lol no man replace "need" with "want", i've been over this with sarkus and have linked it.
Please note that there is a vast difference between "been over this with..." and "shown my point to be correct..."
Yes, we discussed this, but no - you didn't demonstrate your case then nor now.
Want and Need stem from the same lack.
You failed to grasp this when I raised it - and you still fail to grasp it.
I didn't respond to your last post (that you quoted here) because I grew tired of the thread and that line of discussion. Apologies if you took this to be you demonstrating your correctness - because it wasn't.
If anything your last post just confirms that you only look at the surface rather than the necessary detail.
scifes said:
hunger is an imperfection requiring the need food.
so when people need food, do they want the same food?
When people hunger that hunger is a single want/need.
What they would prefer to fill that want/need is a separate issue.
If I choose to fill it with a curry it is because I have another want/need for the taste of curry.
If you choose to fill it with vanilla ice-cream it is because you have another want/need for that taste / texture etc.
Naturally we prioritise wants/needs, some being very temporary (the sudden urge for chocolate that dissapears almost as quickly) and others more long lasting.
So how we fulfil the greater need (e.g. hunger) is determined by other needs of lesser priority.
why do people fulfill their needs in different ways? why do they want different things yet the imperfection is the same?
The greater imperfection (hunger) might be the same, but the less imperfection / less-strong need might be different (e.g. need for chocolate rather than bread).
aren't they expressing their individuality? their personality? their selves? their existence? who they are?
Personality is determined, in part or in whole, by our needs. One could argue that
every action is carried out due to a need. I am typing as I feel the need to respond to your post, for example. I walk from point A to B to fulfil another need etc.
Since we are all wired differently and have different experiences, our needs are all different, especially on the less-significant / important level.
Yes, we all need food when we're starving... but we also have lesser needs that shape how we fulfil that greater need. It is from these lesser needs that one could argue our personality is built and expresses itself.
can't one express who is without having a need? show how he is different without answering for an imperfection? making a choice because he explicitly wants to, with 0% needing to?
If he has no needs - then why the need to show who he is, or to show how he is different?
can't a perfect being EXIST?
why? is it because we haven't seen one?
is it because we haven't BECOME one?
We are all perfect.
You are perfectly you.
I am perfectly me.
We are already perfect for who we are.
You may be looking at perfection as a being with perfect eyesight, perfect teeth, perfect happiness, perfect X, Y, Z.
This sort of "perfect" being cannot exist - quite simply 'cos there are contradictory values which he would have to be perfect in - or else it would require someone to subjectively choose between the values and determine "which is better". Is a being with "32 perfect teeth" better than a being with "30 perfect teeth"? Or a being with no teeth?
This sort of perfection is meaningless - until you strip away all contradictory values. At that point you are left with a perfect being... with no values... nothingness.
The other sort of perfection is whether the object is perfect for what it is.
A spanner is perfect for an object called a spanner that does what a spanner does.
A human is perfect in the way that it does what humans are supposed to do.
I am perfect in that I act, look and behave perfectly in line with how I am supposed to.
You are perfect as you act, look, behave perfectly as you are supposed to.
if your brain fails to make one up, does that mean it doesn't exist?
Last question is a strawman - seeking to raise an argument that has not been made. Please refrain from such.
However, please bear in mind that this is in response to the idea of a perfect being - not merely an omniscient entity (per the thread title) - so may be somewhat off-topic.