Why Can't Whites Use the Term, "Nigger"

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Thor said:
What I don't understand is the fact that they're bitching on about white people being racist but they seem to be going through a 'self-segragation' phase (best word I could come up with). They call each other 'Niggers' as stated above, have Black music awards (and if there was a white music awards someone would get sued) and keep going on about oppression and how every white person is a racist. )

As for the whole Black music awards (and as well as the latina awards - they seem to do the same thing) they were created because there was an obvious lack of apprieciation for black art. For instance, it wasnt until the late 90's i believe that rap even got a category in the Grammys. The whole BET and stuff of the like was created because not too long ago (and in some places in the country) whites were the only people on television. Its hard to explain if you havent experienced it but when you grow up and watch tv and see no one that looks like you and go in the toy store and see no dolls that look like you and all the images you see on tv that DO have black people in them is the 5 o'clock news on the crime beat, then you start to think that there might be something wrong with you as a person. I admit that in some places (ie. urban areas) the extra channels or whatnot is a bit redundant, there are places its needed.
In our western society of ours, minorities cannot be racist/prejudice toward the white majorities, its always the other way about. I cant think of one example where someone of a minority has been sued for being racist or prejudiced to the white majority. If its down to history, whites have done some terrible things and that makes it okay then so be it. To me it just doesnt make sense.


They have banned certain words and thought that would make racism go away, now they have realised that there are still racists who dont use racist terminology! You can make racism go away just by banning certain words.
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The words are just a form of slang.
If someone called me a fuckin white boy or whatever were known as in slang...honkey or somthin? I'd laugh in their face.
Racism is not serving someone at the bar for thier colour.
No matter how small your ethnic minority is..., of course they can be racist, anyone can. Most people in the world will have a preconcieved idea when they meet someone of whatever age, height, weight, sex, colour, accent etc. Sometimes, even the face just doesn't fit.
As for the whole Black music awards... whites were the only people on television.

This isn't my point, it's the fact that if someone came up with the idea of having a White Music Awards, someone, somewhere is gonna get sued. But a Black Music Awards...well, that's fine now isn't it. It's all this positive discrimination. It's not right and it's not fair. Discrimination is discrimination. Someone is losing out. If a minority person is promoted over a majority person just because they're a minority person then that is wrong, especially if the minority person is crap at what he/she does.

I once complained about a school teacher once (minority teacher) as I was not learning nor was I getting any help when I asked for it. I was told to stop being racist and get on with it. I nearly failed that year and was kept in the lower skill class all because of some politically correct retard who thought I was being racist.

I know what it is like to be in a minority. I was bullied all the way through school because of it. I'm a minority because of my culture (music, dress sense, etc, etc...people labelled me a Grunger when in fact I haven't seen a real grunger since 1994). But I believe that everyone should be equal, no-one should be less inferior to others just because they are different (unless they want to go around killing people, then I say slap him about a little).
i think you're missing the point Thor. there was no need for white music awards because white music was getting all the attention it needed. i think it's a little weird that there are black music awards, but it's just a category, if the music is different, then hell, let it have its own awards.

and the whole thing with being able to use the word or not. it really doesn't matter if it's the right thing, or the wrong thing, or a racist thing. in the end, what matters is the way other people are going to perceive you. if you're capable of adjusting to your environment and act appropiately in every situation, then you'll be successful and respected by people of all races. if you're going to fight a battle for rightousness in your opinion, you're not going to change their minds, and in the end, you'll make enemies who find you inflexible or ignorant.

i have close friends (black) that i can use the n-word with, but i know when not to use it. it's how you adapt to the situation that will determine your success with people. is it fair? no, but hardly anything is.
i think you're missing the point Thor.

Eh what? My point was that they've labelled it 'Black music' so they're kind of segrating themselves. Also, my other point was that if there was a white music awards the black community would get straight to their lawyers. When it comes to racism, everyone's a hypocrite.

And ethnic minorities are allowed to declare that they are "Proud to be Black". Get someone shouting "I'm proud to be white" and someones gonna get their butt kicked.

Fraggle Rocker, I can't see the parrallel of the term nigger and kaik, but that's some interesting shiznits there. Did not know much of that.
And that is fair enough I think. And what about the whole freedom of speech thing? Say what you think, don't think about what you say!
Sure you can say it, and it'll be fair enough, and people will still think that you're a moron for doing it.

