Why Can't Whites Use the Term, "Nigger"

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Well from all the responses I have read here, and I did not get through them all, it looks like the majority of posters here are rather light-skinned. So it seems like we are unlikely to have much perspective on this topic.

As far as the use of the "nigger" word by whites to address a black person - common sense tells you not to go there. In the US, I think that it will take many generations for the stigma of segregation and racism to heal. It won't happen overnight. So I avoid the word out of deference to blacks who suffered during that terrible era here in the US.

I doubt that I am alone - think that's the main reason why it is avoided.
From my perspective, if you call some one a certain name and others call you that name, then why can't I call you that name?
it all just comes down to the impression people get from the person who is calling them a name. for instance, if you use an insult against a friend, but as a joke, its usually taken that way. but if a stranger was to do the same it would probably be taken as an insult. words dont always have the same context. i think thats the major cause of the differences in the use of the word 'nigga'.
mza on top of it again,

like i said here before, i'm white and i can call my black best friend 'nigga' all day if i want. but i sure as hell am not gonna say that to some black person i don't know. it's all about context and environment you're in.
Why Can't Whites Use the Term, "Nigger"

Hmmmmm, I blame humans in general. I blame them for being human. Jeferson declared "All men should be equal" whilst 'owning' 200 black slaves.

I agree that we seem to be in a society (United Kingdom and no doubt America too) where, whites cannot do enough for Asians/Blacks/Chinese - pretty much all non white people! Why? Because of how our past white leaders have demoralized non-white people.

Its not about a white guy calling a black guy a nigger. Its about how aboriginies were classed as animals up till the late 1960's, and all the rest of it, how white people practically own Europe now.

1000 years ago whites were doing just the same thing in the middle east as they are now in 2004, taking the f**king place over, but hold on...

2000 years ago, the black people of the middle east were fighting each other over their "differences" in religion, just as they do now! I think I see a pattern here! Yes, HUMANS are to blame, for being so f**cking STUPID.

Whatever skin colour or culture/zany beliefs they have. To me, a black person being "offended" by getting called nigger is just as stupid as the person calling it them, and they need their heads banging together!

Political corectness has gone too far and its pretty much how Thor says it is. I think people should accept other peoples beliefs no matter what they are, as long as they dont impose those beliefs on others, which when some faiths (whether their members are black or white is not relevent here) force their children into marriage you can see how other faiths would oppose this totally.

Thor, I know what you mean about KC and 1994 :( It is a common misconception to be utterly hygienic, but this is not necessary. When you are too hygenic you have little immmunity to diseases. Yet someone unhygenic would be labbeled a "dirty bastard" or something and how much would it hurt that person? Its the same as racism.

Racism is an illusion, the focus on black/white, good/evil and nothing in between - thats the illusion. Bill hicks once said something just great to his audience...

"You morons, you FUCKING morons"

Sorry if that offends anyone. He also said we are a "virus with shoes" which sums humans up quite well, we are ALL greedy, white, black, yellow, greedy humans living in a materialistic world of complexity where endless racism and discussions on racism can take place. If we are going to generally be this way as humans then what the f**k do people expect?! Too much greed in the world for equality.
If a complete stranger walked up to me, and called me a kike, I'd assume he was trying to get to me before taking it as a friendly joke. No way of telling, so its safer to assume the worst. He knows I will assume the worst, so he doesn't.

If it were a close friend that I trusted, I'd assume the opposite.

You can't use strong words like 'nigger' or 'kyke' around the 'great unwashed' because our differences are still apparent in some subtle ways like skin colour. Just wait another thousand years until everyone has greyish-tan skin; calling someone a crustacean will be the new taboo... Today it nets you a funny look(I've tried).
My dad (who is white) has been in several bands in the 60's and 70's, one was an "afro rock" band.

He said the black guys in that band were incredibly racist towards Asians.

The black guys used to ask him every week agter the gig "Are you coming bashing some paki's with us?" to which my dad always said no, he'd rather go for a quiet drink.

Its not just whites being racist to blacks, its everyone being racist towards everyone else.

