Why do atheists compare God to Thor, Zeus, FSM, etc...?

Atheists commonly use an argument like "well I don't believe in Zeus or Thor or the Flying Spaghetti Monster so God must not exist either"

It's not an argument per se. It's more of a way to point out the vacuousness of theism. There are a literally infinite number of things that might exist that we can't see or detect in any way and have zero evidence for. The point is to ask, why do you pick out just one of those things to believe in? The evidence for all of them is precisely the same: zero. So how do you choose among them?

It would be like someone saying "well I don't believe in the ether, so gravity, electromagnetism, quarks, blackholes, etc...must not exist either".

No, it would be nothing like that. There is zero evidence for ether, while there are varying levels of evidence for those other areas. You might want to get a better grasp on how analogy works; just a friendly piece of advice. ;)
why do we care so much about god belive in him or don't but stop trying to prove each other wrong.
And while you're at it stop talking about any other subject you might have interest in. Close schools, ban talking and just do whatever it is ashpwner would suggest. :bugeye:

At the end of the day Star Trek pwns Star Wars, but I would still happily debate it with a Star Wars fan. We could just leave it be but that would spell the death of conversation.
Elohim means God, but of components, three of them, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, this is why in Genesis God says "let us make man in our image."
"no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3)

try again.

It is stated Gods because at the time of writing the Jewish beleived there were other Gods but only worshipped one of them.
Atheists commonly use an argument like "well I don't believe in Zeus or Thor or the Flying Spaghetti Monster so God must not exist either"
Please indicate (a link and post-number will suffice) where any atheist on this site has used such an argument.

You have once again confused an argument against believing in your god as an argument claiming non-existence of your god.

The examples cited by atheists demonstrate that there is no more reason to believe in yours than in any of the others.

However, at no point do they cite these examples as proof / evidence / argument for the non-existence of your deity.

You continue to misunderstand the arguments presented.
You continue to incorrectly generalise about atheism and atheistic arguments because you fail to actually comprehend them.
It's not an argument per se. It's more of a way to point out the vacuousness of theism. There are a literally infinite number of things that might exist that we can't see or detect in any way and have zero evidence for. The point is to ask, why do you pick out just one of those things to believe in? The evidence for all of them is precisely the same: zero. So how do you choose among them?
The reason you can believe in one and not another is because they have different characteristics....obviously....saying they're all the same is just wrong...

Liege-Killer said:
No, it would be nothing like that. There is zero evidence for ether, while there are varying levels of evidence for those other areas. You might want to get a better grasp on how analogy works; just a friendly piece of advice. ;)
Oh so now you're saying evidence causes something to become true (another typical atheistic argument).

It is exactly like that. The point wasn't about evidence, the point was that you're taking completely different things with different attributes and characteristics and saying they're all the same......
TIt is exactly like that. The point wasn't about evidence, the point was that you're taking completely different things with different attributes and characteristics and saying they're all the same......
But they share the KEY CHARACTERISTIC of having NO SUPPORTING EVIDENCE to support their existence.

Thus why believe in the existence of any of them.

This is not to say that none of them exist - but why believe that they do?
But atheists refuse and reject any type of evidence for God or anything religious...why even ask for evidence?

Woah, you seem to possess the same mentality as Stalin....

an atheist that askes for evidence of god is not really asking for evidence, they are saying "god doesent exist and you cant prove it"

but they like to beat around the bush and spend time debating religion,

an atheist that askes for evidence of god is not really asking for evidence, they are saying "god doesent exist and you cant prove it"

I think that is a misconception on your part.
If God doens't exist, it should be evident to all, but the Atheists are so alone!
IAC - please start posting your rationale for such comments - or stop trolling.
Why should it be evident to all?
In what way would it be evident?
In what way is it evident that your god DOES exist?
If god did exist then it should be evident to all. There can be no evidence of non-existence.
We can never prove God, neither can we prove the infinity of the Universe, nor the existance or our souls.

If a skeptic have never seen the Ocean, then if someone comes and tell him there is a vast mass of water called the Ocean, the skeptic wont believe him.
But then the person comes with a drop of water from the Ocean, so the skeptic can do lab tests, and start believing in the existance of the Ocean.

The same is with us, we cannot prove the existance of our souls, but no person can deny the fact that there is life within us.

I believe this "drop of water" that is each of our lifes, is the proof of a infinite vast Ocean that we call God.
"A person can never judge the faith of others, because no human being can judge the ways of God"

Emperor Haile Selassie I
Oh good, a quote.
Faith does not desire evidence. Evidence does not need faith.
One thing atheist´s dont understand is that faith and evidence go hand by hand. It is ignorance in the interpretation of evidence and faith that gets us nowhere.
Elohim means God, but of components, three of them, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, this is why in Genesis God says "let us make man in our image."

1. So what? Romans had the triad Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. Early Hindus had the triad vedic gods Agni, Vayu and Surya. This isn't as original as you would like to believe.

2. Correct me if i'm wrong but didn't the Christian god say "...our image" in genesis while addressing angels? Especially since Jesus was not written in as yet?