Why can't ghosts exist?

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Does their existence violate some law of science? Considering the fact that there are at present hundreds of paranormal societies popping up across the country recording video and audio evidence of ghosts (whatever they may be) why do you think they DON'T exist at least as real phenomena? Are people walking around abandoned bldgs at 3 AM just to create elaborate hoaxes or recording equipment glitches?
the technical truth is it cannot be proven or disproven at this time.

if anyone tells you that it emphatically cannot exist, they are lying.

there are hoaxes which have been busted but that doesn't negate the possibility of paranormal phenomenon.
Isn't 100% lab-replicable proof impossible? I mean if a ghost is an intelligence of some sort then there can never be a certainty they will manifest or not. But then again we recognize lots of phenomena that aren't replicable in labs. People get struck by lightning from clouds all the time, but I doubt if that is replicable in a lab or has even been photographed.
let's look at this hypothetically since that is all we can do at this time. say that there are ghosts all around us but can't be seen, how do you catch one? you can't.

besides ghosts can mean anything or be something other than what we think it is. it's all speculation. there are so many labels such as entities, ghosts, spirits, orbs etc

the technology just isn't there. paranormal phenomenon can just be personally experienced and even that varies as to the nature of the occurrence. it just can't be quantified. most people will say it's one's imagination. in some cases it may be but it may not in all cases.

what the hell more is there to say?
Does their existence violate some law of science?

Given that they are supposed to have all sorts of strange abilities, yes. For example, ghosts can walk through solid walls, they can float or fly, they can teleport from place to place, appear and disappear at will. All of those things violate laws of science.

Considering the fact that there are at present hundreds of paranormal societies popping up across the country recording video and audio evidence of ghosts (whatever they may be) why do you think they DON'T exist at least as real phenomena? Are people walking around abandoned bldgs at 3 AM just to create elaborate hoaxes or recording equipment glitches?

Some of them are, without any doubt. Everybody wants to make a viral youtube video. UFO nuts are the same.

Why are there no really convincing videos or audio of ghosts? Why no good evidence at all? Why so many personal anecdotes but no convincing evidence?

Isn't 100% lab-replicable proof impossible? I mean if a ghost is an intelligence of some sort then there can never be a certainty they will manifest or not.

We'd only need a ghost to manifest once or twice among a body of reputable witnesses. In the middle of a UN meeting, for example. Or in Congress. Or at a protest rally with 10000 people watching. Or something like that. It never happens, does it? Why not?

People get struck by lightning from clouds all the time, but I doubt if that is replicable in a lab or has even been photographed.

It is replicable in a lab. There are huge lightning generators that have been built to test various things. Plenty of lightning has been photographed. Check google images if you don't believe me. Lightning is a measurable phenomenon whose causes and effects are well understood. It is even predictable.
Why are there no really convincing videos or audio of ghosts?

The thing I don't get, is why in these horrid 'Ghost Hunter' type programs, is why they creep around in the dark, using IR cameras,.... don't ghosts show up if the lights are on? Says more about our perception, than the alleged properties of ghosts I think.
There is no 'ghost in the machine' as there is no reason for one. Occam's Razor (parsimony)

No 'spirit' means there is no 'ghost' left over when your body shuts off.
let's look at this hypothetically since that is all we can do at this time. say that there are ghosts all around us but can't be seen, how do you catch one? you can't.

besides ghosts can mean anything or be something other than what we think it is. it's all speculation. there are so many labels such as entities, ghosts, spirits, orbs etc

the technology just isn't there. paranormal phenomenon can just be personally experienced and even that varies as to the nature of the occurrence. it just can't be quantified. most people will say it's one's imagination. in some cases it may be but it may not in all cases.

what the hell more is there to say?

Okaaay...Well you claim we don't have the technology to detect ghost phenomenon. And yet people in paranormal groups are capturing such evidence all the time with infared cameras, k-2 meters, digital recorders, etc. Like it or not there's plenty of video footage of objects moving about on their own, shadow figures, strange lights, and even apparitions. What kind of technology do you suppose is needed more than this?
Given that they are supposed to have all sorts of strange abilities, yes. For example, ghosts can walk through solid walls, they can float or fly, they can teleport from place to place, appear and disappear at will. All of those things violate laws of science.

Not seeing how something made of energy or of dark matter couldn't do those things. At the quantum level it happens all the time. And hell, physics even recognizes the existence of other dimensions. Whose to say there aren't inhabitants in those just like in our own?

Some of them are, without any doubt. Everybody wants to make a viral youtube video. UFO nuts are the same.Why are there no really convincing videos or audio of ghosts? Why no good evidence at all? Why so many personal anecdotes but no convincing evidence?

But there's many more that are real and authentic. I've seen footage of all sorts of phenomena. I find it harder to believe it is a big conspiracy to create hoaxes than it is the real thing. People don't go thru the trouble of spending so much time and money just to hoax what they truly believe in.

