Why do christians limit their reading material of extra-biblical sources?

Uh, Skin, is not this discussion related to the topic of the thread?

Please move metadiscussion about threads, moderation, and such to PMs or SiteFeedback. -SkinWalker
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But as more archaeological information is obtained, much of it confirms the Bible, and none of it contradicts the Bible, so you're screwed Skin.

M*W: It's time to get your head out of the sand. There have been absolutely NO artifacts found to confirm that Jesus, Moses, David, Solomon existed nor did the women who surrounded them. Even modern-day findings are being proven to be hoaxes like the James Ossuary, the Cave of JtB, etc. The only artifacts that can be dated and proven are those of the Egyptian pharaohs by the many names/titles that each of them held.

You make idle claims to prove your god exists, but that is only proving it to yourself. It does nothing for the rest of us. In fact, you don't even search for evidence of your own god, because you blindly believe he exists! Do some reading, my friend, and get back to the forum with some substantiated evidence for your claims. Your posts are down-right silly.
Are you not familiar with the requirements of evidence in scientific discovery? Do the words reproducible and verifiable mean anything to you? Does the concept of hypothetico-deductive methodology mean anything?

Does the underdetermination of theory mean anything to you? Hypothetico-deductive methodology is a fanciful bit of metaphysical speculation, nothing more.
But Med Woman, you foolishly say that Solomon and David lived before Moses, on what basis do you say that, and what are the dates which you think they lived in that order which you imaginatively present?
But Med Woman, you foolishly say that Solomon and David lived before Moses, on what basis do you say that, and what are the dates which you think they lived in that order which you imaginatively present?

M*W: As I've told you previously, I'm not going to re-research that data for you. You can look it up yourself by researching the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs. Until you can read something scholarly on the subject, you should keep your ignorant pie hole shut.
Hypothetico-deductive methodology is a fanciful bit of metaphysical speculation, nothing more.

In other words, a threat to the church leaders who wish their congregations to follow along blindly in ignorance with all the wonderfull things that religous dogma has given us :rolleyes:
In other words, a threat to the church leaders who wish their congregations to follow along blindly in ignorance with
their wallets and will to give just about every penny the shysters preachers can get from them! ;)
which will soon have been achieved

Digyourheadoutofyourass! It's been 1000's of year preaching this garbage, what has been atained? Wars, killing of inocent women "witches", crusades, inquisitions, the murder/tourcher/killiings of American natives, Africans, and on, n on, n on, what has christianity brought to the world but DISASTER!! :mad:
They too call themselves christian. Would you like too see the disasters other so called christians have commited?
I gather from your response that "Roman Catholicism" is not christianity. Just to clear up the issue once and for all, who are the "real" (tm) christians?
The true body of Christ, the church, is composed of those who are born again, of course, some say they are, when they're really not, so you can never know the true extent of the church.

Catholicism teaches a bunch of add ons, which are anathema according to Revelation, but there undoubtedly are many born again people under the Roman Catholic hierarchy, who remain there for various reasons.
The true body of Christ, the church, is composed of those who are born again, of course, some say they are, when they're really not, so you can never know the true extent of the church.

M*W: I thought the "church" was supposed to be steadfast and prevail beyond the gates of hell.

Sounds to me that you're judging your own kind. Didn't your god say "judge not, lest you be judged?"

It also appears that you are not completely trustworthy and sure about the cohesiveness of your own religion when you said "you never know the true extent of the church." You reek of doubt. That's a good sign. Maybe there's hope for you after all.

Catholicism teaches a bunch of add ons, which are anathema according to Revelation, but there undoubtedly are many born again people under the Roman Catholic hierarchy, who remain there for various reasons.

M*W: Your knowledge of your own faith is pitiful. Catholicism didn't "add on" anything! It was the first christian religion. (Not that I'm standing up for it). In a sense, you are right. There were "add ons," even as late as 400 AD, the early church fathers were still trying to invent catholicism. (They didn't even call it christianity back then). One of those "add ons" was inventing Jesus as divine. At the time he was supposed to have died on the cross, he wasn't divine. That was a later "add on." The trinity was a later "add on." His resurrection was a later "add on." Doesn't matter, none of it. It's all myth, but if you're going to talk about it on this forum, you need to get it right.