Why Can't Whites Use the Term, "Nigger"

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duendy said:
it is hillariously ironic that those people who claim people and groups of people have low IQs are ALWAYs the thickest Mfkers on the block. And even funnier, don't even know they are!
NO ONE, not the NAACP nor the United Negro College Fund, nor NEA had been able to develop an intelligence test which shows Blacks and Whites scoring equally. All test of ANY kind have constantly shown blacks to have lower intelligents on average.
Dr Lou Natic"

I call everyone nigger, black, white and miscellaneous.

What gets me is how its "hilarious" when a black person calls a white person honky or cracker.
What is it with whites that makes them fair game for any and everything? Is it because we just don't care or would it not matter even if we did care?

clearly lou doesnt understand than in this situation the black person would be racist.

anyone who doesnt understand how black people sayin ni99a and white people call them ni99er didnt grow up in a city. maybe there are a few white city kids that where sheltered in a racist home but if you grow up in a city with black people, you understand what the problem is.
Time to educate the people of sci-forums....
And by the looks of the previous posts….ignorance is bliss. I never would have expected so much hatred from certain members, such as J.B, I’m very disappointed. Come on, how are you going to say that African-Americans have low I.Q’s. You can’t judge people as a whole, you know as well as I do that you have to do it on an individualistic basis. And as you may or may not realize, it’s all perception and illusion anyways. You have to analyze things on another level, rather than allowing you’re emotions to judge your logic. Many of your explanations have logical fallacies. Education and perspective are some of the greatest tools that need to be utilized in order to stop ignorance in its path. But to the point…..
Well, first off, the term is "nigga"...not "nigger", just to get the first fact straight. Anybody would get offended if you called them a "nigger". Personally, I do not feel that the term "nigga" should be used in the first place; black to black, white to black, etc. Some of my friends claim it is a term used like "yo" which is originally derived from the term "you", but anyways... Here is a question for the "white folks" in here....aside from the fact that the term should not be used by anyone, period (I'll explain later), why do you feel that YOU should use the term at all? Do you use it to fit in...to sound "cool"? Ignorance is ignorance, no matter who it's coming from (which I'll also explain later). The term has a deep history that has negative connotation. The term was derived from an African term that classified the people of Africa (based upon geo-evolutionary terms). When it was used in this matter, it was used in order to classify us as people....which the Caucasians defined as those who were intellectually as well as physically inferior to those of the Caucasian descendant. So by this time, the term had lost its primary meaning, in which will never become that of its primary origin. (Which now brings me to my next point). I understand that people want to establish equality and form a "brotherhood", but there are many things that have to be taken care of before this can endure. As for our black youth (and noticed I said black youth because it is the younger generation...my generation....that has coined the term) that have defined (or has attempted to) the term in a new way. It is used, supposedly, to define our brothers (African-American males) as a unit (which will actually bring upon my next point). Ignorantly enough, by using this term in this way, it pretty much suggests its initial meaning (an unintelligent person of darker pigmentation). That’s why I do not feel that anyone should use the term. No matter who uses it, it has the same meaning, no matter how you spell it or who says it. You have to put things into perspective, as well as integrate the facts logically. If you don’t you will be just as ignorant as anyone else. Knowledge is the key. I, being an intelligent black male, know that many people are full of hatred…black, white, etc. It is up to those who are intelligent to educate those who are not as intelligent, for the simple reason that it will help to ensure in the survival of humanity. Intelligence is a gift, use it wisely.
J.B said:
You don't need a test, just look how the negros has lived there lives.

very....very disappointed. I expected better of you. How can you say such a thing, knowing that judging someone as a group is flat out ignorant. You knowas well as I do that there are people who are doing well and those who are not in all races. If an individual is ignorant than say that, but you know as well as I that you can't judge, or rather assume the worst of a person just because the look a certain way. That's the same problem most people have....judging someone by appearance, assuming certain things about someone. You're only limiting yourself trying to limit others around you.
RicD said:
Why Can't Whites Use the Term, "Nigger"

Hmmmmm, I blame humans in general. I blame them for being human. Jeferson declared "All men should be equal" whilst 'owning' 200 black slaves.

I agree that we seem to be in a society (United Kingdom and no doubt America too) where, whites cannot do enough for Asians/Blacks/Chinese - pretty much all non white people! Why? Because of how our past white leaders have demoralized non-white people.

