Why Be Religous!?!?!?!?!?


The Art Of Fact
Registered Senior Member
Ok, I've gotta ask, once and for all... Muscleman/whatsupyall and all other strong religious people are especially welcome in this debate, as are athiests and agnostics to balance it. But someone please explain to me when they believe in God... And put it in the following context:

If you were born today and had no contact with another human being... No parents to teach you about God (or the easter bunny for that matter), no preachers to reinforce the belief, not pastors on tellevision, no book written by man (bible) nothing... What, in the world around you, THE WORLD YOU LIVE IN, would make you believe in God!?!? Other than the dogma you've been hearing your whole life, what reason does anyone have to believe in God!?
Well, for starters you probably wouldn't call it God

What, in the world around you, THE WORLD YOU LIVE IN, would make you believe in God!?!?
People tend to anthropomorphize things they don't understand. Dogs & cats, flowers, trees, social groupings, the moon and sun ....

The problem is that in such circumstances as you propose, it wouldn't matter much.

But why, oh why, did human beings ever deify fire and rain and wind and earth in the first place?

And, quite frankly, your fears of things would be less rational. Watch flies, fish, monkeys ... doesn't matter what. Fears are much more generalized among other animals.

It's a matter of knowledge, I suppose. I'm still wondering if anyone ever catches it when I say that religions are generally the deified sum of our ignorance. Once you get used to that idea, religions don't surprise you very much.

And, for the record, are you talking about theism or religion? It's not clear from the conflicting conditions of the topic post

Tiassa :cool:
That is a good question. The Bible says that God is a just God. We know that whatever He does is right. When it comes to those who have never heard the Gospel, He will do what is right, whatever that is. But as for you, you have heard the gospel and He will judge you according to how you respond. He is calling you to repentance, to turn from sin and come to Him.

In Romans 2:11-16 it speaks about those who have never heard the Law of God and how they will be judged according to the law that is written in their hearts. The Law written in their hearts is the knowledge of right and wrong. Perhaps God's judgment of those without a proper knowledge of Him is included there where it says that they will be judged according to their own consciences that "bear witness, and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them." God will do what is right and the only way to have your sins forgiven is through Jesus.

Why be religious? Because it works for some people. Just because atheism works for some others doesn't mean that it has to work for everyone.

Well, the title of this thread is good except for all the exclamation points, indicating that the starter thinks that atheism is superior...which it's not...

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
The only thing that would lead you to believe in god would be your own ignorance(for lack of a better word).

When lightning lit up the sky you might think something or someone is trying to strike you down. You might then call this enitiy god.

Given our understanding of the world today, there is nothing that would lead you to believe in a god. Note that I am talking specifically about theism (thats for tiassa ;)).
I think it's that funky blue color Zero... it's just so... mezmerizing... :eek: :p
And, for the record, are you talking about theism or religion? It's not clear from the conflicting conditions of the topic post
Sorry, my bad, I meant theism... Tsk Tsk on me!

I respect your input, but my real question is, without the bible or references to any person or man-made thing, why would you believe in a God? I am not mocking anyone or anything, I am truly interested in the responses I get!

Why be religious? Because it works for some people
I completely understand that. Just as I understand atheism works for others. I am more agnostic in the fact that I simply don't know if there's a God or not, but based on what I've seen in my life I am more inclined to believe there is not a God. The only reason this "works" for me is because it's what evidence points to.

Well, the title of this thread is good except for all the exclamation points, indicating that the starter thinks that atheism is superior...which it's not...
In hindsight perhaps that wasn't such a good idea. It was meant to point out that I really don't get it. I don't think athiesm/agnosticism is better, but it IS the only one I really understand. I am only looking for lessons on how one becomes a theist WITHOUT dogma.

Given our understanding of the world today, there is nothing that would lead you to believe in a god.
Hmmm, so suppose in this day and age, a child is born, and has human contact, but never sees or hears of religion, the church, Buddha, Jesus, bible, etc... Never even hears of the idea of a God. Would something still compel him to believe in a God in this day and age with what we now know?
I've thought about this. Ignoring that Paul said "who can come to God if no-one preaches, and who can preach if no-one sent him?", and that the hypothesis requires there to be no history...

I might have experienced something beautiful or awe-inspiring, and maybe also have realised that death is universal. I would have asked myself: why is this? Nobody taught me how to appreciate beauty or how to accept love or ordered me to die - yet it has such a profound affect on me, life-changing effects. You can't know love if you don't experience it. How are we different from animals - they are also alive, but they don't work or display any responsibility towards anything other than themselves. Life as a universal truth might have a universal significance or meaning. Of course, only if I have experienced love will I be able to know its worth. But once I have experienced genuine, unselfish love, I would have known how it inspires meaning. Why do some people go through great lengths and personal pain to keep loving, while others simply don't bother at all? All of this would only have created the possibility of a common or higher meaning. Only under those circumstance would I have realised that if I were the only human being on earth, my life would still have that same meaning, otherwise what I feel now would be false. Since only only love has made me experience this meaning, something or someone might have provided the 'original' love. The truth of experience must remain equally true even after the experience has passed, and by implication even before it has happened.

