Why do atheists hate Jesus?

Could your post be any longer?
no, thats all I had to say.
If you think people kill because of religion then that is very naive.
oh do come on, who's the naive one here, it's certainly not me, unless I live on a different planet to you. lol.
Obviously you mean 99% of the wars,
no, I mean what I said.
It could be the most motivated and motivating factor that has been taken advantage of. Was WW2 fought over religion?
well yes and no, hitler the teetotaler and devout christian, wanted to kill off the jews, and take over the world, despots normally do, but the british, and americans weren't going to allow that.
99% of killing due to religion? what about bar fights, road rage, crimes of passion - http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&...+passion&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title
yes thats the 1%, but the rest is due to religion.
It is this us vs. them philosophy that causes all the problems.
amazing how unimportant Christianity was for most of our history. I wish we would have kept it like that. I detest religions ( that does not mean I hate religious people, or hate god/gods or sons of god/gods, that would be infantile, I simply have no concept of them.) they just attract too much hatred, superstition and extremism. One would assume that people in the twenty first century should be a little too intelligent to fall for something like that. (go figure) Don't misunderstand me, I believe in morals ethics and logical thinking. But I don't need stories of water to wine, god/gods, angels and Noah with his Ark to convince me that charity is a good thing and to make me not murder my neighbour.
it's because of this irrational belief that the religious have, that makes them murder their neighbour, it's the my gods better than your god mentality, the us vs them.
for some strange reason religious people tend to dislike/hate, people of an opposing religion and even stranger, they even dislke/hate people of their own, (example mormon, catholic, etc...) anything that is anti their religion is looked upon as evil, and thus hated, hence why 99% of murders of due to religion.

I think you need to take a closer look at yours and other religions.

I am not here to argue with you, you are entitled to your opinion. WW2 was fought for one reason- Adolf Hitler. Hitler was NOT a devout Christian and there has been many who say he was into numerology\the occult etc. The Christian symbol is the cross, show me one instance where this was part of the Nazi philosophy, show me where it even shows up in photographs or on SS uniforms -


If you say that the U.S and U.K were not going to 'let him' then you must know that you are referring to two Christian nations, doesnt that tell you something and his allies were certainly not Christian. WW2 was about conquest, it was the motivating factor. The Catholic church came to despise Hitler and helped the Jewish people any chance it could get.

Any references to Christianity (if there even were any) by the Nazi's was simple deception to rally people and to appeal to that segment, which may have been very large. All you do is proliferate a lie when this folklore comes into discussions. I am sure if Hitler was successful he would have reigned in all religions, this is just common sense. Because what he would see as the biggest threat is freedom of choice.

You say 99% of murders are do to religion but what you do not want to see is that 100% of murders are committed by humans.

Hitler wanted to eradicate the Jews not because of religion but because they were successful, to him this was a threat more than who or what they worshiped, Hitler was the consummate jingoist.

t's because of this irrational belief that the religious have, that makes them murder their neighbour, it's the my gods better than your god mentality, the us vs them.
for some strange reason religious people tend to dislike/hate, people of an opposing religion and even stranger, they even dislke/hate people of their own, (example mormon, catholic, etc...) anything that is anti their religion is looked upon as evil, and thus hated, hence why 99% of murders of due to religion.

There is no truth to that at all, 90% of religious peolple are NOT extremist, just as an equally high percentage of Atheists are not either. Last night i went to a Muslim wedding and my beliefs were never even considered and i was treated as an equal.

Getting rid of religion will in no way effect the probability of war or murder. You are just not factoring in human nature. No one is stopping you from being an Atheist, and i dont say one religion is better than another either because i do not know everything.
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I am not here to argue with you, you are entitled to your opinion. WW2 was fought for one reason- Adolf Hitler. Hitler was NOT a devout Christian and there has been many who say he was into numerology\the occult etc. The Christian symbol is the cross, show me one instance where this was part of the Nazi philosophy, show me where it even shows up in photographs or on SS uniforms -
most nazi's had belt buckles with "God with us" (Gott mit uns) on them.



continues on next post.
only allowed max of three images per post so did this
most medals and insignia include the cross.



