Why did god design men to have nipples?


Worship me or suffer eternally
Valued Senior Member
Men's nipples are useless. So did he put them on just because he liked the sight of them?
It is possible that god might be gay ? Hell, i don;t know, maybe he wanted us to be embarassed

"Because God's gay." I like the answer.

He did make a lot of flowers and cute baby animals
and fluffy clouds are a bit gay
so there might be something in that.

Imagine if they could prove it.
There'd have to be a lot of backtracking by Christians and Muslims then, wouldn't there?
another good question, why would a god design humans with a tail-bone?
Yet we all have one? (coccyx)
"“Your so-called ‘answer’ on male nipples simply side-steps the real question. Why would God create male animals with nipples? Did Adam have nipples? Surely not, as Eve hadn't even been thought about at that stage.

“Genesis 1 states that the animals were created before Eve. Did the males of the animal species created by God for Adam’s amusement have nipples? I believe that the creation ‘theory’ cannot explain male nipples at all, without attempting to fathom the mind of an invisible, unknowable creator. Evolution theory on the other hand easily explains male nipples.

“Surely decent with modification from a common ancestor would necessarily mean that at a certain stage in evolution there was only one precursor to both males and females. Hence both males and females possess the same common genes some of which are expressed more in females others more in males due to survival pressure and natural selection. Evolution has split animal species into male and female having common ancestral genes. Your explanation actually supports the evolutionary explanation rather than any biblical one.

“Sorry, good try but scientifically and logically … no points!



Because it would be weird if they didn't have nipples. Aesthetics. But mostly it's because if babies didn't start with nipples, it would be hard for God to suddenly change the baby into a female if he decided that he didn't want to make a male. God never knows if he's gonna make a male or female... he has not made up his mind, he makes it up as he goes along.
Because it would be weird if they didn't have nipples. Aesthetics. But mostly it's because if babies didn't start with nipples, it would be hard for God to suddenly change the baby into a female if he decided that he didn't want to make a male. God never knows if he's gonna make a male or female... he has not made up his mind, he makes it up as he goes along.

you're kidding right
Because it would be weird if they didn't have nipples. Aesthetics. But mostly it's because if babies didn't start with nipples, it would be hard for God to suddenly change the baby into a female if he decided that he didn't want to make a male. God never knows if he's gonna make a male or female... he has not made up his mind, he makes it up as he goes along.

So god plays dice.......... with babies?
"Because God's gay." I like the answer.

God is not in the form of a human; how God looks/thinks is completely above our comprehensive capabilities.

He did make a lot of flowers and cute baby animals
and fluffy clouds are a bit gay
so there might be something in that.

Does appreciating flowers and cute babies make me gay? Certainly not. What a very stereotypical post, Mr. Chris Chremin.

Imagine if they could prove it.
There'd have to be a lot of backtracking by Christians and Muslims then, wouldn't there?

Yeah, if they did prove it, they would acknowledge that God in fact did exist. And we all know atheists and whatnot are too stubborn to change their mindset.
I once read a book titled "Why Do Men Have Nipples?" Of course, it didn't mention this as an argument against God but it also didn't clear him of any rumors concerning his homosexual tendencies either...I'm afraid of omniscience now.
God is not in the form of a human; how God looks/thinks is completely above our comprehensive capabilities.

Yeah, if they did prove it, they would acknowledge that God in fact did exist. And we all know atheists and whatnot are too stubborn to change their mindset.

A big "if" there, especially to be followed by such a strident criticism. And if God is completely above our comprehensive capabilities, how then are you able to say what you do about him so comprehensively?
A big "if" there, especially to be followed by such a strident criticism. And if God is completely above our comprehensive capabilities, how then are you able to say what you do about him so comprehensively?

I don't know anything about how God looks, which is what I am admitting. Allah says that he is in no way like his creation, which is why I, and Muslims, don't depict God as an elderly man with a snow white beard. I am uncertain of the Christian and Jewish interpretation of God, but speaking on behalf of Islam, it is safe to say through our beliefs that God has no gender and is nothing like his creation. If he is not of his creation, then it is something we cannot truly comprehend, because it is nothing like what we've seen.

“Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the eternal and Besought of all!
He begets not, nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him.”
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I don't know anything about how God looks, which is what I am admitting. Allah says that he is in no way like his creation, which is why I, and Muslims, don't depict God as an elderly man with a snow white beard. I am uncertain of the Christian and Jewish interpretation of God, but speaking on behalf of Islam, it is safe to say through our beliefs that God has no gender and is nothing like his creation. If he is not of his creation, then it is something we cannot truly comprehend, because it is nothing like what we've seen.

“Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the eternal and Besought of all!
He begets not, nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him.”

Oh I see. Well in that case, if we cannot truly comprehend him, why should one bother with any thoughts of him beyond what you've just told me?