And the whole thing with Black Power, that is a racist statement, I don't think anyone denies that, after all it came from the Black Panther movement.

And you can have freedom of speech. I can say your mother is a whore and exercise my free speech. It doesn't mean that you're gonna agree with me or even think it is appropiate for me to say such a thing. See my point? Sure you can say it, but is it worth it? Is being "right" or "fair" worth it? That's the point, our culture is at a certain stage when saying things like the n-word, or calling your mother a whore, are not appropiate.
Thor said:
I know what it is like to be in a minority. I was bullied all the way through school because of it. I'm a minority because of my culture (music, dress sense, etc, etc...people labelled me a Grunger when in fact I haven't seen a real grunger since 1994). But I believe that everyone should be equal, no-one should be less inferior to others just because they are different (unless they want to go around killing people, then I say slap him about a little).

Okay, just because people didnt like the way you dressed SO does not put you in the same category as racial minorities. You CHOOSE to look like that. I cant choose the color of my skin. Making it seem like you understand the plight just makes you seem like you are demeaning what all minorities go through.

And of course everyone SHOULD be equal but thats just not how it happens in the real world. As i stated before SOME places have made HUGE strides in equality, but there are alot of places that have a very long way to go.
Vienna said:
I'm Proud To Be White - White Music Rocks - White Power!

If Blacks can say it - so can I

What blacks say that that ARENT racist? There is nothing wrong with being proud of who you are, but as long as you dont put down other races when you do so. Every race has their good and bad qualities.

Also contrary to what some others have said, i DO believe that minorities can be racist, not only against other races but against their own - you see this especially in the black race - ask any black person what it means when someone is "high yellow" or "tar black"...

Also THOR (i think it was him i havent figured out how to respond to more than one post in on one posting...), Just as someone else onthis posting stated, its not about why arent there "white awards" and what not, because the awards that already existe dwere for whites to begin with. And if you are refering to affirmative action when you are talking about people getting jobs, everyone knows that it only applies if there is someone of EQUAL qualifications going for the same job, minority status is sometimes weighted differently due to the fact there are so few minorities in high ranking jobs due to past descrimination - thats why it exists, in order to balance the scales that have been tipped for so long. You say that you think its a bad thing and you think its not far, but how about the 200 years or so of oppression that blacks thought it wasnt fair that they couldnt get certain jobs?
And you can have freedom of speech. I can say your mother is a whore and exercise my free speech. It doesn't mean that you're gonna agree with me or even think it is appropiate for me to say such a thing. See my point? Sure you can say it, but is it worth it? Is being "right" or "fair" worth it? That's the point, our culture is at a certain stage when saying things like the n-word, or calling your mother a whore, are not appropiate.

Call my mother a whore all you like, I don't have any evidence to deny it nor do you have any to back it up (do you?). It's just a lot of people out there are so up their own butts. Say anything remotly out of line and BAM, it sticks with you.

Okay, just because people didnt like the way you dressed SO does not put you in the same category as racial minorities.

Why oh why won't people read what I am saying. Did I say racial minorities? I said minorities. And anyway, they're the same thing. I can't help who I am, I am what I am and I am often picked out for being me. I was just attempting to relate to racial minorities. I can understand what it is like to be a minority. I was not comparing my hardships to those who are struggling because of their race (although many in my culture will struggle in the real world because of prejudices...damned bastards).

Making it seem like you understand the plight just makes you seem like you are demeaning what all minorities go through.

I do understand the plight, or at least some of it. I have been beaten, mocked, abused, refused jobs, asked to leave stores/restaurants etc just because I 'don't' look like a majority of people and have my own believes and morals.

As i stated before SOME places have made HUGE strides in equality

Many of the places promote positive discrimination which in itself is wrong.

Also THOR (i think it was him i havent figured out how to respond to more than one post in on one posting...), Just as someone else onthis posting stated, its not about why arent there "white awards" and what not, because the awards that already existe dwere for whites to begin with.

Yip, was me. I understand that before the Mobos (is that it?) music awards were aimed at white people. But I am talking about the now, in our so called equal civilisation. If someone were to try and put something called "White Music Awards" on MTV...it wouldn't happen.

minority status is sometimes weighted differently due to the fact there are so few minorities in high ranking jobs due to past descrimination - thats why it exists, in order to balance the scales that have been tipped for so long.

