Why can't the understanding of the christian God evolve over time?

by my reading of the bible, I would suggest that the requirements for salvation are a) belief in God and b)belief in Jesus Christ. By these beliefs the commandments are all boiled down to love God, treat others as you would be treated. The rest is all chrome and polish.
IF god existed would you really love such god that comandeth things like this.
or do you just ignore,overlook the bad stuff in the bible


and your Jesus wasnt much of a love THEM ALL either like they would want you to believe



-Matthew 10:35-36

Not only does the Bible claim that Jesus came to set man at variance against members of the family, but he demanded that anyone wishing to become a disciple must hate them:

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

-Luke 14:26

WTF!?with that
Their are how many sects of Christianity?
How many years ago did the Pope recognize evolution as pretty cool?

Come on guys, Christianity changes all the time.
Scorpius-Yes. You're right. God is not an easy-go-lucky let's all get along kind of God. You are with him or you are bound for damnation. Jesus Christ was basically saying,"be prepared to give everything up that you know and love, I plan to walk a difficult path, and if you follow me, you stand to lose it all". Considering that he was facing off against the Jewish leadership, his close followers were absolutely facing losing it all.

Roman-My point exactly
Not so! People feel a need to believe or are trained to believe at an early age. Then the Bible , the Koran and other scriptures are read to confirm what they already believe. There are always experts on hand to explain that what you read does not mean what it says. They know because they are scholars.
All of that scripture originates from the concept of a creator.

You can only gain a concept of God through the scriptures, be it directly or indirectly.

No, you gain it through logics. Scriptures come into play to suggest the nature or details about this creator, which is the core concept.

People don't get the concept of God from scripture, they get scripture from the original concept of God.
shouldn't it be knowledge of concept->
various understanding
other knowledge ->

or OT+C=KOC, KOC+OK=U? Thus if the Concept is a constant, other Knowledge is a variable, Constant+Varible=Variable, Variable+Variable=2Variable, christianity based on the assumption of a constant would be initial, with infinitely variable results. further other knowledge refining/evolving the value to infinity?

I've been too generous.

It should really be:

Natural phenomena --> Confusion + Ridiculous explanation = Original thought --> Multiple "understandings"
No, you gain it through logics. Scriptures come into play to suggest the nature or details about this creator, which is the core concept.

People don't get the concept of God from scripture, they get scripture from the original concept of God.

Kind of contradicting yourself.. :shrug:

"Scriptures come into play to suggest the nature or details about this creator, which is the core concept."

= you get concept from scripture

People don't get the concept of God from scripture, they get scripture from the original concept of God.
= you get scripture from concept
Don't you understand? Originally people come up with the idea of God. Then, over time, contributions and biases of culture, etc, start to specify and scripturize this God. The Bible didn't pop out of thin air. It first originated when Man thought of God, and evolved over time.
Don't you understand? Originally people come up with the idea of God. Then, over time, contributions and biases of culture, etc, start to specify and scripturize this God. The Bible didn't pop out of thin air. It first originated when Man thought of God, and evolved over time.

Yea, that's exactly what I said, isn't it ?
Their are how many sects of Christianity?
Only one, if you ask many Christians. :)

Last I heard it was estimated at over 30,000.

As ar as I see it, the essence of Jesus' message was:
Be kind.
Be compassionate.
Be aware of your actions and how they may affect others.
Act with integrity.

The vast majority of the rest of the dogma in the many "Christian" sects were created by early church fathers, latter apologists, corrupt leaders and popular cultural references.

If you are kind, compassionate, mindful and virtuous you are following the teachings of Christ, therefore you are a Christian - the rest of the window dressing is meaningless.
If you are not kind, compassionate, mindful and virtuous you are not following the teachings of Christ, therefore you are not a Christian - the rest of the window dressing is meaningless.
Furthermore, I think that anyone who does not allow his views to evolve with new understanding and evidence is a fool.
God is absolute ja ? He must be for him to exist ja ?
Then how come theists can make up their own version of God on their whim ?

They only way you can know about God is through scripture, so your beliefs about God must be true to scripture. Otherwise you're just making it up as you go along to fit your own agenda.
Ok. So... scripture which doesn't change is constant. Other knowledge via science is variable. Put the two together you get a variable understanding.
Thus we return to the core belief in God and belief in Jesus Christ and the admonition to treat others as we would be treated.

Thing is - not everyone is willing to sink so low to meet your standards of "good treatment".
What to some Christians constitutes "good treatment" is to some of us abuse.