Why do christians limit their reading material of extra-biblical sources?

The Bible is the most edifying book in the universe. It is man's handbook for everyday life. If we all lived by the New Testament, this would be such a more awesome world. There would be no more crime, no more baby-killing, no more non-believing. It would be the world God had in mind when He created it. Too bad we messed it up so much.
The bible is a book of myth and superstition with a god that is immoral and cruel. It teaches people to lie, hate and oppress.

Yes, it would be the world your god had in mind.
You believe in your God. I'll believe in mine. Let's see how that works out for both of us.;)

History has already demonstrated what derives from the belief of your god. Of course, you'd probably deny that as you deny any fact placed in front of you that doesn't prop up your belief system.

And of course, by stating that, you admit more than one god exists. Clearly, your beliefs are a mere house of cards.
I think the OP was saying that strict adherents of Christianity avoid 'extra-biblical' texts in that they avoid writings that are critical or analytical of religion, faith, and belief in general. They read things other than the bible, but these things are complimentary to what they believe about the bible. This must be true, otherwise Christian bookstores wouldn't be a niche market that is doing so well.

But in none of these stores will you find texts written that promote critical thought and reason. You'll see none of the classical freethinker texts by 19th and 20th century philosophers and scientists. You will, however, find psuedo-intellectual works by the likes of Behe and Dembski and even Alister McGrath that pretend to be objectively critical, but they've been proven to be anything but.

Sandy, ggazoo and Kerux claim to read other things, but I suspect their readings are limited to only those things that don't challenge their beliefs or question their superstitions (contrary to what you're willing to admit, Sandy, you are very superstitious based solely on your words here).

Kerux's reply was only that "we do scrutinize!", and ggazoo said he's read "all" the world's religious texts and even The God Delusion. Sandy just says she reads.

But neither of these three have provided any discussion that is indicative of having read anything other than biblically oriented Christian self-affirming propaganda.

Kerux was asked specifically about scrutinizing the bible against contrary archaeological and physics texts; ggazoo was asked what specifically he found in The God Delusion and other world religions that "confirmed" his faith. Sandy just says she reads but all but admits its either the bible or complimentary works or nothing.

So that brings us back to supporting the OP: devout xians read little more than the bible or bible-confirming works. They appear unwilling to review any of the works that challenge their beliefs; challenge them to examine their superstitions; or provide contrary viewpoints.

On the other hand, myself and others in this thread that have identified themselves as atheist, agnostic or freethinkers have disclosed evidence that we read outside of that genre. Indeed, we read from both sides of the fence, examining and evaluating even those words that are critical of our worldviews and beliefs.

And this is the difference between superstition and reason.
well said ylooshi, and welcome to sciforums you may a few post under your belt, so a belated welcome.
I was moderately offended by the word 'superstitions' but I got over it. If you are referring to my faith as superstitious, then I have nothing else to say to you. My faith/God is my life. My purpose. My reason for living. It's more than faith. It's what I know that I know that I know more than anything else.

I have little interest in all the carnal/secular cr@p anymore. I read enough secular cr@p from 12-35. I was approached by MENSA at 16. I graduated with a college degree in science at 20. I have seen the light and realize what's really important in life. It's not money, power, fame, cars, planes, jobs etc. Been there. Done that. It's not even family and kids although those are important. It's getting people saved. It's doing HIS work.

I still read way too much secular stuff on the net: news, politics, human interest stories. But no more secular books.

There is no greater reward in life than to get someone saved and know he is going to Heaven. Life on earth is just a flash in eternity.
I was moderately offended by the word 'superstitions' but I got over it. If you are referring to my faith as superstitious, then I have nothing else to say to you. My faith/God is my life. My purpose. My reason for living. It's more than faith. It's what I know that I know that I know more than anything else.

I have little interest in all the carnal/secular cr@p anymore. I read enough secular cr@p from 12-35. I was approached by MENSA at 16. I graduated with a college degree in science at 20. I have seen the light and realize what's really important in life. It's not money, power, fame, cars, planes, jobs etc. Been there. Done that. It's not even family and kids although those are important. It's getting people saved. It's doing HIS work.

I still read way too much secular stuff on the net: news, politics, human interest stories. But no more secular books.

There is no greater reward in life than to get someone saved and know he is going to Heaven. Life on earth is just a flash in eternity.

I believe you are correct in this one. Except that if you are reffering to doing "HIS work", is doing what the Bible says, that is a misunderstanding of Jesus.
The Bible is the most edifying book in the universe. It is man's handbook for everyday life. If we all lived by the New Testament, this would be such a more awesome world. There would be no more crime, no more baby-killing, no more non-believing. It would be the world God had in mind when He created it. Too bad we messed it up so much.

Yeah, its a real shame that people like YOU don't follow Jesus...but instead are just pretenders....keep pretending you won't be fooling Christ you're only fooling your own self.....being religious or spiritual has nothing to do with pretending to be good and going to Church and condemning everyone else to hell...

As for the Bible, I won't say its the most edifying book in the universe, it was compiled by the Catholic church, any follower of Christ himself will look at all the other things left out of the Bible that Christ really said....
The Bible is the most edifying book in the universe. It is man's handbook for everyday life. If we all lived by the New Testament, this would be such a more awesome world. There would be no more crime, no more baby-killing, no more non-believing. It would be the world God had in mind when He created it. Too bad we messed it up so much.

M*W: I actually agree with you on this one. What you've just said is the same thing I've said but with different interpretations.