Considering that the earliest religions were pretty empty - they basically had a god for everything, explainable or unexplainable - I think people have an inherent and natural affinity for spirituality and belief, although maybe not for faith. We distrust everything because we are aware of our own unreliability. Whatever started the movement towards a montheistic religion must have had a pretty strong case, because the idea of only one all-powerful god is less 'humanly reasonable' than the idea of many. The oldest religious systems, Hinduism and Buddhism, have no clear concept of 'god', but very specific ideas about human nature. There is nothing wrong with their humanity, especially in buddhism, but there is really no god in the picture, no real need for a god, only the acknowledgement of a godly nature.

Having imagined the possibility of a god, I would ask myself what role he would have played in my existence. Clearly a god must be supernatural, because nature is definitely not in charge of this planet, or the universe for that matter. God would know me and love me, and also tell me what He expects from me. I would by now have realised that betraying love leaves a mark on my conscience, a feeling of having wronged the hand that feeds me, and the realisation that I do not deserve that love, that the lack of it will be like punishment justly deserved. But having experienced that the love does not punish me, I will be conscious of a suspended punishment, fearful that at any stage my wrongdoing might come back and bite me in the ankle. If the orginal source of love is God, then I am ultimately responsible to God for my lack of love. This responsibility is about the closest I would be able to get on my own initiative. Otherwise the whole concept of a god falls flat, and once again I am only responsible to myself. This will however deny the love that I have already received. The best I would be able to do is to try to earn that love.

My search for God would have led nowhere if God did not come down to earth to make Himself known. I can't deny that I know God because I know Jesus (who was the face of God) through the collection of accounts called the Bible. Ther is no getting past the fact that God is a historical God, "the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob", a present with Him is the same as a past and a future with Him. My experience of his love has left no doubt about God's existence, and my utter inability to know Him except though what I see spiritually. I would have lived in fear of God if it were not for Jesus who died in my place, and provided the only way of knowing God. I would always have tried to earn God's love, and follow His rules knowing I would slip up sometime. Pain has disciplined me and perseverence has strengthened my character. Now that I have reason to trust God I have reason to hope that death isn't final, because what can anyone do worse than killing me. Surely God's mercy is greater than any person's punishment?

11Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. 12We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again, but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us, so that you can answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in what is in the heart. 13If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. 14For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
16So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 18All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
Hmmm, so suppose in this day and age, a child is born, and has human contact, but never sees or hears of religion, the church, Buddha, Jesus, bible, etc... Never even hears of the idea of a God. Would something still compel him to believe in a God in this day and age with what we now know?

This fact alone makes it impossible for me to believe in the major religions of the world.

Before I get flamed too heavily...note that I assume 'God' in notme's question is a deity. God in a more lose sense such as a 'creating force' is another matter entirely and not the point of notme's post from what I can tell.
Jenyar, I cannot find ANY loopholes in your statements... It's a fully functional system... I can't say I believe it, of course, but none the less, at least you can say you know WHY you believe what you believe, which is worthy of anyone's respect.

Captain, I was referring to deity form of God, but for more conversation, born in to this universe alone, would you have any reason to believe in ANY form of God?
Originally posted by notme2000
What, in the world around you, THE WORLD YOU LIVE IN, would make you believe in God!?!? Other than the dogma you've been hearing your whole life, what reason does anyone have to believe in God!?

I suppose you are correct... since He is invisible, there is no way to know unless He told you...
There are many who claim just that.
Well, apparently except for the time he was able to talk directly to moses. Or was it the bush speaking? :D

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
There are a few instances where God spoke to an individual personally. I recall that when Saul saw the light and heard the voice, his companions just saw the light but didn't hear anything.

In another instance, when God spoke to Jesus after his prayer, some of his disciples thaught it was thunder, and some thought it was an angel speaking.

Remember, the object of "speech" is to convey meaning. Actually, human speech is rather an inadequate medium. But the understanding of the intended receiver is what is most important. The speaking in tongues demonstrates this - a phenomenon also touched on a few times by Paul. When praising God, it is the working of the Holy Spirit given voice, and language is almost irrelevant. But when people are supposed to be able to understand it, an interpreter is required to be present.
Depends on the religion. Some promise heaps of groovy girls after you die. ;)
Why not just have your own opinion on it? I mean interpret the bible for yourself? Find what you think is the truth. Thats what Im doing. And Ive been happy with it.

When I think that its time for me to pick a religion IL tell yall. Which I probably wont pick a religion.
Originally posted by notme2000
If you were born today and had no contact with another human being... No parents to teach you about God (or the easter bunny for that matter), no preachers to reinforce the belief, not pastors on tellevision, no book written by man (bible) nothing... What, in the world around you, THE WORLD YOU LIVE IN, would make you believe in God!?!? Other than the dogma you've been hearing your whole life, what reason does anyone have to believe in God!? [/B]

Under the conditions you mentioned, there would be no reason, if you were still alive. But as you have given a foolish situation that has not occured, you are left with the question, why do we believe in God.
Because it is natural, to some people.


Jan Ardena.