Why do christians limit their reading material of extra-biblical sources?

There you go! the example that LG always uses, The failed high school dropout our one and only Iceage! He doesn't even know the freaking history of his religion, nor what is to be catholic, nor how many denominations of christiniaty exist! His is the only interpretation that is the right one, like all 34000 different sects of christianity claim to be the right one!:rolleyes:
I base a bible composed of 66 books only

M*W: I'm curious as to why christians restrict their own access to extra-biblical reading material? Many times most of us have posted bibliographies or websites as references, but how many times have christians actually looked up the references or made an effort to read them? They don't as a rule, and it becomes impossible to have a discussion with them about issues they refuse to know about much less crack a book other than their bible.

As atheists, we read their bible, and we are more familiar with it than even they are. What is it that they fear about learning?

All religionists and atheists please reply.

We christians read materials of other authorship but we scrutinize if they are valid and reliable. The doctrines we follow should and always be biblical, though most commandments we received are spiritual in nature.
Why then do christians not scrutinize their biblical texts, weighing them against archaeological evidence and the laws of physics?

Never mind. I replaced "credulous" with the word "christians" above and answered my own question. Christians have a conclusion to which they seek only data that supports their conclusion. I've read many posts of christians in this very board and they're all-too-ready to ignore science with the easy dismissal that their god is outside the scope of science. But you'll see the same christians ready to jump on any scientific knowledge or idea that even seems to support their conclusion. The ones that don't aren't even considered, out-right dismissed, or not understood.
We have seen how M.W has become since reading extra-biblical sources,lol. (joking M.W.)
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"Why do christians limit their reading material of extra-biblical sources?"

Easy: we don't.
We have seen how M.W has become since reading extra-biblical sources,lol. (joking M.W.)

M*W: Well at least I can read my friend. That is the only way to find the truth. After all, don't you guys have the gift of 'discernment?' I sure as hell did.
We scrutinize our Bible

Why then do christians not scrutinize their biblical texts, weighing them against archaeological evidence and the laws of physics?

Never mind. I replaced "credulous" with the word "christians" above and answered my own question. Christians have a conclusion to which they seek only data that supports their conclusion. I've read many posts of christians in this very board and they're all-too-ready to ignore science with the easy dismissal that their god is outside the scope of science. But you'll see the same christians ready to jump on any scientific knowledge or idea that even seems to support their conclusion. The ones that don't aren't even considered, out-right dismissed, or not understood.

We scrutinize our Bible. Who told you we don't? They are ridiculous. First thing we give important scrutiny is the Bible itself.

I've read many posts of christians in this very board ... to quote from your word, and how do you know they are christians? In fact, understand if you can...

Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: Philippians 1:15

And who are they? none other than the false christians....

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:7
I didn't read all 150 posts so if this has already been said, oh well...
I do read other things but I quickly put them down if they are not edifying. Mindless drivel does not edify my spirit. Sure I read more junk when I was younger, but now I don't.

I have an insatiable hunger for His Word and everything connected to it.

I don't need to try crack to know it's not good for me.:)
I didn't read all 150 posts so if this has already been said, oh well...
I do read other things but I quickly put them down if they are not edifying. Mindless drivel does not edify my spirit. Sure I read more junk when I was younger, but now I don't.

One can only assume you refer to anything that might actually advance your education. You've certainly shown mountains of evidence in that regard.

I have an insatiable hunger for His Word and everything connected to it.

I don't need to try crack to know it's not good for me.:)

Yet, you look out your window and are still not convinced the world is flat?
Wow... and atheists call Christians ignorant. You've automatically assumed that all Christians only read the Bible and just the Bible.

I'm Christian, and I've more than done my research... I've read all the books off all religions. I've explored the God Delusion and the such. All of which only helped confirm my faith.
Even Evangelicals looks beyond the literal word of the Bible...it's more a question of what sources they view as valid. For many, the extra-biblical sources are not literary (or historical) but social and cultural. Look at the widespread belief (in the U.S.) of the "Rapture." There is scant evidence of the Rapture in the literal text of the Bible, only vague statements. Clearly, the reason so many have gravitated to the Rapture interpretation is because they have received that interpretation from others (parents, pastors, etc), not because they are reading the literal words of the Bible and making an independent assessment.