But that person is being put ahead because of race. It's just a role reversal and many think it's progress.

but how about the 200 years or so of oppression that blacks thought it wasnt fair that they couldnt get certain jobs?

That was then. This is now. How many of us today were responcible for oppressing racial minorities? I'm not, I'm sure you're not. Why should the world today be made to pay for the mistakes of the arrogant in the past?
Well Thor, I was just illustrating a point. And yes, we can say something and it will stick to us. I don't think that whether it is right or wrong matters as much as it is not going to go away. You're looking for understanding why? Well, it makes most black people feel bad and pissed off if you call them n-word and you're white. There's the why. Why does it make them feel that way? Because it means something to them that it doesn't mean to you. And like I said before, it all depends on who you're dealing with. I can call some of my friends that and its no big deal, some of them I can't call that, unless I want to get my ass kicked. It's just what makes them tick.
Thor said:
Why oh why won't people read what I am saying. Did I say racial minorities? I said minorities. And anyway, they're the same thing. I can't help who I am, I am what I am and I am often picked out for being me. I was just attempting to relate to racial minorities. I can understand what it is like to be a minority. I was not comparing my hardships to those who are struggling because of their race

I do understand the plight, or at least some of it. I have been beaten, mocked, abused, refused jobs, asked to leave stores/restaurants etc just because I 'don't' look like a majority of people and have my own believes and morals.

Again, you miss my point. Although you might have been discriminated against because of how you dressed or how people percieved you, in order for that to stop either people had to change their views or you simply could conform to the norms of society (aka change your way of dress, hair and so on.) MY point is that being a person of color, i cant just CHANGE my skin color or my features. (and michael jackson doesnt count... i dont think hes human anymore anyway.... :confused: ) I will be black every day of my life until i die, and theres nothing i can do about it (not that i want to anyway)

The difference there is you COULD change if you chose to do so. I on the other hand cannot. I understand how you are trying to understand the discrimination and THINK you have gone thru the same trials but there is nothing worse than growing up and knowing there are people out there that hate you and may put you down for something that you have NO control over whatsoever. THAT is what racism is about. When people choose to single you out and put you down for something that you couldnt POSSIBLY change.
spaganya, I understand that I my way isn't the same as being discriminated against because of skin colour but discrimination is discrimination and that's that. I was born in Germany (my father was in the BA serving there in West Germany) so when we moved to England I was hounded by the kids, labelled a traitor and a nazi and branded that for most of my young life. I know that was down to other kids immaturity and ignorance but it has left scars too deep to heal. That was something I could not change. Something I don't want to change. But my chosen culture is frowned upon greatly by many in my country. And where I lived (biggest council estate in Europe) it was just bad. Tolerance for other cultures over than the 'chav' culture was zero.

But yes, I understand that people that aren't white have it tough where whites are the majority. Many people in my culture respect minority groups unlike the majority who somehow percieve themselves as superior.

Careers Fair for Ethnic Minorities...I would guess that they're there to help people in areas where people don't openly discriminate but they do. I guess with all this positive discrimination going there may soon be a Careers Fair for Whites.
Here's some lyrics from the group A Tribe Called Quest that may put things in perspective.

See, nigga first was used back in the Deep South
Fallin out between the dome of the white man's mouth
It means that we will never grow, you know the word dummy
Other niggas in the community think it's crummy
But I don't, neither does the youth cause we
em-brace adversity it goes right with the race
And being that we use it as a term of endearment
Niggas start to bug to the dome is where the fear went
Now the little shorties say it all of the time
And a whole bunch of niggas throw the word in they rhyme
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You'd be amazed at the shit I got last week for using the word "faggy." I believe I was describing at the time the white corduroy pants (button at the side) and green polyester shirt (inch-and-a-half collar) I wore while ... and I hesitate to admit it ... going dancing.

Now ... come on. If someone whose mother occasionally encourages someone to come out of the closet wants to admit that he looks faggy wearing women's corduroy pants and a green polyester Van Heusen for the purpose of looking fashionable at a dance club with a dress code ... I mean, you'd think I'm entitled to the word, right?

No ... no. Apparently not.

It's okay, though. I had the support of the group I was dining with at the time. But damn ... and are you ready for this punchline?