I remember a (white) girl once who had 2 mates who were black, and she said "dont call them coloured" they are black not coloured - well what the fuck am I supposed to say then?! How am I supposed to KNOW whats offensive and whats not? Thats the bullshit aspect of it, how you're supposed to just magically know what "correct" and not correct.

People say blacks call each other "nigga" to make the word less offensive, but at the same time, whether accidentally or not, they are also keeping the popularity of the word alive among whites too. Maybe it would have died off completely by now if no black ppl ever used it, I dunno.

The fact that black people use it a lot means white people, especially younger ppl, see it as acceptable when it isn't. Theres no real reason why blacks can use the word but not whites. Theres no reason to use it at all really.

Definition: In the dictionary, "Nigger" is ONLY an offensive word, see...

nig·ger ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ngr)
n. Offensive Slang

1. Used as a disparaging term for a Black person: “You can only be destroyed by believing that you really are what the white world calls a nigger” (James Baldwin).

RicD - note "white world" meaning whites can't say it, why single them out?!

2. Used as a disparaging term for a member of any dark-skinned people.
Used as a disparaging term for a member of any socially, economically, or politically deprived group of people: “Gun owners are the new niggers... of society” (John Aquilino).

One thing I find quite funny, because its harmless in the case I have seen, is how god damn ignorant some white people are. Someone I know classes all non white people as black! He thinks Asians are "black". Are they f**k! Thats THE most offensive to a black person, call them Asian and see what happens. Same with Chinese or Japanese, this bloke calls them "black". Hahaha, crawl back under your rock ffs, I have to work with this guy too.
I have some black friends and would never call them "nigger" reguardless of wether they would care or not. Its simply just a risk i would rather not take. I do find it rather silly that blacks can call blacks that and its ok but i dont really give a rats ass. I do know that that bitterness that black people have against white people should end in the short future as the generations have changed. The opressed blacks are reaching elderly age and in the next 10 or 20 years will have passed away. Personaly I get very pissed off when someone tries to point the finger at me for slavery or the stereotype of what white man is in their eyes. Especially when that someone wasnt even alive or had anything to do with the point in time they are refering to. And this happens quite often. I just hope it ends soon because there is no reason for any of it at all.
I've really been thinking about this lately, and it's very troubling: A negroid (scientific name so as to avoid labels) doesn't like to be called "black," but it's OK to call a caucasian "white," even though I'm no more white than a negroid is black. The politically correct term is "African American," but I never hear of "my people" (as some negroids like to call their "bruthas") being called "European American."

Now, let's look at the terms, "brutha," "nigga" etc. They refer ONLY to negroid-to-negroid conversation exclusive of any other race.

Again...let's explore higher education. It's perfectly all right for a college to proclaim it is a HBCU (historically black college or university, another PC term), but let the University of Alabama put on its website that it's a Historically White University (thanks to the Supreme Grand Dragon, George Wallace), and it would create a firestorm.

OK, now consider Presidents' Day, which was created in the 1970s to unite Lincoln's Birthday (Feb. 12) and Washington's Birthday (Feb. 22). Why is it that we have to have a Martin Luther King Day? We've never had a negroid president, but when we do, I'd be glad to have a day for him. And don't call Marty "doctor." His doctorate was honorary, and calling him "Dr. Martin Luther King" is an insult to every PhD who actually did the work for his degree.

Speaking of Marty, I think he has been dangerously elevated to a demigod even though there were many contributors to civil rights including Miss Rosa Parks, Medgar Evers and my personal favorite, Malcolm X. So why not just have a "Black History Day." Wait a minute -- we already have a month for that (February) without a corresponding "White History Month."

And the one that really grates me is Kwanzaa. What the hell is that? Some racist negroid decided he didn't like the Judeo-Christian (i.e., without origin in Africa) Christmas/Hanukkah, so he goes and invents this non-holiday and coins some African-sounding word. As a Christian, that just plain offends me, that even Christ isn't good enough to make the cut.

I am sincerely desirous of coming together as one people (Americans, with no "African," "Asian," "European" or other prefixes). We all have black -- that is, the pigment melanin (which comes from the Greek word for "black") -- within us.