Its not about a white guy calling a black guy a nigger. Its about how aboriginies were classed as animals up till the late 1960's, and all the rest of it, how white people practically own Europe now.

1000 years ago whites were doing just the same thing in the middle east as they are now in 2004, taking the f**king place over, but hold on...

2000 years ago, the black people of the middle east were fighting each other over their "differences" in religion, just as they do now! I think I see a pattern here! Yes, HUMANS are to blame, for being so f**cking STUPID.

Whatever skin colour or culture/zany beliefs they have. To me, a black person being "offended" by getting called nigger is just as stupid as the person calling it them, and they need their heads banging together!

Political corectness has gone too far and its pretty much how Thor says it is. I think people should accept other peoples beliefs no matter what they are, as long as they dont impose those beliefs on others, which when some faiths (whether their members are black or white is not relevent here) force their children into marriage you can see how other faiths would oppose this totally.

Thor, I know what you mean about KC and 1994 :( It is a common misconception to be utterly hygienic, but this is not necessary. When you are too hygenic you have little immmunity to diseases. Yet someone unhygenic would be labbeled a "dirty bastard" or something and how much would it hurt that person? Its the same as racism.

Racism is an illusion, the focus on black/white, good/evil and nothing in between - thats the illusion. Bill hicks once said something just great to his audience...

"You morons, you FUCKING morons"

Sorry if that offends anyone. He also said we are a "virus with shoes" which sums humans up quite well, we are ALL greedy, white, black, yellow, greedy humans living in a materialistic world of complexity where endless racism and discussions on racism can take place. If we are going to generally be this way as humans then what the f**k do people expect?! Too much greed in the world for equality.

Thor said:
This isn't my point, it's the fact that if someone came up with the idea of having a White Music Awards, someone, somewhere is gonna get sued. But a Black Music Awards...well, that's fine now isn't it. It's all this positive discrimination. It's not right and it's not fair. Discrimination is discrimination. Someone is losing out. If a minority person is promoted over a majority person just because they're a minority person then that is wrong, especially if the minority person is crap at what he/she does.

I once complained about a school teacher once (minority teacher) as I was not learning nor was I getting any help when I asked for it. I was told to stop being racist and get on with it. I nearly failed that year and was kept in the lower skill class all because of some politically correct retard who thought I was being racist.

I know what it is like to be in a minority. I was bullied all the way through school because of it. I'm a minority because of my culture (music, dress sense, etc, etc...people labelled me a Grunger when in fact I haven't seen a real grunger since 1994). But I believe that everyone should be equal, no-one should be less inferior to others just because they are different (unless they want to go around killing people, then I say slap him about a little).
You have to understand, that by analyzing such shows, there aren't many categories, etc. in which minorities are rewarded for their efforts. I have to agree with you on your situation. It is wrong to call you racist because out of coincidence, the teacher that couldn't teach was a minority. I also understand and agree that a person should be evaluated on thier skills (intelligence, etc.), not because of appearance. This usually shows that these people believe completly in the stereotypes of a person (as a race) and limit that person's ability to obtain a position (because the person judging the other individual has the power to promote that person). yes you have some valid points
Enigma'07 said:
I don't get why black people go flying off the wall if a white person calles them a nigger, but if a fellow black person calls them that it's no big deal. (extream confusion)

in my opinion, no one should be using words attached to racial discrimination period. you will not desensitive people. it wont work. people need to accept responcibility and awareness in order to free future generations for racial indignities even if that means that EVERYONE gets together and agrees we should not use hurtful race related terms and therefor teach our babies to use racial slang when referring to other human beings. otherwise the reason whites cant use the n word is because when we invented and used it most was when we were committing attrocities against africans imported as slaves against their will duh.
X-Bishop said:
Time to educate the people of sci-forums....
And by the looks of the previous posts….ignorance is bliss. I never would have expected so much hatred from certain members, such as J.B, I’m very disappointed. Come on, how are you going to say that African-Americans have low I.Q’s.
I wonder why you responded to J.B's statement and not this evidence?

"NO ONE, not the NAACP nor the United Negro College Fund, nor NEA had been able to develop an intelligence test which shows Blacks and Whites scoring equally. All test of ANY kind have constantly shown blacks to have lower intelligents on average".
Big D said:
NO ONE, not the NAACP nor the United Negro College Fund, nor NEA had been able to develop an intelligence test which shows Blacks and Whites scoring equally. All test of ANY kind have constantly shown blacks to have lower intelligents on average.