If you say that the U.S and U.K were not going to 'let him' then you must know that you are referring to two Christian nations, doesnt that tell you something and his allies were certainly not Christian.
absolute rubbish, christian nations have been at war before, protestant vs catholic etc.
WW2 was about conquest, it was the motivating factor. The Catholic church came to despise Hitler and helped the Jewish people any chance it could get.

Any references to Christianity (if there even were any) by the Nazi's was simple deception to rally people and to appeal to that segment,
oh so Hitler never believed that the german people were the chosen, the aryan race, just like the mormons, lol. he didn't incite them to war with that battle cry. oh I see.
which may have been very large. All you do is proliferate a lie when this folklore comes into discussions. I am sure if Hitler was successful he would have reigned in all religions, this is just common sense. Because what he would see as the biggest threat is freedom of choice.
You say 99% of murders are do to religion but what you do not want to see is that 100% of murders are committed by humans.
oh I agree, but they are incited by the bible.
Hitler wanted to eradicate the Jews not because of religion but because they were successful, to him this was a threat more than who or what they worshiped, Hitler was the consummate jingoist.
it had nothing to do with their killing jesus then, oh I see.
There is no truth to that at all, 90% of religious peolple are NOT extremist, just as an equally high percentage of Atheists are not either. Last night i went to a Muslim wedding and my beliefs were never even considered and i was treated as an equal.
I never said religious people arn't good people, I said 99% of murders and deaths were cause by the religious. I repeat "good people do good things, bad people do bad things, but for good people to do bad things takes religion."
Getting rid of religion will in no way effect the probability of war or murder. You are just not factoring in human nature. No one is stopping you from being an Atheist, and i dont say one religion is better than another either because i do not know everything.
when the fantasies are disregarded, there will be less wars, less murders, etc.. I agree we will never be able to stop wars and murder, but we will be able to vastly reduce it.

Your gullibility is astonishing.


I never said Hitler was an Atheist, but who cares he was a madman.

"God with us" on a belt buckle? makes one devout Christian? those crosses\ Nazi fashion statements are NOT Christian crosses.

There is one reason Hitler hated the Jewish people, the reason is obvious but if you think he was out to avenge Jesus Christ that is laughable- Do you even know about Nazism?


Put another way, what would you have like the RCC to have done to the Nazi's? Did you expecrt the Bishops (or whatever) to come out of their churches and beat them with sticks?


That Pius XII played an enormous role in saving Jews from the Nazis was well known to Zolli. He was aware that monasteries and convents in Rome and all over Italy had opened their doors to Jews at the urging of the Pope. In addition, thousands more were being sheltered by ordinary Italian Catholic families, and both the Vatican and the Pope’s summer residence in Castel Gandolfo were filled with Jews who had nowhere else to hide.

Zolli, who met Pius XII, was impressed with the Pope’s open attitude and willingness to help. The Zolli family lived underground during the Nazi occupation of Rome and saw first hand the charity of the Church in action, inspired as it was by the personal courage of the pope, who did more than anyone else at that time to frustrate the arrest and execution of European Jews. Official Jewish sources cite a figure of 850,000 Jews saved as a result of the direct intervention of Pius XII, a fact that flies in the face of the current media smear campaign directed at Pius over his alleged failure to speak out publicly against Nazi Germany’s race policy.


he and his wife converted to Roman Catholicism. Israel Zolli took Eugenio Maria as his baptismal name in honor of Pope Pius XII, who was born Eugenio Pacelli.

Zolli experienced a mystical encounter with Jesus Christ.



Don't flatter yourself, no one cares that you are an Atheist. I don't really think it matters that much. There is nothing wrong, as far as i know, with being an Atheist.