So ... a "lesbian" whose only possible complication on vacation is whether or not her boyfriend comes along and has also questioned in the past if my endurance with my partner by which I now have a child wasn't just a cover to keep me in the closet denies me use of the word "faggy" while describing my own appearance on an occasion that I have allowed myself to be seen inside a dance club. (If the fact that we went to the club on a "ladies night"--a heterosexual mainstay--colors the irony any more ... hell, run with it.)

On the other hand, a buff, high-strung fag might be worth meeting in a dark alley afterwards. I can't say the same thing about a bunch of hard, pipe-hitting niggers waiting to get medieval on my ass. (Industrial, however, with all its piledrivers and jackhammers ... never mind, I just needed to suggest closure to the joke.)

The problem with the words is entirely contextual. We may pick on the words, but the seeming rule has to do not with who's using it, but with why that who is saying what.

I could "insult" someone by calling them a "hetero," but what's the ratio of people being beaten while being called "hetero" compared to the number of people being beaten while being called "fag"? I could just start calling all strictly-heterosexual people "rapists" and "victims" depending on their gender, but with two strikes against the idea--

• There's no reason to go that far as a general rule, and
• People are stupid enough that instead of getting upset, they would simply normalize the state of being a rapist

--there's no reason to go looking for a third.

Likewise with niggers. To be honest, I'm not much a fan of the word, so I tend to use it specifically for effect. It's usually an accusation of racism or other condemnable idea--"Oh, so you advocate this particular political policy? Well, why don't we just shoot all the niggers and make it quicker, and less expensive?"

Translation: Why advocate a policy that spends so much money and effort for such a damnable result?

I've stopped being amazed at how many people lose their entire sense of irony when they face that idea.
I suppose the reasons behind why the usage of the N-word is diuscouraged have already been explained and I therefore need not elaborate.

On the existence of Latin, and Black award shows, one must only think of representation at the premier award shows.

Consider the academy awards. How many blacks have won? How many latinos? How many Asians? Sure, the awards are not prefaced by "White", but they of course are. The academy is ridiculously white. Every year, the nominations are not proportional to the ethinic diversity in hollywood.

To get nominated, your movie has to be seen; to win, your distributer has to sponsor(bribe)....there's a lot of politics that goes on.

The grammies have always been different, yet, they mostly ignored urban music until recently (to the anger of many, by nominating Eminem's Marshall Matters LP for best album)... It takes a white guy....

The NAACP awards started as a way to promote and essentially show the apppreciation that through prejudices or unintentional ignorance are not awarded to black actors, musicians, etc..

TGhe SOURCE awards is an award show from a magazine. They cater to a hip hop fans and will therefore not have an award for rock and roll. The BET awards, much like the MTV or VH1 awards are merely for commercial purposes....

Is there really a need to preface the Emmy's with White? How about the Daytime awards?
'Martin'--- The show by Martin lawrence was for a long time, I thought one of the best sitcoms on TV. Its audience was predominantly black. How then do you expect a show that deserves its recognition to achieve this when the majority of voters do not even watch it?

There are a plethora of examples.

For chrissake, up until 1984, no black musicians appeared on MTV.

A movie like Malcolm X suffers because it is far too 'controversial' or in the 'face' for the voting academy, yet a blatant attempt at sentiment like 'the pianist' or the myriad of holocaust movies moves the academy and they get bs awards. Biggest truths of the academy awards. To win for big pciture,
1. make a tear-jerker on the holocaust 'Pianist', 'Life is beautiful' 'Schindler's list'
2. An 'epic' set in ancient times....'Ben Hur, 'Gladiator'

To get ignored, no matter how brilliant, do a movie on revolting slaves.,'Amistad', 'Rosewood'
To get noticed but not rewarded, do a movie with demure slaves. 'Glory'

***No one will get sued for prefacing their awards with white. The white emmy awards exist in two ways: Morons over the net, and the "Emmy awards".

In fact, I'd like it if the bloody pretense was gone and the Emmy and Academy awards were prefaced with "White".

Then we wouldn't have Pacino winning for overacting on Scent of a Woman when Denzel was far far better in Malclm X. We won't get pathetic gift of two best actor awards on the same fucking night. Oh how fucking nice of them. Do we wait perhaps 45 years now?
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