Why do many Americans believe in God?

So what exactly does "pure spirit" or "cause of all causes" mean?/
Pure Spirit, is a nature, the essence of which is pure unadulterated consciousness. It is, by it's nature, the absolute truth.

Does a spirit possess me to dress myself in the morning?

Maybe, but that is not what is meant by pure spirit. You are essentially spirit, covered with a material body. There is a nice verse in The Bhagavad Gita that says: As the embodied soul (spiritual nature) continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change.
The point is that while the body continuously changes, the consciousness within it remains fixed. IOW, you are you, always was you, and always will be you. This is evidenced by other people recognising you, even after your body changes.

Who is me, in relation to myself?

You asked: Does a spirit possess me to dress myself in the morning?
So who or what is ''me'', that asks this question.
You can no doubt observe yourself, meaning there is some sort of difference between yourself, and the observer, who observes yourself. The observer is ''me'' as stated in the quote, myself is the observed.
Does that make sense?

Are you clutching at straws/making stuff up? Let's see, pain, among all peoples, hurts... You have no argument, but decide to make crap up. Or did you want to argue psychology?
Psychology and morality are different things. Why is pain immoral? Why is harm immoral? Just because you say you don't like it? Because it's the popular opinion that it is immoral?

Why don't you think about it. I don't actively believe in God and you insist God is male? Because your bible tells you so?
You're the one claiming it is somehow disrespectful. So show some reasoning for that claim.


Slink away like a coward.
I'm currently doing other things. Responding within minutes of your posts isn't my highest priority.
Psychology and morality are different things. Why is pain immoral? Why is harm immoral? Just because you say you don't like it? Because it's the popular opinion that it is immoral?

You're the one claiming it is somehow disrespectful. So show some reasoning for that claim.
You are deliberately twisting words.

Dishonesty. I bet your God is proud.
You asked: Does a spirit possess me to dress myself in the morning?
So who or what is ''me'', that asks this question.
You can no doubt observe yourself, meaning there is some sort of difference between yourself, and the observer, who observes yourself. The observer is ''me'' as stated in the quote, myself is the observed.
Does that make sense?

No, that doesn't make sense.

I do, however, appreciate the effort.
Uh, of course it is my mind. Like my brain.

I thought expressing some disagreeance in such a way was... nice.
Prove I'm a coward... It requires you making sense first.
Your unwillingness or inability to respond to my question: ie: "Why is pain/harm/etc. immoral?" isn't the same thing as me not making sense. If you don't know, say so.

If you want to call people cowards for simply not responding to your posts in what you deem a timely manner, why would you also not be a coward for refusing to answer a question in the first place?
Your unwillingness or inability to respond to my question: ie: "Why is pain/harm/etc. immoral?" isn't the same thing as me not making sense. If you don't know, say so.

If you want to call people cowards for simply not responding to your posts in what you deem a timely manner, why would you also not be a coward for refusing to answer a question in the first place?
So you think it is OK to inflict pain on others.

Good for you!