Just don't distort history/
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Geeser, Your gullibility is astonishing.
what is gullible about the truth, the gulliblity come in the denial, he was a christian.
I never said Hitler was an Atheist,
niether did I, I just pointed out, he was religious,
but who cares he was a madman.
"God with us" on a belt buckle? makes one devout Christian? those crosses\ Nazi fashion statements are NOT Christian crosses.
I knew you'd say that, denials a bitch, ain't it.
you said "The Christian symbol is the cross, show me one instance where this was part of the Nazi philosophy, show me where it even shows up in photographs or on SS uniforms", so I did, you cant have it all ways.
There is one reason Hitler hated the Jewish people, the reason is obvious but if you think he was out to avenge Jesus Christ that is laughable
wrong I never said the reason I gave was the only reason now did I.
Do you even know about Nazism?
oh yes. you do certainly need a lesson however.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazismread the part on religion, it's enlightening.
all about his Lutheran christianity.
Put another way, what would you have like the RCC to have done to the Nazi's? Did you expecrt the Bishops (or whatever) to come out of their churches and beat them with sticks?
Don't flatter yourself, no one cares that you are an Atheist. I don't really think it matters that much. There is nothing wrong, as far as i know, with being an Atheist.
who ask if anybody cared I didn't.
Just don't distort history/
no ones distorting history, but the truth does hurt, doesn't it.

however what has this to do with hating jesus, we are well off topic.
I did try to put it back on topic, a few post back.
Atheists sure seem to like to make fun of God and Christians. Is there an atheists inferiority complex? You would think it was the other way around. If you are so sure God doesn't exist, then why all the bitterness?

Are atheists in a muslim country allowed to make fun of muslims, their prophet, and their god?
Well, the concept of God, and the beliefs of Christians are ridiculous, so expect ridicule.

How could you possibly come to that conclusion, apart from through the misnomer that religion makes people better people? We ridicule you because of your blind faith and adherence to anachronistic ritual, not through some 'complex'.

Well, we can be as bitter as we like, because we aren't afraid that your sky pixie is going to make us burn in hell.

I'm not bitter, however. Religion makes me laugh quite often.

You have just confirmed the position of the starting post of the forum.

You are the exact thing you proclaim to hate.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Jesus loves me yes I know
For the Bible tells me so
But if he loves me all he can
Why burn me for eternity in a frying pan

Yes Jesus loves me
Yes Jesus loves me
Yes Jesus loves the Bible tells me so.
I doubt his views were anything like modern theism. At best, he used the metaphors of the time to preach a message that transcended such literal notions.
I doubt his views were anything like modern theism. At best, he used the metaphors of the time to preach a message that transcended such literal notions.

agreed, but he still wasn't an atheist. He believed in a higher power, which atheists don't.
Being good comes naturally? Then we would all be acting like Jesus, which just isn't the case. I've met a lot of rotten human beings who could do with some massive reprogramming.
ok lets all act like Jebus

Jesus On Peace And Love...

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother- in-law...."
..........Matthew 10:34
Atheists sure seem to like to make fun of God and Christians. Is there an atheists inferiority complex? You would think it was the other way around. If you are so sure God doesn't exist, then why all the bitterness?
b/c your bible is a load of fairy tales,MYTHS and outright lies that any modern person with at least half a brain cannot posibly take seriously as the so called Word of god,
I thought the point of atheism was disbelief in God, or disbelief in the divinity of Jesus. I never saw that as a reason to slag off other peoples' beliefs about God or the saints, if that's what they want to believe. Personally, I believe that Jesus was just a man, in no way divine, nor the son of God--because if he was, what then was the divine status or otherwise of his brothers and sisters, of whom he had several, according to the Bible? If they shared in his divinity, why not mention the fact in the Bible? If they didn't, why not? You'd have tought that if God could produce one son, he could produce a whole family of divine children.
He may not have been a Christian, but he wasn't atheist. :confused: He believed in God his Father.

That's just a tale his 'Virgin' mother snookered on the little guy when bouncing him on her knee.

'Mommy , how come the other kids say I look like Luke the camel keeper and not Joseph the carpenter?'

Mary, 'Go ask your Father'.

i dnt hate jesus i just gave up on him not answering my prayers...:( People say he doesnt answer them in 1 nite... wat about year? i no god hates me. so i have the rite 2 b mad at whoevr runs this craphole we call life.:(