However, it appears that while these negroids gripe about equality, fairness and justice, their actions are distinctly separatist. God forbid, but it almost appears that their leaders want to create a society in which negroids are separate but supreme.

It just had to be said, politically correct or not. Maybe it will provoke change for true unity.
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Well said!

I definantly agree with the MLK thing. Now, kids don't evan get Washington's or Lincoln's birthday off. Heck- they don't evan get president's day; a day in honor of over 40 differant individuals. But hay, they get MLK's birthday off. I don't mean to sound really harsh or racist or whatever, but, hmmmmmmm, let's think, what has he done for me that can be any better than what the presidents have done?

I think your comment about seperate but supreme really hits home.
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Enigma'07 said:
I don't get why black people go flying off the wall if a white person calles them a nigger, but if a fellow black person calls them that it's no big deal. (extreme confusion)
You have the wroing impression which is socially constructed. It is a matter of how one says nigger, Say the word with an insulting connotation and you get your balls chewed off, The word uttered with a poetic tone of caring, understanding and humor and you've joined the Harlem Club. By merely asking the question that you brought up you cannot hide from your perturbed state of mind. You "can't" say this or that but 'they' can say this and that is bullshit and you should bnow this from experience. By your agreeing with the racist dogma as a fact of life, it isn't, you invite punishment or admonishment and the prettiest Black chicks go home with someone else.

Don't you know hpw to communicate with another person? Do you start telling sexist jokes when first introduced to a woman? Can you engage in a coversation with a woman for 5-6 hours without evolving into an irrestible urge to hit on her?

Woman have been observed to operate in some very strange modes. One that I appreciate and is indellibly etched in a quasi-country western song: "She's already made up her mind". This is sung by Pety WOman's ex husband. If you can see the significance of this statement, it is a truth, once a man has preened and spread his feathers the woman has made a decision. There is no need to maintain the spread feathers as this is only an admission that you didn't get the messagei i.e. :cool: . The 'man in error' continues along up to the instant when "it" happens, unless she gets disgusted or bored to death and changes her mind and goes hunting for more aware and intelligent game to bring down.


Have yopu ever attended a social gathering that included Blacks? Sure you ahve as have all of us. It has been my observation that the fokloowingf is inecitable ibn varyonmg degrees of intensity. Whitey carefully refrains from makinmg any statement that includes he topic iod frace, witheras the main issue or a peripheral issue. Blacky, the Nigger,(s) caefully refrain form acting in any way that can be chracteriszewd as "Black", like they refrain from using the "moltherfucker" words. At some point Whitey is heard to mention, in effect, that they (they , wife/husband) like Blacks, at which time the Ni-----s all laugh, the prfessure is relieved and the party goes on. This is after, of course, thagt the B;ack couple does a little Steppin' Fetchet jig aboo.

I think that Blacks are the true plug, the restraining element to a more rapid attainment of racially graceful social interactions in this country. Yes, it is the Blacks who hold the key. My opnion is that when Blacks get their Steppin F. rountine out of the way at the earliest possible time instead of wainting until Whuitey has found a way to bring up racial issues delicatley, meaning round-a-bout, such that they, Whitey can project neither racist, nor apologetic -- Whitey really does like Blacks.

What I am saying is Blacks should accelerate the tempo, get the jive ass mother fucker routine introduced, laughed at as soon as [possible, do a simple SF shuffle and the momentum begins to noticable acclerate. This allow more time to P-A-R-T-Y. I put the pressure on the Black as they, racially speaking, are much less timid in the matter of introducing themselves, while Whitey needs a slow resonant transition period so' s their Whitey minds stay intact and unperturbed. as they shuffle along waiting for the best opportunity to show their racial purity.

When you reach a certain level of practiced training you will see that your racisim, learned and ingrained becomes a non-problem, but and very importantly the racism doesn't disappear, it become controlled, instead of the other way around.. As as example when I first saw
Mohammwed Ali on TV aftyer haviong him described as another loud mouthed mother-fucking Nigger, I had to agree with the Champ's reputation, as he proved to be all that hewas described, However, to me I wasn' t the leasrt bit insulted or abgered and in fact enjoyed then and to this dayenjoy seeing the Champ do hid thing. This was about the time of the vfamous Sonny Listion fight where Sonny was the odds on favorite endingv at 5-1 at fight time. I was taking all the bets I could get from firiends and family. I endured the snickers and synpathy for the monewy I was about to remove from my pocket. Bu, lo and behold Sunny didn'r answer th3e 5thj or 6gth bell and zI was slightly rich, cash wise.

