Why do atheists compare God to Thor, Zeus, FSM, etc...?

M*W: It doesn't matter to you what anyone else has to say
Yes it matters to me, more than you know.

M*W: If you are only trying to prove god to yourself
I am not trying to prove God to anyone, I am trying to understand people, and I like to cause controversy with my statements to know the REAL personality of the people that Im talking with.

For example: a person that does not want me to be here because I speak my mind, that person is clearly threatened with my words.

M*W: Since you have all this "inner knowledge" you keep talking about, once again, why are you here?
I have some inner-knowledge, but I feel like is never enough.
Besides, I am not going to find any inner-knowledge in here, but external knowledge, inner-knowledge I have to experience by myself.

I am here because I like to learn, always, I am always seeking information, knowledge. And I may learn something here, I can learn from you.

For an honest example, from you, I have learned that sometimes when I speak of God, some people feel threatened, so I have to be more carefull on the use of the word "God".
I am not trying to prove God to anyone, I am trying to understand people, and I like to cause controversy with my statements to know the REAL personality of the people that Im talking with.

M*W: Now you've changed your tune, but I'm not buying it.

Yes, you are trying to prove a god to everyone. That's obvious. To state otherwise is lying.

You have no intention of trying to understand anyone. That is another lie.

You have no real desire to get to know anyone here, but you use controversy to trie to incite some kind of mind game. You are not a sincere person. In other words, you lie.

For example: a person that does not want me to be here because I speak my mind, that person is clearly threatened with my words.

M*W: No one has a problem with you being here. No one has a problem with you speaking your mind. No one is threatened by your words. You set out to play mind games with us, and you got caught. That's why I've asked you many times now, "why are you here?" It is obvious that you came here to play games. Sorry, but no one has time for silly mind games.

I have some inner-knowledge, but I feel like is never enough.

M*W: This statement alone tells me you are unhappy with who you are.

Besides, I am not going to find any inner-knowledge in here, but external knowledge, inner-knowledge I have to experience by myself.

M*W: My point exactly. I will ask again, "why did you come here?" if you already believe you're not going to find any knowledge here? You're very presence here is a falsehood.

I am here because I like to learn, always, I am always seeking information, knowledge. And I may learn something here, I can learn from you.

M*W: You've contradicted yourself. You "like to learn," but in your previous statement you said you "were not going to find any inner-knowledge in here." Which is it? Make up your mind, or at least be honest.

For an honest example, from you, I have learned that sometimes when I speak of God, some people feel threatened, so I have to be more carefull on the use of the word "God".

M*W: No one here is threatened when you use the word "god." There is nothing to be threatened of! There is no god, so there is no threat. Your words mean nothing. Your words are no threat. Words are words, nothing more. Using the word "god" has no implications. I use the word "god" all the time, even though I believe there is no such creature. I use the word "god" so others will understand what I'm talking about. So, don't polish your little ego believing you have all kinds of assumed knowledge and power over the rest of us. You don't.
The comparison exists, because it is a part of our human nature to ascribe the unknown human traits. As we discover and learn, we discard our gods, once we have acheived an understanding that power (fire, the seas, the sun, weather, etc....) we discard the Gods as we no longer need them. Thats all.
M*W: Now you've changed your tune, but I'm not buying it.

Yes, you are trying to prove a god to everyone. That's obvious. To state otherwise is lying.

You have no intention of trying to understand anyone. That is another lie.

You have no real desire to get to know anyone here, but you use controversy to trie to incite some kind of mind game. You are not a sincere person. In other words, you lie.
You have me all figured out don´t you? The thing is, you have only looked at me from a view formed by your own experiences, and you are reflecting yourself by judging me, because I am not those things. Don´t judge, you don´t have that capacity, no human being have that capacity, and doing so is ignorance at its best.

I have said many times I cannot prove God to you. So how can that be my purpose?

M*W: No one has a problem with you being here. No one has a problem with you speaking your mind. No one is threatened by your words. You set out to play mind games with us, and you got caught. That's why I've asked you many times now, "why are you here?" It is obvious that you came here to play games. Sorry, but no one has time for silly mind games.
I am going to be honest with you:
I am trying not to judge people because of their beliefs, that is diffucult to do; but I WILL achieve this, a non-judgemental mind, it is my goal.

I want to understand myself through you guys Med_Woman.

M*W: This statement alone tells me you are unhappy with who you are.
Again, keep judging me, that will help.
The truth is, I am a very happy person, I am not easily disturbed by someone. And I am learning, and I have a strong appetite for knowledge, that does not mean I am not happy, that is your asumption based on your own experience.

If you are not happy, then I give the best wishes for you Med_Woman, I hope that you reach inner-peace of your heart.

M*W: My point exactly. I will ask again, "why did you come here?" if you already believe you're not going to find any knowledge here? You're very presence here is a falsehood.
Maybe my presence here is a falsehood to you; that thought only affects you, not me. I am happy and learning.

M*W: You've contradicted yourself. You "like to learn," but in your previous statement you said you "were not going to find any inner-knowledge in here." Which is it? Make up your mind, or at least be honest.
Maybe I will find inner-knowledge in here, who knows?
I like contradicting myself, that means I am in another state of mind than in my first statement, that means I´m learning, and that is good enough for me.

