Why did god design men to have nipples?

Oh I see. Well in that case, if we cannot truly comprehend him, why should one bother with any thoughts of him beyond what you've just told me?

Because his presence and creation are not denied. The detail, however, such as looks, remains unknown.
Wow, that raises serious questions for any believer. If there was a god and the Bible is a its story, then it says that man was made first and woman followed.

So, if man was made first, there would be no reason to have genetils or nipples. So, did man used to not have either?

When God put man to sleep to take a rib and make woman, is that when God put genetils and nipples on?

Or, did God know what he was doing in the first place...and knew that it was going to make a female? But, if that's the case, why not make them both right away, why put Adam to sleep, take a rib, and make Eve??

Something's fishy here...
Men's nipples are useless. So did he put them on just because he liked the sight of them?

Eventually women will get tired of breastfeeding; at that point they will lodge a formal complaint with God and ask for equal division of nastiness (menstrual cramps, PMS, pregnancy and labour, breastfeeding and nipple sores); in order to prepare for that exigency, God has provided men with nipples, giving them the choice of selecting the least icky one.
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And we all know atheists and whatnot are too stubborn to change their mindset.

What astounding ignorance. It's not a case of wont, it's a case of can't.

it is safe to say through our beliefs that God has no gender and is nothing like his its creation.

If this god of yours has no gender, stop calling it "he".
I'm still waiting for a theist with a reasonable explanation... all I've seen is theists avoiding the main question and making off-topic posts.

What about our tail bone? Why would we have that according to you creationists?
Looks more like evidence for evolution to me...
I'm still waiting for a theist with a reasonable explanation... all I've seen is theists avoiding the main question and making off-topic posts.

What about our tail bone? Why would we have that according to you creationists

You are assuming that everything has a reason. Why?
Wow, that raises serious questions for any believer. If there was a god and the Bible is a its story, then it says that man was made first and woman followed.

So, if man was made first, there would be no reason to have genetils or nipples. So, did man used to not have either?

When God put man to sleep to take a rib and make woman, is that when God put genetils and nipples on?

Or, did God know what he was doing in the first place...and knew that it was going to make a female? But, if that's the case, why not make them both right away, why put Adam to sleep, take a rib, and make Eve??

Something's fishy here...
M*W: The whole story of A&E is fishy, because it's a fish tale.
I'm still waiting for a theist with a reasonable explanation... all I've seen is theists avoiding the main question and making off-topic posts.

What about our tail bone? Why would we have that according to you creationists?
Looks more like evidence for evolution to me...

Have you no sense of irony whatsoever? You start out this thread by pointing out that mens nipples are useless and this is an argument against creationism?

The real question is why do men have nipples if evolution is true?
Because his presence and creation are not denied. The detail, however, such as looks, remains unknown.

Not denied by what...a holy book written in its name?

And this is now my objection to what you've said:

Undoubtedly, the concept of God has laudability ingrained into it. But how can you be sure this deity is worthy of worship if you can't even begin to speculate his qualities?
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Have you no sense of irony whatsoever? You start out this thread by pointing out that mens nipples are useless and this is an argument against creationism?

The real question is why do men have nipples if evolution is true?

No that is not the real question because I didn't ask that question. Now can you answer the question or not? why did your god give us useless crap such as nipples on a male and tail bones?
I love this thread. Because you will one day become a woman and nurse babies.

No, because you were a girl first before turning into a boy with your privates turned inside out.
Can it be explained using the creationist theory? We are discussing the truthfulness of creationism here, not the theory of evolution. Don't go off topic just because you can't answer my question in a way that suits your beliefs.
No that is not the real question because I didn't ask that question. Now can you answer the question or not? why did your god give us useless crap such as nipples on a male and tail bones?

I think you're just indulging in pointless speculation. Because one answer could be.


Thats it. There is no need for a reason.

However, if empirically, you feel that everything in the world should be there for a reason, you can devise a hypothesis and test it; however, you still have to realise that your hypothesis is based on the assumption that there is nothing in the universe without reason.:)