Why do atheists hate Jesus?

So, you admit to indoctrinating your children with ideas of right and wrong. You just rebel against the messenger - not the message. So, why do you hate Jesus?

The real question is: Do we need religion to tell us right from wrong? I think not. Humans have morals, empathy, and conscience and all of the things necessary to decide right from wrong, without the need for religion.

I don't hate Jesus, I just wish people weren't so in your face about him. Which is really just another form of violence - impressing your will/views/judgements forcefully upon others. If I were going to be religious it would have to be Buddhism, they seem the least fervent of religious practitioners - it's either take it or leave it, they don't care either way.

I consider myself agnostic. I'd like there to be some organising theme in life that gives reason, and transcends the physicality of existence, but so far I'm unimpressed with the evidence.

And lastly, I must confess too, that I didn't have the patience to read the entire thread, so sorry if I'm reiterating old ideas...
The idea is that atheists hate the idea of Jesus. Aetheists would deny Jesus' divinity, but I doubt most would deny the existence of a historical Jesus.
M*W: That's not what you said when you made the thread. You said, "Why do atheists hate Jesus?" You did NOT specify the "idea of Jesus." But you're wrong again. Atheists don't hate the "idea of Jesus" anymore than they hate the "idea" of "Zeus," "Billy Budd," "Huck Finn," or "Tom Joad."

And atheists don't simply deny Jesus's divinity, just like the early christian church didn't acknowledge Jesus's divinity until almost 400 AD according to the will of the early church fathers.

Non-belief in something does not make it hateful or bitter.

As comment to your other thread about being able to sense things that are there, there is no way to accurately sense through human senses the actual existence of a god or other deity. Why do you think that is? They don't exist.
just like the early christian church didn't acknowledge Jesus's divinity until almost 400 AD according to the will of the early church fathers.

Did you get that from The Da Vinci Code? That is not true anyway.
Kids don't seem to exhibit the "morals, empathy and conscience" to stop from punching each other, unless their parents tell them to stop. Yes, humans do have some of those things as instincts - but it's not enough without religion.
Granted, God certainly doesn't stick his giant finger through the clouds to make himself known. However, many humans have sensed the presence of God.
No but that is a different issue. "Nature Vs Nurture". Only if nobody ever stopped their kids from punching one another would we need religion.
Kids don't seem to exhibit the "morals, empathy and conscience" to stop from punching each other, unless their parents tell them to stop. Yes, humans do have some of those things as instincts - but it's not enough without religion.

This stems from a lack of intelligence, not because there is a religion-shaped gap in their development. Unfortunately, many never outgrow this incipience and use religion to dull their minds towards it.
Yes. Of course, God is in my head. My head might be right, and it might not be. So what? Unsupervised kids might not be taught to stop punching on the playground. That's why we need religion. And how does theism stem from lack of intelligence? Jesus? Gallelio? Einstein? All lack intelligence?
Atheists hate Jesus because they disagree with his teachings...love your neighbhor like yourself, love your enemies, give freely to all, etc...these things are all nonsense and irrational to atheists....that's why they have defiled themselves with hatred....
M*W: I won't get into how these weren't the literal teachings of an historical Jesus, because you wouldn't understand it anyway. Atheists don't need a fictional messenger nor their glowing messages to love and be loved and perform acts of kindness in our human community. In fact, it seems that christians are the real breeders of hate and evil in the world.
Read the New Testament. You'll see how crafty Jesus was. Galileo was not burned at the stake, was he? And Einstein didn't believe God played dice with the universe. All smart theists.
M*W: I won't get into how these weren't the literal teachings of an historical Jesus, because you wouldn't understand it anyway. Atheists don't need a fictional messenger nor their glowing messages to love and be loved and perform acts of kindness in our human community. In fact, it seems that christians are the real breeders of hate and evil in the world.

Did'nt Christians breed you M*W? your nice sometimes.
Read the New Testament. You'll see how crafty Jesus was.
And the bible was written well after his death (if he ever existed).

Galileo was not burned at the stake, was he?
And that indicates he was religious?
No, he recanted publicly and was spared.

And Einstein didn't believe God played dice with the universe.
Ah, the famous Einstein quote... upon further checking you will find that he actually used the word as short-hand, not as a reference to any supreme being.

I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. (Albert Einstein, 1954)
I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. (Albert Einstein, 1954)

You can read that two ways-:cool:

also the more sciens reveals the structure of thw world the closer it gets to God. Personally i think he was holding back a lot.