Why Blacks?

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Why is it that whites would choose blacks for slavery?

Where their any other groups at the time that could have been inslaved?

Why not the plenty of Hispanics to the south, they are closer, and in my opinion hispanics will give you a better job.

I mean, if you really wanted to have a slave, would blacks be your first pick?
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J.B said:
Why is it that whites would choose blacks for slavery?
Mostly for their strength and stupidity of trust of other peoples culture

posted by J.B
Why not the plenty of Hispanics to the south, they are closer, and in my opinion hispanics will give you a better job.
You really should not say things like that! Hispanic's have a lot to do with the real history that's not in your known history books (at least not in mine)

posted by J.B
I mean, if you really wanted to have a slave, would blacks be your first pick?
Why not build your world with your own hands (like black Africa's people did). You'll be more proud of your work instead being a low level scum that all slave owners were! :mad:
J.B said:
"Originally Posted by spidergoat - Indians and Chinese"
When did that happen?
See, that's why I have a problem with so many of your racist arguments JB. You go around telling everyone how blacks are inferior, and how that's been proved by history, but then you always prove that you are completely ignorant about the entire subject.

jlocke said:
See, that's why I have a problem with so many of your racist arguments JB. You go around telling everyone how blacks are inferior, and how that's been proved by history, but then you always prove that you are completely ignorant about the entire subject.

So then, when where Indians and Chinese slaves?
J.B? Do you even know anything about history? Do you think Africans have simply been living in the bush for all eternity? I can't believe you're that naive. Have you ever heard of Egyptions, Sumarians, Romans. Everyone derived from Africa. Also I am part Black how could I be racist. They were stupid enough to trust someone not like them and see where it got them?

You did not respond about building your own? What do you think of that idea? Would that have been the better choice? Then you would not have to share your fortune with black people because we would not be in America. Of coarse America would not be in the position that it's in if things were different u know. But Africa ,I'm sure would have been. But since we will never know, there's no reason to continue this discussion! :bugeye:
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ReighnStorm, don't even get into it with him. The fact of the matter is, and this was covered in the Still Uncivilized thread, that JB actually doesn't know anything about history. He is a blind ignorant racist and is just trying to get us to agree with him. Just ignore him and don't be offended by anything he says.
A mention of British exploitation of Indian labor:
Once the British had consolidated their power, commercial exploitation of the natural resources and native labour became ruthless. By the middle of the 19th Century arrogant exploitation of the people had tried the patience of the Indians to the limit.


And this by Mark Twain:

Captain Douglass and Watchman Hager boarded the ship Clara Morse, on Sunday morning, the moment she arrived, and captured nineteen Chinese girls, who had been stolen and brought from Hongkong to San Francisco to be sold. They were a choice lot, and estimated to be worth from one hundred and fifty to four hundred dollars apiece in this market. They are shut up for safe-keeping for the present, and we went and took a look at them yesterday; some of them are almost good-looking, and none of them are pitted with small pox - a circumstance which we have observed is very rare among China women. There were even small children among them - one or two not two years old, perhaps, but the ages of the majority ranged from four teen to twenty.
jlocke said:
ReighnStorm, don't even get into it with him. The fact of the matter is, and this was covered in the Still Uncivilized thread, that JB actually doesn't know anything about history. He is a blind ignorant racist and is just trying to get us to agree with him. Just ignore him and don't be offended by anything he says.
I understand where you're coming from, but to ignore him does no justice to any one race of people. Keeps me thinking of ways to make it better for my kids instead of ignoring him. I would like very much to have us educate him when he asks a question, whether it's trivial or not ;) Makes me realize how many lummies are still out there. I could never by offended by ignorant fools!
ReighnStorm said:
J.B? Do you even know anything about history? Do you think Africans have simply been living in the bush for all eternity? I can't believe you're that naive. Have you ever heard of Egyptions, Sumarians, Romans. Everyone derived from Africa.
Was'nt Egypt built by Jewish slaves for thousands of years.

When did the Romans become black?
The Indians were treated in most respects like slaves by the british in order to provide the labor for the tea industry.

The Mark Twain story is about him witnessing the importation of chinese slaves.
ReighnStorm said:
Mostly for their strength and stupidity of trust of other peoples culture
I have never heard any blacks say that they were inslaved because of their "strength and stupidity of trust" like you suggest.

Blacks have ALWAYS said that they were inslaved because the color of their skin is black.
spidergoat said:
The Indians were treated in most respects like slaves by the british in order to provide the labor for the tea industry.
Like slaves?

It says no where that Indians where treated "like slaves".

spidergoat said:
The Mark Twain story is about him witnessing the importation of chinese slaves.
It is a story about 19 Chinese girls, nothing about slavery.

Spidergoat, you said:
"Whites enslaved almost everyone not like them".

Spidergoat, where is any truth to your statement?
The British enslaved people in the West Indies as well as Native Americans.

The enslavement of Chinese people by Americans for building the railroads is well known.

Here, go rest for awhile and read up about it...
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