Why did god design men to have nipples?

So we can have them pierced and get the girlies turned on. :rolleyes:
I think you're just indulging in pointless speculation. Because one answer could be.


Thats it. There is no need for a reason.

However, if empirically, you feel that everything in the world should be there for a reason, you can devise a hypothesis and test it; however, you still have to realise that your hypothesis is based on the assumption that there is nothing in the universe without reason.:)

You're a Muslim right? So you're saying that your God decided to give us a useless tail bone, for no reason at all?

If we're to believe creationism God designed us thus designed us to have all these useless features. For a decision there is always a reason... unless God acts totally random.
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You're a Muslim right? So you're saying that your God decided to give us a useless tail bone, for no reason at all?

I'm saying that its not something I concern myself with, unless there is a reason to. (e.g. if I were to meet a man with 3 nipples or zero nipples)

Otherwise, its just idle speculation like harping on the function of the appendix. Not required except to avoid peritonitis.

If we're to believe creationism God designed us thus designed us to have all these useless features. Why the heck would he do that.

You could go one step further and ask why he did it (created anything) at all? Why anything?
I'm saying that its not something I concern myself with, unless there is a reason to. (e.g. if I were to meet a man with 3 nipples or zero nipples)

Otherwise, its just idle speculation like harping on the function of the appendix. Not required except to avoid peritonitis.

Why would God design humans to have a useless tail bone? If there is no logical explanation creationism doesn't work.

You could go one step further and ask why he did it (created anything) at all? Why anything?

Another flaw in creationism. But this thread is not about that.
Why would God design humans to have a useless tail bone? If there is no logical explanation creationism doesn't work.

Perhaps your desire for a logical explanation is illogical.:p

Another flaw in creationism. But this thread is not about that.

Hmm why do you need to seek flaws to convince you of anything? Why not just say, I don't agree with this, so it is unacceptable to my beliefs? You cannot find evidence under all circumstances; you can't even apply empiricism under all circumstances. Much of life is ridiculous and illogical.
Sigh... I'm not sure what you mean... are you saying that I should just accept any theory just because I like it and not test it for its validity?

And life isn't illogical, but maybe it is to someone that doesn't like to use logic to relate to the world using logic but instead use emotions, like females in general seem to do.
Sorry for butting in but what has reason then ? Is there reason to believe in a God ?
Sorry for butting in but what has reason then ? Is there reason to believe in a God ?

Nothing has reason according to SAM's logic apparently because decisions needing a reason is "unsupported" according to SAM.