Why Be Religous!?!?!?!?!?

I'm sorry but I don't see any evidence of contradiction from the Bible in your post. You are being *very* selective with the verses you do cite. Here is an experiment I like to do and you might find productive: Try proving yourself wrong from the same source and by the same measures as you use to prove yourself right.

I'd would like to see on which you base the assumption that children go to hell.

God is love. Not a dead truth that can be manipulated by perspective or perception. Love acts. Otherwise it is just a word. Truth in science can at best only be a theory that has not been refuted for the time being. When you hold anything as being absolutely true, you are moving out of the realm of science.

God is a sadist? Kills for pleasure or without reason? The Bible is written on the premise that God created life, therefore you must either prove the premise wrong, or argue about the Bible within that frame of reference.

What would you like to achieve by pointing out contradictions in the Bible? Both the words "love" and "hate" occur in the Bible, that doesn't imply contradiction. Since when does one side of a coin contradict the other?

"I'm not going to have children". By that I deduce you are going to have an abortion or are infertile. You cannot exclude the possibility of being raped, and you cannot exclude the possibility of meeting someone and wanting kids someday. Does that mean you might contradict yourself in the future and cease to exist?
Jenyar, this is typical of most atheists. They ask for explanations/evidence and (after oftentimes much research and subsequent typing by the Christian) when they are presented with answers and refutations, they dismiss it, explain it away, etc. Eventually, when they have nothing rational to offer, the atheists' conversations degenerate into condescension, personal insults, profanity and character attacks. However, having fulfilled our obligations of 1 Peter 3:15, we just simply move along to the next one. Jen, as you certainly know, our words cannot save anyone, only Jesus can do that. BTW, keep up the good work and contact me via PM if you just want to chat. See ya.

based on and derived from valid evidence supporting the existence of God. You simply choose to dismiss the evidence because it clashes with your presuppositions.

Man, you always seem to go off topic. We are not debating the existence of God. I am very open to the idea of "God". I have not dismissed any evidence. And once again I don't have a presupposition, I just have a clear opened mind.

***because there are over 24,000 original manuscripts that support the textual accuracy of the Bible. ***

Really, have you seen any of these original text? How do you know they are the original text? Did you examine them or do you accept them becuase of your presupposition :D :bugeye: I've learned not to take people's word for it.

Research my posts on other threads.

If I missed some type of hard evidence that Jesus is God.....Please repost it.

And what is this standard? Define this standard you use to evaluate all things.

As long as your standard is the same and constant then the standard does not need to be defined. You hold the Bible to a higher authority then anything else and your reason for this can be used equally for any other Holy Book. You are Bias.
I'd would like to see on which you base the assumption that children go to hell.

You're either saved or damned.
Don't accept Jesus, you're damned.
If you're too young to know Jesus before you die, you're damned.
Ergo, children are damned.

God is a sadist? Kills for pleasure or without reason? The Bible is written on the premise that God created life, therefore you must either prove the premise wrong, or argue about the Bible within that frame of reference.

I'd read the OT if I were you. The slaughter and rape of the Amakalites, the murder of the Egyptian firstborn, the various plauges he sent to Isreal....

What would you like to achieve by pointing out contradictions in the Bible?

Inspector said:

"By your quote I could simply write off Christianity due to the contradiction that exists inside the Bible."

What contradictions? I possibly have an explanation for any biblical passages which you might find contradictory. Can you provide a specific example?

I obliged.

I did not claim that the Bible was false, or that God does not exist. I simply pointed to some thing regarded as contradictions.

Your response is unwarrented.

Both the words "love" and "hate" occur in the Bible, that doesn't imply contradiction. Since when does one side of a coin contradict the other?

Yes, but "God loves you" and "God hates you, sinner" is a contradiction.

"I'm not going to have children". By that I deduce you are going to have an abortion or are infertile. You cannot exclude the possibility of being raped, and you cannot exclude the possibility of meeting someone and wanting kids someday. Does that mean you might contradict yourself in the future and cease to exist?

Explain why I would cease to exist if I contradict myself?
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"I am very open to the idea of "God"

Yeah, this is obvious the way you attempt to destroy theistic evidences.

"How do you know they are the original text?"

Ask the archaeologists who discovered them.

"If I missed some type of hard evidence that Jesus is God.....Please repost it."

Look them up yourself. You can search my posts. Since you are so 'open' to the existence of God, you won't mind taking the time to do this menial task.

"As long as your standard is the same and constant then the standard does not need to be defined."

Huh? Can you say 'circular reasoning'?

Yeah, this is obvious the way you attempt to destroy theistic evidences.

Umm no. Just because I disagree with your religion should not indicate to you that I do not believe in God. You made a few attempts to call me an athiest in the past. Premature. Religion does not equal "God"

Ask the archaeologists who discovered them.

Did you go as far as to ask them or did you just accept them?

Look them up yourself. You can search my posts. Since you are so 'open' to the existence of God, you won't mind taking the time to do this menial task.

I have read plenty of your posts and in no way did they conclude evidence of God. If you are so sure of yourself why not repost one or two of them ;) . Yes....I am open to the existence of God but I'm sure you will keep trying your best to convince me and the readers that I'm not. I don't get you :confused:

Huh? Can you say 'circular reasoning'?

