The Bible is the most edifying book in the universe. It is man's handbook for everyday life. If we all lived by the New Testament, this would be such a more awesome world. There would be no more crime, no more baby-killing, no more non-believing. It would be the world God had in mind when He created it. Too bad we messed it up so much.
M*W: I actually agree with you on this one. What you've just said is the same thing I've said but with different interpretations.
The problem I have with NT believers is that they believe the wrong interpretation. Let's leave out the OT for now. I'm more familiar with the NT and what it really means. You believe the NT teaches of the life, death defying god-savior-redeemer. I believe the NT is an astrological calendar that uses metaphor for the dying-rising sun (god) called Jesus.
The story of 'Jesus' goes back to ancient Egypt and beyond. The same story appears in Babylon, the Promised Land, Mesopotamia and Rome. The Sun-God has many names and faces, but essentially there is only one god (the sun) who created all life on earth, who dies and rises again for our earthly redemption.
Now, I'm not implying here that NT astrology is a valid science that can be proven. It's can't. It's just a myth. It's fun reading, but as far as I know, it's not fact.
Just like ancient humans created stories about the constellations and stars, which I believe was for entertainment purposes on those long wanderings across the deserts, modern man has created his own versions of those ancient myths. Nowadays they are stories of a dying demigod savior-redeemer of mankind who, if you're lucky, will go to heaven to be with the creator god (sun) or go to hell to be with the prince of darkness (moon) that has sneaked under the earth. Modern man has made shrines and altars to his creator in heaven, but in reality, he is worshipping all things astrological but doesn't even know it.
Humankind has been fooled by its own beliefs! In essence, I guess it doesn't really matter what one believes. None of it is real.