The problem I have with NT believers is that they believe the wrong interpretation. Let's leave out the OT for now. I'm more familiar with the NT and what it really means. You believe the NT teaches of the life, death defying god-savior-redeemer. I believe the NT is an astrological calendar that uses metaphor for the dying-rising sun (god) called Jesus.

The story of 'Jesus' goes back to ancient Egypt and beyond. The same story appears in Babylon, the Promised Land, Mesopotamia and Rome. The Sun-God has many names and faces, but essentially there is only one god (the sun) who created all life on earth, who dies and rises again for our earthly redemption.

Now, I'm not implying here that NT astrology is a valid science that can be proven. It's can't. It's just a myth. It's fun reading, but as far as I know, it's not fact.

Just like ancient humans created stories about the constellations and stars, which I believe was for entertainment purposes on those long wanderings across the deserts, modern man has created his own versions of those ancient myths. Nowadays they are stories of a dying demigod savior-redeemer of mankind who, if you're lucky, will go to heaven to be with the creator god (sun) or go to hell to be with the prince of darkness (moon) that has sneaked under the earth. Modern man has made shrines and altars to his creator in heaven, but in reality, he is worshipping all things astrological but doesn't even know it.

Humankind has been fooled by its own beliefs! In essence, I guess it doesn't really matter what one believes. None of it is real.
Interesting post.
But God/Jesus is real. Real to me and real to all Christians.
He's all about faith. Can I prove He exists? No. I just believe.

We all have our own beliefs. I believe in the real, resurrected, living God.
Interesting post.
But God/Jesus is real. Real to me and real to all Christians.
He's all about faith. Can I prove He exists? No. I just believe.

We all have our own beliefs. I believe in the real, resurrected, living God.

Jesus haven´t existed for 2000 years now, and he is not God. You are reffering to Christ, and Jesus and Christ are not synonyms.

It is like this part of the Gospel of Judas:
"The disciples said, "Master, you are... the son of our god."
Jesus said to them, "How do you know me? Truly I say to you, no generation of the people that are ammong you will know me."
When his disciples heard this, they started getting angry and infuriated and began blaspheming against him in their hearts.
When Jesus observed their lack of understanding, he said to them, "Why has this agitation led you to anger? Your god is within you and have provoked you to anger within your soul."

The starters of Christianity were the disciples, and they didn´t even understood Jesus themselves. Jesus was a free spirit.
As for the Bible, I won't say its the most edifying book in the universe, it was compiled by the Catholic church, any follower of Christ himself will look at all the other things left out of the Bible that Christ really said....

Unfortunately VitalOne those true teachings of Christ did not go well with the Orthodox priesthood. What good is there for achieving power over the people when you have core beliefs that also tie in with core beliefs of other religions.
Better to manipulate those teachings to present an intolerant belief system that divides and separates humanity.
That divide and separate mentality that is so prevalent in many religions can be chalked up to one thing: The ignorance of the ego!
Interesting post. But God/Jesus is real. Real to me and real to all Christians.
He's all about faith. Can I prove He exists? No. I just believe.

We all have our own beliefs. I believe in the real, resurrected, living God.

M*W: Sandy, can you prove Jesus is real? I know you cannot. I don't believe in Jesus other than as a fictional character. You strongly believe in Jesus, but your belief is so falliable. He simply doesn't exist! Why do you believe in a dying demigod savior that doesn't exist? Is this a hope you have for your own resurrection? It's nothing that is real!
Please expand on this. I'm interested in which books of other religions you've read, what your impression of them is and how, precisely, these have helped confirm your faith. Specifically, what of Dr. Dawkins' work confirms your faith?

Was it his detailed discussion of the roots of religious thought beginning on p. 161? Perhaps it was his thorough debunking of irreducible complexity and his criticism of the "god of the gaps" excuse (pp. 119-133)? Perhaps you gained a better understanding of morality and how this isn't a religious quality but, rather, one that religion has demonstrably mucked up over the centuries, a discussion found in chapters 6 and 7?

Surely you aren't simply going to tell us all that you're well-read and not demonstrate the extent of your literary prowness in the religious and humanist texts of humanity? If so, I call balderdash.

My apologies for the delayed response, I just got back from vacation this morning.

For those who have yet to read "The God Delusion", Dawkins' "God of the gaps" argument is that believers look for gaps in the naturalistic world-view, then fill it with God by default. One of the biggest gaps is the origin of life on Earth. Since scientists can't conclusively explain how the first organism developed (although they have hypotheses), many creationists assume that God created it. Likewise, scientists can't explain where the Big Bang came from, creationists claim it came from God too. Dawkins' argument is that it is creationists erroneously fill all gaps of knowledge with God, and this is a problem because it is unscientific to assume anything without evidence. However, naturalists like Dawkins' make assumptions too, for instance, that God is not involved in any gap events. Instead, Dawkins assumes a natural process must fill the gap. So his argument, though valid, cuts his way as well.

The way I view the God of the gaps, are all the gaps are filled, but scientists have to create gaps, replacing anything supernatural with "a natural process". I do believe he's got it backwards.

In regards to other books I have read, there's Shroud of Turin, The Mystical Christ, as well as some papers on Hinduism and Judaism just to name a few. The irony is that much like skeptics look for evidence of God, through my own readings and personal life experiences, there was no hard evidence to disprove His existence. I came to my own conclusions through research and my own spiritual journey that God does in fact exist.
The Bible is the most edifying book in the universe. It is man's handbook for everyday life. If we all lived by the New Testament, this would be such a more awesome world. There would be no more crime, no more baby-killing, no more non-believing. It would be the world God had in mind when He created it. Too bad we messed it up so much.

as a start why don't you be the first who truely follows the new testement