Why do atheists hate Jesus?

the more refined definition would be "Atheism is the rejection of faith altogether."

YOUR argument, however, suffers just as bad as it originally did. Especially considering the distinction you've insidiously used to try to negate my point!

you dont see aspects of our humanity that require faith? i can think of at least one, so you must be wrong about that.
Atheists sure seem to like to make fun of God and Christians. Is there an atheists inferiority complex? You would think it was the other way around. If you are so sure God doesn't exist, then why all the bitterness?

to respond to the title of the thread..i think very few athiests would "hate" jesus,apart from his idea of god he was basically just a hippy.
ok, so you all say there is no god? then how come the universe existed? how come the earth is formed? i mean from two single cells, a person is born. but from where did these first two cells come from????
In my own understanding, God existed and he does not just "come from" something or someone or some sort of that...God existed before the universe even began..
In my own understanding, God existed and he does not just "come from" something or someone or some sort of that...God existed before the universe even began..

Okay, so from my understanding, the universe existed and it does not just "come from" something or someone or some sort of that...nothing existed before the universe even began..

gLy said:
In my own understanding, God existed and he does not just "come from" something or someone or some sort of that...God existed before the universe even began..
If your all atheists I suggest you do.

You know, for someone who chooses to present himself as a 'deep thinker' to this board, you sure are shallow-minded. I am an atheist and I have no over-zealous itch to rebel, except against that which you believe by no reasoning that I should blindly follow. That's not rebellion, that's having a brain.
oh..ok that's fine with me...if that's your opinion, i can't do anything about it..
oh..ok that's fine with me...if that's your opinion, i can't do anything about it..

Yeah, bummer huh? Looks like we're all hopelessly stuck with our opinions.

Oh right, unless you had scientific evidence.
That's not rebellion, that's having a brain.

Fact: Most sexual and emotional child abuse takes place in atheist families.

Child abuse amongst the clergy is only an insignificant fraction of this.

I am not a Christian.

Upon surveying 752 families at random, the researchers divided the children into those who had never attempted suicide and those who had done so at least once. The two groups, the found, differed little in age, family income,
race, and religion. But those who attempted suicide were more likely to live in non-intact family settings than were the nonattempters. More than half of the attempters lived in households with no more than one biological parent, whereas only about a third of the nonattempters lived in such a setting." Carmen Noevi Velez and Patricia Cohen, "Suicidal Behavior and Ideation in a Community Sample of Children: Maternal and Youth Reports," Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 273 [1988]: 349-356. Cited in Amneus, The Garbage Generation.
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Firstly, I'd like to see where you got this "fact".

Secondly, if we are playing the blame game, then you might as well look at the hundreds of thousands of people slain in the name of religion while you're at it. That's way more than the death toll under atheists, and that's being generous and including Hitler as an atheist.

My apologies, but I'm confused. How exactly does calling someones completely ridiculous statement 'tripe' mean I have to grow up? I would be grateful if you could explain it to me. Thanks.

Fact: Most sexual and emotional child abuse takes place in atheist families.

Fact heh? Then I'm sure you'll have no problem whatsoever pointing out your sources. Thanks.
Fact: Most sexual and emotional child abuse takes place in atheist families.

Child abuse amongst the clergy is only an insignificant fraction of this.

I am not a Christian.

This is the most ludicrous "fact" I've read on this forum in quite some time. If true, there is virtually no sexual and emotional child abuse, because atheist families are a tiny percentage of the population.

Where did you happen upon this "fact"?
yeah..but you know, science cannot answer ALL of our questions, and science and religion is not "compatible"...