Why do atheists compare God to Thor, Zeus, FSM, etc...?


Atheists commonly use an argument like "well I don't believe in Zeus or Thor or the Flying Spaghetti Monster so God must not exist either"

This argument simply makes no type of sense. Zeus, Thor, FSM, the Invisible Pink Unicorn, the Judeo-Christian God, and other Gods all have different attributes, characteristics and properties. Because they all have different characteristics, properties, and attributes, it means that one or some of them can exist , and others at the sametime can not exist.

It would be like someone saying "well I don't believe in the ether, so gravity, electromagnetism, quarks, blackholes, etc...must not exist either". What a foolish argument, gravity, the ether, electromagnetism, quarks, blackholes, etc...are all different things and have different properties, so some can exist and some also can not exist.

Why do atheists always bring up such an unnaturally foolish argument?
VitalOne, would you be surprised to learn that the best evidence we have--including scriptural evidence from the Bible--indicates that the Judeo-Christian God evolved out of one of the gods of the polytheistic Canaanite pantheon? In this light, do not the Old Testament references to gods in the plural (Genesis 3:22, 11:7) and the Commandment to have "no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3) become much more understandable?

It appears you missed the point. If there is the same amount of evidence for the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as there is for the existence of the Christian God, then it is no more reasonable to believe in the Spaghetti Monster than it is to believe in the Christian God. And vice-versa, of course.

vitalone said:
This argument simply makes no type of sense. Zeus, Thor, FSM, the Invisible Pink Unicorn, the Judeo-Christian God, and other Gods all have different attributes, characteristics and properties.
Not really. They vary in insignificant ways, but the essentials relevant to existence are pretty much common property.

vitalone said:
Because they all have different characteristics, properties, and attributes, it means that one or some of them can exist , and others at the sametime can not exist.
That would be true regardless of whether they differed in much of anything. So?
Why do we compare all of those Gods together?

Because they are all Gods, and generally the main ones in whatever religion you are taking them from. The are all essentially the same thing, just different people worship different ones. In the end, they are all just the instruments of conveying social order or explanations of yet unexplainable phenomena, so why not then group them together? Instead of having us say why we compare your God to all the other Gods, I think that you should say why your God should be different than the other ones. I really don't like that in the end I have to answer your question with another question, but maybe if you think my question over you'll see why we bunch them all together (well, actually that's probably just an idealistic notion by me...of course you'll think of something like "Oh, well my God is the just right one..." Okay...why?).
Elohim means God, but of components, three of them, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, this is why in Genesis God says "let us make man in our image."

M*W: No it doesn't. "Eloh-im" is plural, meaning several or many "Eloh" or 'gods.' This has nothing to do with the trinity as you suggest. In fact, there is no reference to the trinity in the bible. But, I will go further to state that when Genesis was being written, and NOT by Moses as many would think, it refers to the "gods" of the sky, or the zodiacal creatures, that humans were created in the image of them, the "signs of the zodiac."

I have mentioned many times before, story of A&E in the GoE were taken from the constellations Bootes (Adam, the herdsman), Virgo (Eve, the virgin) and Serpens (the serpent of Eden). If you look up these constellations, you can easily see how the myths of A&E and the GoE were made up. Suggestion: Look up the constellations of Bootes, Virgo and Serpens. I don't have the exact website just now. However, the URL below touches on my point:

IAC said:
I go with what the Bible says on this, you can write your own bible if you want.
So you are absolutely sure that the early Christians, right on the scene, who thought the Bible had been written by Satan, were completely wrong?

They did get wiped out by the rising Church, proving they were not favored by the powers that be, but is having murdered one's critics really that good a recommendation for authority in the word of Jesus Christ?
Atheists commonly use an argument like "well I don't believe in Zeus or Thor or the Flying Spaghetti Monster so God must not exist either" ...

Why do atheists always bring up such an unnaturally foolish argument?

Look to Romans 1:19-20 for the answer:

"Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse."

The atheists are running out of excuses ...
Even if it wasn't an issue of god, what's funny is I've never met a single theist that I genuinely liked or admired. They, in my opinion are disgustingly primitively emotional, some are better at hiding it than others.

It appears you missed the point. If there is the same amount of evidence for the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as there is for the existence of the Christian God, then it is no more reasonable to believe in the Spaghetti Monster than it is to believe in the Christian God. And vice-versa, of course.

But atheists refuse and reject any type of evidence for God or anything religious...why even ask for evidence?

Even if it wasn't an issue of god, what's funny is I've never met a single theist that I genuinely liked or admired. They, in my opinion are disgustingly primitively emotional, some are better at hiding it than others.
Woah, you seem to possess the same mentality as Stalin....