It is interesting how different populations will classify sources as orthodox or heterodox, but I doubt there's any Christian community that really encourages its members to read the Bible and to take that as "only" source worthy of consideration. In fact, doing so would lead to a minor paradox. If your pastor tells you, "The Bible is the only source of Truth," then the pastor himself is *not* a source of truth and hence why believe his pronouncement about the Bible?
I read everything I could get my hands on until I was almost 40. Once saved, I read everything Christian I could get ahold of. I no longer read anything fiction or non-edifying. I'm not interested in those things anymore.
Wow... and atheists call Christians ignorant. You've automatically assumed that all Christians only read the Bible and just the Bible.

I'm Christian, and I've more than done my research... I've read all the books off all religions. I've explored the God Delusion and the such. All of which only helped confirm my faith.

Please expand on this. I'm interested in which books of other religions you've read, what your impression of them is and how, precisely, these have helped confirm your faith. Specifically, what of Dr. Dawkins' work confirms your faith?

Was it his detailed discussion of the roots of religious thought beginning on p. 161? Perhaps it was his thorough debunking of irreducible complexity and his criticism of the "god of the gaps" excuse (pp. 119-133)? Perhaps you gained a better understanding of morality and how this isn't a religious quality but, rather, one that religion has demonstrably mucked up over the centuries, a discussion found in chapters 6 and 7?

Surely you aren't simply going to tell us all that you're well-read and not demonstrate the extent of your literary prowness in the religious and humanist texts of humanity? If so, I call balderdash.

I read everything I could get my hands on until I was almost 40. Once saved, I read everything Christian I could get ahold of. I no longer read anything fiction or non-edifying. I'm not interested in those things anymore.

Obviously. You have a conclusion to which you only seek that data to support.

Why bother reading things that question your superstitions or enlighten your overall knowledge?

Even Evangelicals looks beyond the literal word of the Bible...it's more a question of what sources they view as valid.

An interesting point. There is no shortage of evangelical and fundamentalist literature. There is, by the way, a difference between evangelical and fundamentalist -sometimes the two are overlapping descriptors, but they are different.

[...] I doubt there's any Christian community that really encourages its members to read the Bible and to take that as "only" source worthy of consideration. In fact, doing so would lead to a minor paradox. If your pastor tells you, "The Bible is the only source of Truth," then the pastor himself is *not* a source of truth and hence why believe his pronouncement about the Bible?

Actually, I agree somewhat. I think that most religious leaders in Christian cults would prefer that their membership didn't read the Bible but rather the literature that they publish about the Bible and the so-called "word." That way, they're getting the message just as these religious leaders like it, tailored to fit their specific cult doctrines and beliefs. I'm using the word "cult" very specifically and not just as a pejorative or insulting term, its simply the most accurate means of describing the individual doctrines and beliefs that exist between different sects of Christianity.

Of course, you'll always have those that claim they follow only the Bible and its teachings and these individuals will generally refer to themselves as the "true" Christians (as if others are automatically fake or less bona fide). This puts these individuals in their own cult, ironically.
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I read everything I could get my hands on until I was almost 40. Once saved, I read everything Christian I could get ahold of. I no longer read anything fiction or non-edifying. I'm not interested in those things anymore.

M*W: Can you tell the difference between fiction and non-fiction?
"Obviously. You have a conclusion to which you only seek that data to support.
Why bother reading things that question your superstitions or enlighten your overall knowledge?"

Not true. I have read plenty and continue to do so. I'm just more selective about what I read.
Gargabe in. Garbage out.
I have no superstitions.
And I read plenty that enlightens overall knowledge.
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I no longer read anything fiction or non-edifying. I'm not interested in those things anymore.
bite your tongue woman, you lie.
you little tinker, telling such fibs.

you read the bible dont you.