OK big d...i am presuming you are white, right?
And, the implcation--seeing you are putting all the suff out--using your energy up--is that YOU ARe intelligent, yeah?

you you believe you are white and more intelligent than black people. am i there?

so how comes i can SMELL you are as think as two short planks? i dont even have to GIVe you your belssed IQ test to even know that. just you being herer spouting this bolloks TELLs me that.

For example mw clever-dick. who INVEVTEd yer blessed IQ test? ........(big silence....whoooshing wind),,let me guess, WHITE man? ...am i right? surprise sur-fukinprise. A whiteman has devized A test to show that they are more intelligent than black people

but you know what Big D. that test isn't worth the paper its printed on. it MEANS absolutely nothing. the fact you dont knw that is revealing your un-intelligence

white people like yourself, with your bits of paper, and your silly 'rational' tests are truly the most dense fkers on the planey. you have no intuition, natrual rhythym, musical ability, love, sensuality, LIFE. you are as dead as your silly tests....if i haven't convinced you, dont worry i will keep trying
here's hoping my spelling's a bit better. when i get angry like idiots like Big D make me. my bad typing skills get worse

ok, about 'NIGGER' and the whites here wondering just WHYYY it should upset balck people so much when white people use that term....?ooooooowhat CAN it BEEE?

so lets look....it first needs EMPATHY (is that skill on yer stupid IQ test hey D?)...feeling being a black person. so pretend that you have come to these forums to participate, and some geek is actuallly believing that black pople are not as intelligent than he is/and white people. how would that FEEL? how would you feel if it were an all-black forum and you got that shit? just be honest. you'd feel pretty fukin pissed off, and resentful, no?
then imagine for therer one of them whites calls you a 'NIGGER!!' too. and you've just come from another forum where the idiots there are saying the balck people are looking more like APEs than white people with their precious pink arses. how woul you feel then if the next white dude called you a 'NIGGER!!!!'..would you be all understanding and think...'ahhh, he just means it like my homies"..?.--if you happened to be into hip hop and spoke like that that is...or would you feel angry, and hurt. BE honest?

for when that word is spoken by your average whitmean, BEHIND that word is all the prejudice we are being witness too at some of the threads in these forums

it's you WHITEs who have ******** that word. NOt black people. so shut the fuk up and dnt even think to use it to a black person if you value you your life

also, i was thinking. just what would piss a WHITEman off..what term.i mean 'honky' isn't gonna do it. many of you are seemingly so arrogant about your superiority, that wouldn't mean much. now 'whitey'
what about 'little'? would you like that. cause that's what you are when you come out with some of the racist crap yer cming out with--backed up with your white man's IQ test

do you know who created tests including IQ tests?...the MIDDLE CLASSES is who. those unspekable farty arsed superiors, so as to keep the 'riff raff' and 'commoners' out of their sects. fuck THEM is what i say
duendy said:
For example mw clever-dick. who INVEVTEd yer blessed IQ test? ........(big silence....whoooshing wind),,let me guess, WHITE man? ...am i right? surprise sur-fukinprise. A whiteman has devized A test to show that they are more intelligent than black people
That White mans IQ test is saving the lives of many negro's.


It seems that when a negro is on death row all blacks believe in the IQ test then.
so 'mental retardment'....and from the glimpse i took i am gueesin that if defined as that they dont get 'fryed' right. so in a sindey way you are puttin it that white-man's test Is 'good' cause it is keeping 'slow' black dudes living on death row
woooooo, are we IQ smart or what?

look man. forget you ridiculous shit IQ. rather learn why it is there is such a prepondrance of balck and ethnic people In the fukin whiteman's jails yeah? why it is there is so much ghetos and violence and inequality. now THat takes intelligence, and insight. the IQ is worth shit.
Bet you many SS in nazi Germany would have scored highly on it (in fact it could even be connected with that. i have all about this in my notes somehwere(...so what does that prove?!
duendy said:
and you've just come from another forum where the idiots there are saying the balck people are looking more like APEs than white people with their precious pink arses.
I myself prefer the pink arses, then the black arses.

Or is that not alright with you too?
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