Me and the Champ shared in a unique international perspective that was to beclome more popular with eash passing sunset. I doubt if my version will ever be told as Ali said it all. Regarding the escalating war in Vienam Alli was widelhy quoted as ""The Cong ain't my enemy".

Me too Champ, damn good work. You've done much more than pay y7ur dues for your share of breaths of air, much more than any Whitey I know. I am not aware of any public Whitey with an unambiguous and indellible sense of justice, sense and sould of right and wring, human sensitivity and understanding. Your intelligence Champ blurs most of the best of Whitey. Hell I may be the only white guy left who, even with you present, is the smartest person in the room. As you well know Champ, this is a very heavy burden to bear in one's life and is why I am so relieved when my relief shows up (usuaklly autimatuc wghen I 8infer he ckaim) and I am able to relax and enjoy.

I am certainly the more beautiful as you as an honest man would attest. We have no argument here Ali. This places me up there at the top of the beauty charts, but who cares about the lonliness of being the beautuiful one? Who would deny a man thopse things that take from the path but a bit of the lonliness? Certainly not me, as I've already flaunted my attributes to excess.

Pax Champ
Geistkiesel .
Enigma'07 said:
From my perspective, if you call some one a certain name and others call you that name, then why can't I call you that name?
Go for it, you don't have to ask permission.

Go for it, you don't have to ask permission
I really don't want to start a fight.

Have you ever gone to a school , or been in a class where you are one of 4 white people. you wouldn't dare call one of them a nigger, even in a friendly or poetic manner, you'd get jumped. i hear plenty of mother f____ing and other stuff like that. so they really arn't trying to refrain from using it.
Did you see that crap on TV about Michael Jackson (Jacksoff) and his dad saying that because his son molested some child, it's a racist thing? That's what I'm talking about. Anybody who thinks they are being dealt the race card because they're arrested when they break the law should go back to Africa, and that's that.
Oh, man. Just the petty generalizations in this thread make me laugh:

Have you ever gone to a school , or been in a class where you are one of 4 white people. you wouldn't dare call one of them a nigger, even in a friendly or poetic manner, you'd get jumped.

Because all black people are in gangs, and they all beat up on poor white boys. Fear the black people because they're all violent! You could say nigger and get: "Please. Don't use that word."

If you say nigger, you will not be jumped (Unless they are in a gang).
"Can't" is always a subjective term...


No, a white person 'Can't' call a black person a Nigger.

And black person 'Can't' tear him a new asshole for doing so.

I'm of Indian origin, and I will knowingly and systematically react with violence to any instance of the word 'Paki' used in a derogatory sense anywhere near my presence.

Perhaps I'm doing nothing to lessen the power of the word, but at least I can make sure that one of it's usages forever remains taboo. I have not had it said to me outside jest for 20 years - interestingly, the same 20 years since I left school...

Because all black people are in gangs, and they all beat up on poor white boys. Fear the black people because they're all violent! You could say nigger and get: "Please. Don't use that word."

Your correct, that's just not the type of kids in my class
spaganya said:
"Nigga" is the term of enderment that some blacks have adapted to try and soften the harshness of "nigger" and kind of give the word back to blacks and lessen the blow of the word itself.
Ya, don't call me a CrackER, call me a Cracka.

The way blacks treat the word nigger, is just another sign of their low IQ's.
"why can't whites use the term 'nigger'"
Because we might hurt someone's feelings! Besides, white people are the root of every problem in the world. In fact, blacks should be required to refer to whites with derogatory terms.
J.B said:
Ya, don't call me a CrackER, call me a Cracka.

The way blacks treat the word nigger, is just another sign of their low IQ's.

it is hillariously ironic that those people who claim people and groups of people have low IQs are ALWAYs the thickest Mfkers on the block. And even funnier, don't even know they are!
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