Why did god design men to have nipples?

In the Aka tribe, men use their nipples to keep babies quiet while the women go hunting.
Maybe God made nipples for the Aka tribe.

They are an interesting people. Men and women are equal,
and they have no leaders as such.
Everyone does much as they please. Even children.
Because it is accepted that Children can do as they wish, it isn't a problem.
There are only about a thosand of them, so perhaps there is a flaw in their Strategy.
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Stop being indecent and cover up your breastesses. I suggest a polka-dotted bikini/bra combo.
She means that science cannot answer questions of sentient intent applied 'behind' behavior
s of reality... in other words science cannot answer stupid questions.

not stupid questions, just stupid scientists like bugs trying to comprehend the universe.
In science how is why. :scratchin:

No its not; how is the process, why is the reason; science can attempt to explain a process, but it cannot explain why a process happens. e.g. why is there a universe, a sun, gravity, attraction between opposites, two electrons in the first orbital, energy, laws of physics, etc.
No that is not the real question because I didn't ask that question.
Yes, that is the real question because by asking asking the question the implication exists that the answer isn't obvious (otherwise, why ask). In light of the fact that the question is preposterously easy to answer it negates its feasibility as the real question (since difficulty in answering it is inherent in the asking). Since the question you asked is not the real question I submit that the real question is why evolution would give men nipples, since they are, as you state, "useless." Why would something useless get selected for?
Now can you answer the question or not? why did your god give us useless crap such as nipples on a male and tail bones?
1. He likes how they look.
2. He likes to keep humans guessing.
3. He works in mysterious ways.
4. Mens nipples have an as of yet undisclosed role in the apocalypse.
5. God has nipples and man was created in his image
6. The only reason women have nipples is because men do.
Or make up your own reason...Like I said, its preposterously easy.
So answer the real question. In light of the fact that mens nipples are useless why would evolution select for it?
not stupid questions, just stupid scientists like bugs trying to comprehend the universe.

Those stupid scientests. What are they thinking practicing science?!?! Sounds like we should let the bugs do it for us and spend out time believing all thoughts coming from our imagination are fact.