e. you haven't actually answered the question. I had the decency to answer your question, please have the decency to answer mine: why do you think it is immoral?

The same reason you do.

Actual moral people don't go around committing crimes, raping, murdering, etc. because they're not nice things to do.

Religious people seem to think that without a God threatening to send them to hell, they're free to go around doing that sort of thing.

Which one of those people seems truly moral?
What criteria do you use to know that people believe in God?
Their own claims. Most prisoners claim to believe in God, so why do they have such low moral standards? If morality comes from God, why are there fewer atheists than believers in prison?
So from your perspective morals are whatever anyone chooses them to be?
I don't think it's a matter of choice, I think they are a function of who you truly are at any given time, and you can't really choose that any more than you can choose how intelligent you are, or what music you like, or who your parents are.
The same reason you do.
So other than deeming God to be the necessary pre-condition, as you have stated above, you don't think God has any bearing on what your morals are?
I don't think it's a matter of choice, I think they are a function of who you truly are at any given time, and you can't really choose that any more than you can choose how intelligent you are, or what music you like, or who your parents are.

Eh! So we are different people at different times, and depending who you are, let's say, next week, will depend on whether you think rape is moral or immoral?

So other than deeming God to be the necessary pre-condition, as you have stated above, you don't think God has any bearing on what your morals are?

I don't know which sounds more ridiculous, allowing for moral behaviour depending on who you are at any given moment, or depending on God not having any bearing on what your morals are.

Their own claims. Most prisoners claim to believe in God, so why do they have such low moral standards? If morality comes from God, why are there fewer atheists than believers in prison?

So you believe they believe in God because they say so?
How do you know they're telling the truth?

God command is the reference point for our morals otherwise if no reference everything goes
So, once again, are you saying that if you did not believe in God you would have no problems with doing harm to others? Once again, it's fortunate for those around you that you believe in a watchdog looking over your shoulder, otherwise they might be in danger.