M*W: No one here is threatened when you use the word "god." There is nothing to be threatened of! There is no god, so there is no threat. Your words mean nothing. Your words are no threat. Words are words, nothing more. Using the word "god" has no implications. I use the word "god" all the time, even though I believe there is no such creature. I use the word "god" so others will understand what I'm talking about. So, don't polish your little ego believing you have all kinds of assumed knowledge and power over the rest of us. You don't.
You are right, I have no knowledge and power over the rest of you, again, you are judging me from your own experiences, if you feel I have more knowledge than you, there is no reason to say that in a mean way.
And yes, people feel threatened with the word "God", the word itself is a mystery.
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You have me all figured out don´t you?

M*W: I say it as I see it.

The thing is, you have only looked at me from a view formed by your own experiences, and you are reflecting yourself by judging me, because I am not those things.

M*W: I have experienced a lot of things in my life. Your profile says you are 24, so you have a long way to go to catch up with me and my life experiences. I've been fortunate that I was able to see the world at your age, so my life experience aren't meager. So, don't consider my impression of you as judgmental. My children are older than you, so even their life experiences may be greater than yours. You said you were here to learn. You've come to the right place. So instead of being defensive when people try to understand you, stfu and listen.

Don´t judge, you don´t have that capacity, no human being have that capacity, and doing so is ignorance at its best.

M*W: I just explained to you about your perception of our judging you.

I have said many times I cannot prove God to you. So how can that be my purpose?

M*W: No, you can't prove god to anyone here, not just me. Well, let's see, you've been preaching, so that would seem to be your purpose to prove to us there is a god.

I am going to be honest with you: I am trying not to judge people because of their beliefs, that is diffucult to do; but I WILL achieve this, a non-judgemental mind, it is my goal.

M*W: Again, if you really want to learn and not judge others, you need to listen. You came here preaching gung-ho, but not listening. You became very defensive and argumentative. That's not going to fly here.

I want to understand myself through you guys Med_Woman.

M*W: I don't believe you. Seems you've changed your tune again. Stop playing these mind games. We're onto your game playing. The majority of members here are atheists. You say you want to "understand yourself through us." I just don't believe you are being honest. Tell us the truth. Why did you come here? Is that so hard to answer?

Again, keep judging me, that will help. The truth is, I am a very happy person, I am not easily disturbed by someone. And I am learning, and I have a strong appetite for knowledge, that does not mean I am not happy, that is your asumption based on your own experience.

M*W: Again, no one is judging you. We all have far more important things to do than play these mind games you are playing. So, you're happy. We're glad you're happy. Your happiness doesn't affect anyone of us unless it spills over in your posts in a negative way.

If you are sincere about having a thirst for knowledge, then you have come to the right place. Do you have anything specific that you would like to learn? There are enough members of sciforums that have a wide variety of knowledge bases. I can't answer every question you may have, so I don't try. Like I told you, I study christianity. I can answer generally most questions you might have on christianity. But don't ask me about Buddha or Krishna, because that is not my area of expertise. I will let you know what I think I can answer and what I can't. I know my limitations.

If you are not happy, then I give the best wishes for you Med_Woman, I hope that you reach inner-peace of your heart.

M*W: There was a time, like when I first came to sciforums, that I believed in a god that lived inside of us like we were spiritual creatures. I believed in the wholeness of the universe as being one. I believed the human race was the physical being of god on this earth. It makes for good poetry, but it has no reality.

Maybe my presence here is a falsehood to you; that thought only affects you, not me. I am happy and learning.

M*W: Your presence here doesn't affect me at all. I'm glad you're here. You say you're here to learn. I welcome that.

Maybe I will find inner-knowledge in here, who knows?
I like contradicting myself, that means I am in another state of mind than in my first statement, that means I´m learning, and that is good enough for me.

M*W: If you look for "inner knowledge," you will find it everywhere, but if you come here thinking that you are the only one of us with "inner knowledge," then you're lying to yourself.

You are right, I have no knowledge and power over the rest of you, again, you are judging me from your own experiences, if you feel I have more knowledge than you, there is no reason to say that in a mean way.

M*W: Stop with believing you are being judged. You're not. We will be honest with you, but we expect you to be honest with us. I can't speak for the other members, however. That is how I feel, but I think I understand the character of other members. So, if I sound like I'm representing the forum, I am not. I can only speak for myself.

And yes, people feel threatened with the word "God", the word itself is a mystery.

M*W: No one feels threatened with the word "god." The word "god" comes from the English word "good." There is no mystery to the word "god."

Maybe I have failed to welcome you to sciforums, but I would like to do that now. Welcome to Sciforums, Wisdom Seeker!
May your sojourn here be worthwhile.
M*W: It doesn't matter to you what anyone else has to say, so why are you here?

M*W: If you are only trying to prove god to yourself, why are you here?

M*W: Since you have all this "inner knowledge" you keep talking about, once again, why are you here?

The larger question...the question you might be asking yourself is why should you listen.

Thus far as I've seen you've excuse yourself from doing just that Medicine Woman. I believe it's all philosophical to you. Therefore what's the harm to listening to different view points?
M*W: I may be 24, but that doesn´t say a thing about me; except that I was born in a time that knowledge and literature is more accesible than in past generations, and that is increasing with the years; so I feel the younger generation have more learning opportunities than us. I like to engage in arguments about religion and philosophy with my uncles and older friends, two-way communication, not a monologue from any side.

You may think you got me all figured out, but I´m nothing like you imagine. You have never met anyone like me.
You have never answered any of the questions I have asked you honestly, even about Christianity, and you try to lower the importance of my perspective with personal attacks to me, and not my arguments; that is just useless.

Thanks for the welcoming, I really appreciate.

And there is no harm intended in my words, I can only say that I´m here to learn.