Why do atheists hate Jesus?

If by funny, you mean scientifically supported, then yes, it is funny.

But ignoring that bigotry-saturated statement, atheism isn't the belief in nothing, it's a rejection of belief altogether. You're thinking of either agnostics or nihilists. All of these are better alternatives to the one you so obviously and shamelessly support.

er...exactly what is scientifically supported?

You're thinking of either agnostics or nihilists.

it's a rejection of belief altogether.

you reject all belief? guess you cannot even be honest with yourself.
....atheism isn't the belief in nothing, it's a rejection of belief altogether. You're thinking of either agnostics or nihilists. All of these are better alternatives to the one you so obviously and shamelessly support.

Umm, I'm an atheist (at least I thought so) and I believe in the Big Bang and evolution. I don't have a rejection of belief.
er...exactly what is scientifically supported?

you reject all belief? guess you cannot even be honest with yourself.

God's nonexistance.

I almost included an addendum to my last comment against an outlandish and extreme derivation of this kind, but I figured surely no one will be as dull-minded as to try to pull that. There should be an understood differentiation between a belief in terms of a mere thought and belief in terms of serious application of thought grounded in no evidence. Substitute "faith" for "belief" and you've got the gist of it.
God's nonexistance.

I almost included an addendum to my last comment against an outlandish and extreme derivation of this kind, but I figured surely no one will be as dull-minded as to try to pull that. There should be an understood differentiation between a belief in terms of a mere thought and belief in terms of serious application of thought grounded in no evidence. Substitute "faith" for "belief" and you've got the gist of it.

oh so now your going to change key words in your post? your not very convincing. just remember there is nothing wrong with being an Atheist, if that is what you believe in.
Umm, I'm an atheist (at least I thought so) and I believe in the Big Bang and evolution. I don't have a rejection of belief.

Right, again with this confusion...let's substitute "faith" in for "belief" in my previous definition, I think that should clear things up.
oh so now your going to change key words in your post? your not very convincing. just remember there is nothing wrong with being an Atheist, if that is what you believe in.

Yes, because I failed to make the distinction in the first place. However, it doesn't change my argument in the slightest. If you really want me to hold your hand and walk you back, the more refined definition would be "Atheism is the rejection of faith altogether."

YOUR argument, however, suffers just as bad as it originally did. Especially considering the distinction you've insidiously used to try to negate my point!
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i think being an atheist resulted from something tragic...but if you really would read the bible, you will find a lot of insights...i have a friend who is a non believer,. she became like that because of all the challenges she had and she asks god why all of these happened to her. i think that what is stated in !Cor. 10:13 "No trial has come to but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial He will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it." i think that my friend did not found the way out and so she blames God for all of the bad things happening to her.
i think being an atheist resulted from something tragic...

Complete and utter tosh. Everyone is born atheist. At some stage in life they choose/are indoctrinated with a belief in a god - but will always remain atheist to all the other gods. It's the same with every single person that's ever existed.. They weren't born theists, they became theists.

Funnily enough, especially with born agains, they become theists because of a tragic event. You never think of ghosts while you're rational. The minute you're stuck in a creepy dark house, rationality goes out of the window and ghosts become a reality to your mind. It's the same with anything of this nature including gods. Rationality goes the way of the dodo, you become a believer.
Complete and utter tosh. Everyone is born atheist. At some stage in life they choose/are indoctrinated with a belief in a god - but will always remain atheist to all the other gods. It's the same with every single person that's ever existed.. They weren't born theists, they became theists.

Funnily enough, especially with born agains, they become theists because of a tragic event. You never think of ghosts while you're rational. The minute you're stuck in a creepy dark house, rationality goes out of the window and ghosts become a reality to your mind. It's the same with anything of this nature including gods. Rationality goes the way of the dodo, you become a believer.

Nope! posts 8 and 9.
I wouldn't say theism is irrational. It's completely rational to try to explain life and universe by referencing an omnipotent God.
Nope! posts 8 and 9.

Oh, it's a "nope!", my apologies :bugeye:

It comes down to semantics, but if we categorise an atheist as one that 'lacks a belief in gods' or 'has no belief in gods' then it stands that we are all born atheists, we just don't recognise it because we haven't been introduced to the concept of theism. It is the same for animals - they don't have a belief in gods - and thus are, by default, atheists.

The argument would come from those proposing that atheism is a denial of the existence of gods, in which case one could not be born atheist - he would have to know of gods and then deny their existence. This would be commonly regarded as 'strong-atheism' as opposed to 'weak atheism'.

It is of course noted that no child or animal would ever refer to themselves as atheist - because they are unaware of the concept of theism, but that they do happen to be classifiable as one under the basis that they don't have a belief in/lack a belief in.
I wouldn't say theism is irrational. It's completely rational to try to explain life and universe by referencing an omnipotent God.

Speaking of rational, have you ever realized that omnipotence and omniscience in the same being logically contradict one another?
I wouldn't say theism is irrational. It's completely rational to try to explain life and universe by referencing an omnipotent God.
M*W: Ah, so? Please explain how life in the universe has been from the gift of the omnipotent god. I just don't see it.
Simple. People hate what they are incapable of understanding.

Also, I presume it's much easier to just hate than to try and understand.
M*W: Yes, you are right. But what do we do about those who are incapable of understanding?
Atheists sure seem to like to make fun of God and Christians. Is there an atheists inferiority complex? You would think it was the other way around. If you are so sure God doesn't exist, then why all the bitterness?

The bitterness comes because atheism is more about rebelling against authority than anything to do with the origins of things.

Conversely Western Christianity is chiefly concerned with imposing authority.

Neither positions are very balanced.