How is it circular reasoning? By setting everything(meaning religion) to same same standard in order to determine your decision? By using the same pattern on each and every religion? How is it circular reasoning? Seems like a very legitamite way to come to a clear and unbias conclusion, no?
"Yeah, this is obvious the way you attempt to destroy theistic evidences. "

It's not destroying so much as testing. In science, all evidence is criticized until it is either proven right or wrong. If you submit evidence for God, expect it to be criticized... heavily. Science holds the same standard for religious evidence as it does for any other evidence. Actually, the standard is a bit higher, since the claim of a omniscient being creating the universe for no apparent reason other than his own amusement is a bit of an extraordinary claim, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

"Ask the archaeologists who discovered them."

Even they do not know if the texts changed before they discovered them.

OMG my 1000th post! w000!!
Religion is ultimate, unyielding, and selfassured. Science always changes and corrects itself. Guess who makes more achievements, can explain more of the world, and makes more sense. If you say religion then ... you're deluded. Or religious. Or both.

Scientific theories (now, now, no bickering about how theories are only theories...that's the realm of little kids) always change, and are open to disproof (did I get that right???) by experimental evidence. Religious doctrines, once said, stay rooted more tightly than a rat's behind in a sack of cheese. The difference lies there.
Religion is simply filling the void left by many unanswered questions. The only things they are willing to answer with "I don't know" is the things they don't care about. The reasonable will answer with "I don't know" when they don't know. Wether they like it or not.
Jenyar, this is typical of most atheists. They ask for explanations/evidence and (after oftentimes much research and subsequent typing by the Christian) when they are presented with answers and refutations, they dismiss it, explain it away, etc. Eventually, when they have nothing rational to offer, the atheists' conversations degenerate into condescension, personal insults, profanity and character attacks. However, having fulfilled our obligations of 1 Peter 3:15, we just simply move along to the next one. Jen, as you certainly know, our words cannot save anyone, only Jesus can do that. BTW, keep up the good work and contact me via PM if you just want to chat. See ya.

Where did I insult anyone without being insulted first?

Moron. ;)

So how come there is a geneology offered for Mary, when the geneologies for women were rarely kept?

Not only this, but even if one was offered for Mary and one for Joseph, there is still an error in your inerrent book.

I also note that neither you nor Jenyar can, for all of your snide comments, explain to me whether God wants children to live or die.


Nor can you explain the whole "by searching, canst thou find out God?" thing.

However, regarding the Flood, there is secular, scientific evidence supporting a massive flood consistent with the biblical timeline

A world wide flood? Could you point me in the direction of this evidence?

In the first book of genesis, the earth is described as being covered with water. God moves his face across the water and creates the earth from there. I dont know if anybody noticed that the water was already there. This makes me conclude that God didnt create the water. So where did the water come from? What does it symbolize?
"So where did the water come from? What does it symbolize?"

Where did the water come from? And where has it gone since the world wide flood?

A world wide flood? Could you point me in the direction of this evidence?

According to Xev, I am a moron. Ask her/him/it.

Xev would say: "You Moron, a global flood is impossible because it would destroy all life in several different ways. Dumbass, the geologic column contradicts this idea. Twit"
"You Moron, a global flood is impossible because it would destroy all life in several different ways. Dumbass, the geologic column contradicts this idea. Twit"


More like;

"There's no evidence for anything but a large, local "flood" occuring some 12,500 years ago. Fuckwit, that's where the stories in Genesis and Gilgamesh come from, not from a global flood, and nobody but a dumbass like you would believe in such an absurd fairy tale, especially one that is clearly disproven by the geological record."

Oh, and for the record, I am a her.
A worldwide flood as described in the Bible is simply impossible. Such a flood has no scientific merit and would undoubtably boil the surface of the Earth killing Noah and all the other animals in his boat. Know what creationists are saying happened? A giant canopy of water surrounded the Earth until one day God made it all fall onto Earth for 40 days. ROFL. Not only would such a water canopy raise the atmospheric pressure at sea level to over 900 times what it is now, but it would block out a hefy percentage of the Sun's light, thereby freezing the surface of the Earth and killing off all life before it even started raining.

It's amazing what some creation "scientists" will come up with just to try and prove their hypothesis.
You're either saved or damned.
Don't accept Jesus, you're damned.
If you're too young to know Jesus before you die, you're damned.
Ergo, children are damned.

It is not up to you or a child to be saved. It is up to God. But God demands justice, like the justice you so self-righteously condemn from the OT. Therefore Jesus came inbetween, to bear the verdict. To die for us. Everybody after Jesus have no right to condemn themselves - or anyone - to "eternal damnation". No right because they have no reason.

Luke 10
21At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.
22"All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."

16"He who listens to you listens to me; he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects him who sent me."

Because you have heard the good news, you cannot escape the choice. You can't send babies to hell, Xev.

"By your quote I could simply write off Christianity due to the contradiction that exists inside the Bible."
"By your quote I could simply write you off by contradictions in your posts." It doesn't work that way. If you say you won't ever have any children, by what authority except your own can it hold true? If you contradict yourself in the future, does that mean you don't have authority over yourself or your actions? You can justify yourself (be right) either in your authority or in your actions.

God is just in both His authority and actions. While you live by your own laws ("that you cannot sin because you don't know God") you will die under that law - death. That is the worst either you or other people can do. I submit to God, who can save me from more than death.
I have a question, how can you base your Truth on a "Holy Book" that has contradictions in it? Would you hold anything else to such a high authority that consists of many contradictions? IMO, Truth could never derive from contradictions. That goes for anything, not just religion. Why is your religion graded with a "curve"? I don't think you would tolerate the same if it was regarding something other then religion. Why don't you hold everything to the same standard?