We'd only need a ghost to manifest once or twice among a body of reputable witnesses. In the middle of a UN meeting, for example. Or in Congress. Or at a protest rally with 10000 people watching. Or something like that. It never happens, does it? Why not?

Who decides what a reputable witness is? Politicians are reputable?! Since when? As far as I'm concerned, anybody is a reputable witness if what they saw cannot be explained by natural means.

It is replicable in a lab. There are huge lightning generators that have been built to test various things. Plenty of lightning has been photographed. Check google images if you don't believe me. Lightning is a measurable phenomenon whose causes and effects are well understood. It is even predictable.

No..being struck by a cloud is not replicable in a lab. And noone has yet been photographed being struck by lightning. I know whereof I speak.
The thing I don't get, is why in these horrid 'Ghost Hunter' type programs, is why they creep around in the dark, using IR cameras,.... don't ghosts show up if the lights are on? Says more about our perception, than the alleged properties of ghosts I think.

If you're a being made of some kind of energy, then perhaps lots of light energy interferes with your presence. I think these "horrid" ghost programs are excellent and provide convincing proof of the reality of the paranormal. Do you think they're all fake?
If you're a being made of some kind of energy, then perhaps lots of light energy interferes with your presence.

Then you are pretty dumb. Dumb because I mentioned that these stupid fake programs are filmed using IR cameras that emit INFRA RED LIGHT, which is energy. So how come that doesn't interfere?

I think these "horrid" ghost programs are excellent and provide convincing proof of the reality of the paranormal.

Proof? Did you really mean to say that word, proof? Let's see some then!

Do you think they're all fake?

No, I know they are fake.
Are people walking around abandoned bldgs at 3 AM just to create elaborate hoaxes or recording equipment glitches?

Yes they are doing just that, how do you know what time they are "walking around"? Many people are given money to make a TV show or just to "create" a video so that they might get more money if people want to pay them and many people are foolish enough to do so.

Let me ask you, do you ever see "ghosts" and if so how can you provide evidence that you actually did? Do you believe everything that you are told? if not how do you prove to yourself that what you are told is actually a fact not fiction? :shrug:
I think these "horrid" ghost programs are excellent and provide convincing proof of the reality of the paranormal.

Must be on a different channel than I get. All the ones I've ever seen didn't consist of much of anything that's worthy to discuss.

I mean, I discuss them with my 10 year old, because he's seen them as well as the thousands of Youtube videos on ghosts and UFOs out there. They serve well as a lesson on objectivity and the scientific method, as well as how to debunk claims made.
Does their existence violate some law of science? Considering the fact that there are at present hundreds of paranormal societies popping up across the country recording video and audio evidence of ghosts (whatever they may be) why do you think they DON'T exist at least as real phenomena? Are people walking around abandoned bldgs at 3 AM just to create elaborate hoaxes or recording equipment glitches?

I read this post and think to myself, man am I lucky to be good looking. Even though I'm guilty of dirty filthy thoughts about women I like to pretend that I'm not whenever I talk to them.
A ghost would necessarily violate conservation of energy. They use energy allegedly by appearing, or throwing stuff around - but with no means of obtaining such energy. If a ghost had access to a reseviour of energy, then by definition so would all other ghosts. We would be plauged by them, and we're not. If a ghost is a metaphysical entity, it cannot use physical energy. It could only use a metaphysical energy, and such a thing is not known to exist.
the word 'ghost' scares people, even scientists. lol

they think they have everything figured out which of course is not true.

still, there is no proof of ghosts that can be quantified at this time or know what it really is.
Then you are pretty dumb. Dumb because I mentioned that these stupid fake programs are filmed using IR cameras that emit INFRA RED LIGHT, which is energy. So how come that doesn't interfere?

Proof? Did you really mean to say that word, proof? Let's see some then!

No, I know they are fake.

Ok..I'm not in the habit of people calling me "dumb". So you've just been reported. FYI, I have no interested in discussing anything with rude people.
Yes they are doing just that, how do you know what time they are "walking around"? Many people are given money to make a TV show or just to "create" a video so that they might get more money if people want to pay them and many people are foolish enough to do so.

Let me ask you, do you ever see "ghosts" and if so how can you provide evidence that you actually did? Do you believe everything that you are told? if not how do you prove to yourself that what you are told is actually a fact not fiction? :shrug:

Yeah right. All these societies set up to go out and stay all night in abandoned bldgs and homes to fake evidence for something they truly believe in. That just doesn't make sense.

And no..I haven't seen any ghosts LIVE (that I know of) but have seen plenty on camera and on photograph. How many creatures have YOU seen merely on camera or by photo and accepted the existence of. I'd say around 90% of the entities out there I take to exist on anecdotal evidence. Anecdotal evidence, even when offered by scientists, is powerfully persuasive don't you agree?