Why do Americans still dislike atheists?

Appearances are deceiving. Right now you can't touch dark matter or the higgs... that is truth in the present not future.
Yet you claimed: Two things we could never touch or learn how to control.

Maybe you just have difficulties with English...
Do you really believe that current wars are religious wars?
They're not like the Holy Wars of the 16th century, when all the Christians in Europe were trying to kill each other over arcana that the rest of us can't even understand. Today's holy wars have multiple causes, but the sides are aligned by religion and religion is one of the major causes.
They are wars over resources. And scientists are helping them to kill a lot more people than they would do otherwise.
But at least the work of the scientists also provides benefits to mankind. Sometimes I think the only thing religion--especially the Abrahamic varieties--does for mankind is to reinforce his Stone Age tribal instinct and encourage him to notice the differences between him and his brothers rather than the many things they have in common.
My biggest objection to Dawkins is that he poses as some kind of authority on "religion", has written several rather sophomoric books on it and teaches something related at Oxford, when in reality he's a complete layman who's largely ignorant of the deeper subtleties of the subject. I don't believe that he's ever sat through a university religion class or done very much serious and extended study of it.
One of my main objections is that he is not much of an authority on religious people. I'm sorry I can't dredge up the details after two or three years, but he once made a categorical statement about the way Christians "have always" treated other people that was complete bullshit and incredibly insulting. It's no wonder Christians hate him.
Atheists are by definition prejudiced against religious claims, because those claims are unjustified by evidence.
You're getting too accustomed to hanging around with atheists who are scientists or scientist wannabees here on SciForums. Not all atheists have scientific training, and not all understand the scientific method, much less go around enforcing it.
So your standpoint on the issue is no matter how big, small, quick, shortly lived, or monstrous the particle or whatever dark matter is we will strive for thousands of years to detect them all. Not a well thought out plan.
So your standpoint on the issue is no matter how big, small, quick, shortly lived, or monstrous the particle or whatever dark matter is we will strive for thousands of years to detect them all.
You're still having problems with English aren't you?
I never said you wouldn't see...

I know because I know one thing that can not lie. Nature itself would not lie to us if it were all in the same place. All the natural pure Elements placed side by side confined yet connected to the universe in a way no human could understand.
My position isn't in question.

“Whoever knows he is deep, strives for clarity; whoever would like to appear deep to the crowd, strives for obscurity. For the crowd considers anything deep if only it cannot see to the bottom: the crowd is so timid and afraid of going into the water.”-Nietzsche
I know because I know one thing that can not lie.
Balls. You don't know.

Nature itself would not lie to us if it were all in the same place. All the natural pure Elements placed side by side confined yet connected to the universe in a way no human could understand.
Arrant nonsense.

“Whoever knows he is deep, strives for clarity; whoever would like to appear deep to the crowd, strives for obscurity. For the crowd considers anything deep if only it cannot see to the bottom: the crowd is so timid and afraid of going into the water.”-Nietzsche
Ooh, and a meaningless quote too.
"Sharpest criticism- One criticizes a person, a book, most sharply when one pictures their ideal."-Nietzsche

Till I hear some actual sharp criticism I'm inclined to believe you have not the slightest clue of what I speak.
There is a better way to veiw our natural world than searching for the intangible to solve our misunderstandings in nature. We should view it through the eyes of nature itself not these machines. Assimilate all the elements of the periodic table into a singular object and allow them to detect the higgs and reveal dark matter. If you want the truth ask nature. I won't pretend to know all that will be revealed but to say I have an idea would not be a stretch.

The problem will always be finding someone with a high enough intellect to objectively understand my standpoint. So far only a couple grasp the idea to an extent worthy of any merrit. None are among us.