Why can't the understanding of the christian God evolve over time?

gb-so you treat others in a way you hope they won't treat you?

I'm saying that the standards of what some people (including some Christians) consider "good treatment" are too low for me to sink to. What those people call "good" and wish would be done to them - I consider immoral, bad, wrong.

For example, giving unsolicited advice. Some people think that giving unsolicited advice is a good thing and wish that they would get unsolicited advice. I make an effort not to give unsolicited advice. So I don't treat those people the way they wish to be treated.
Let me ask you this, is it God that has changed over time or is man's perception of God that has changed?
gb-so would you also say that some people, including some christians, could say that what you consider "good treatment" is too low for them to sink to?

Joe-man's perception
gb-so would you also say that some people, including some christians, could say that what you consider "good treatment" is too low for them to sink to?


So, to put this in perspective: According to you, God refuses to sink so low as to give people a second chance once they already came to hell after they died? According to you, God refuses to sink so low as to acknowledge honest uncertainty about the existence of Jesus and punishes such a person with eternal hell anyway?
No. You said people get the concept of God from reading the scripture. It's the other way around.

I said the story developed sometime ago and people take the concept of God from that original idea ever since, either directly or indirectly.
Or do you wish to claim that Muslims all became Muslims because of their own personal experiences.. ??
I said the story developed sometime ago and people take the concept of God from that original idea ever since, either directly or indirectly.
Or do you wish to claim that Muslims all became Muslims because of their own personal experiences.. ??

The story didn't develop before the idea of God developed. Originally, people would have had to have thought of the idea of God, and then over time, they develop scripture.

If you sincerely believe the Bible is not descended from God, you agree with me. The people who originally wrote the bible created scripture from concept.
The story didn't develop before the idea of God developed. Originally, people would have had to have thought of the idea of God, and then over time, they develop scripture.

If you sincerely believe the Bible is not descended from God, you agree with me. The people who originally wrote the bible created scripture from concept.

That's what I said.. :bugeye:
You said people get concept from scripture. This is only true after the religion is already created. For it to be created, you need concept.

Oh God..

I said they made up a fairytale first, and that people ever since bought into that fairytale. They didn't all reinvent the fairytale on their own.
Oh God..

I said they made up a fairytale first, and that people ever since bought into that fairytale. They didn't all reinvent the fairytale on their own.

The "fairy tale" had to be created, by concept, first.
What the... concept=thought, right? Someone had a concept of God. Did they have a concept of a fairy? or of a tale? or of writing? At the time they had a concept of God. They discussed this concept and came to an agreement. The agreement was an understanding. The understanding was recorded orally for an unknown period of time until X occured(sp?) The understanding was added to X and became new understanding. Rinse repeat. At some point we interrupt the oral process and transfer it to a written process. Continue the previous process until we reach a collection of all previous writings, some discussion, and you have the Torah. Then you restart the process with the Torah as the basic constant, with further writings added, you have Judaism today. At some point the Torah branches off and a different set of understandings is added and you get to the Christian bible. As I understand it, the same thing happens later with Muslim(Muslam?).