Why Athiesim is a self defeating belief

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look all im saying is that i proved spidergoat wrong in every single thing but he wouldnt awnswer my one question directly. prove that god doesnt exsist. he simply just tried to make me prove he did and he just avoided the question now if some athiest douche wants to give me evidential scientific AND mathimatical proof on why he doesnt exsist id like you to go ahead and prove it
when ya get to that ill check this thread and yes as ive already stated anything that is wrong can be proved in all 3 manners that it is false.
haha mother fucking douche bags dont say im wrong if you cant fuckin prove it. So you guys can go ahead and go masturbate and shove sticks up your gay asses and not think your going to hell for it. call me a troll but im probably not a slave to sin. so you guys can go ahead try to find a way and then when you get one that doesnt but you think it does directly you can go shove it up your ass and masturbate with that too. since you think that no cause has any effect to it which may i add every cause has an effect. ---bye fuckers---
One can always reformuate their definition of God to avoid any possible test. Such a concept is not falsifiable. If God interacts with the physical world like he is alleged to do, there is no evidence for it. Therefore, the idea that there is a God is disproven.

Also, none of us has tried to insult you, but you have been very rude. I can only conclude that you are very insecure in your faith, and are unable to support it with a logical argument.
The notion that there are definitions of God that cannot be disproven is not an original thought. It's one of the last resorts of theists that have already lost the argument.
aany way im gonna state what spidergoat has said so far... ready kids?

ok here it is- your cosmic egg theory is wrong but im gonna present another theory that hasnt even been proven to be correct and say its right

he cant prove me wrong he just keeps on making up excuses of how not to prove me wrong

The other joe said your wrong with your theory lemme introduce another unproved theory

and if you guys are so intact on proving god doesnt excist then why cant you prove it

"guess its troll feeding time" isnt rude in the least bit right? oh wait no its not when you say it to a christian but when i insult you its soo bad -.-

there is no evidence of it is not correct because there is also no evidence that he is not there which i have asked you to say if there was on many occasions but you chose to ask me to prove that there is. if you dont know about a subject then dont argue about it because your argument is on a base
base of baselessness just like you say mine is and by the way god isnt made of matter i never said that so that guy that said it disproved the thoery's of the universe is wrong because when i said about the creation of the universe i was saying about the creation of matter and anti matter, spirits have been proven to excist--- EMPS are a scientifical term of the energy given off by spectral matter
lost the argument no i just said that from the beggining and you just kept stating why i had to prove it well if no one can really prove it and you cant also disprove it in the least bit who are you to say it is wrong. it is simply just a matter of judgement
What is God?

The Christian God is supposed to have definite effects on the physical world. He is assumed to have created the planets, the species, intervened in human affairs with things like floods, favored one culture over another, spoke to prophets, dictated moral rules. If I can show beyond a reasonable doubt that there are naturalistic causes for these events and not supernatural ones, then scientifically, the God Hypothesis has been disproven.
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Is it troll feeding time already? My turn!

Prove the non-existence of invisible pink unicorns. Don't respond until you've searched the entire universe for them because they could be anywhere so until you've looked you can't prove a thing.

If the universe can't come from nothing on the basis that nothing can then neither can god, after all, nothing can, right? Breaking that rule for god makes your first premise false. Simple logic.

You think you're special because this planet is the only known life in the universe? Seeing as you're so fond of math go away and work out how many billions of galaxies there would be in an infinite and constantly expanding universe(you can start with a few known ones if you like), then work out how many billions upon billions of stars each galaxy contains, then work out the billions of planets in orbit around those stars. It's almost a mathematical certainty that other life would exist somewhere, and if it doesn't then according to you god created it all for, well nothing really. That's an awful big waste of space. Sounds logical.:shrug:
Would also love to see your proof that says we haven't found life on these 'billions' of planets, we've barely left our own planet. Or do you think our telescopes would see the aliens waving at us when they can barely make out planets?
Still think you're special huh? Get over yourself.

I advise you to go away and think about things for a while. I suspect you're just a reincarnation of a former member who will ignore this advice and just continue to troll, but rest assured you'll still be entertainingly foolish.

huh your scientists are doing that... funny they havent found one bit of life on any other planet than simple non evolving bacteria isnt that wonderful? i mean looks like if there wasnt there would at least be one more planet out of any of your other billions of planets that scientists are still examining, its actually funny in a way your trying to prove me wrong yet we are the only ones out of billions and billions of stars... kinda makes you wonder :poke:
ok so you say that the universe has .0007 matter of carbon. true. has any formed any examinable life or if that life does excist has it excerted any communicational waves such as radio wave or other because we would have picked up on it by now... i really dont see what your trying to prove. oh were the only planet. god said he sent life to earth. huh. makes you wonder i dunno its just that it makes you seem like you think your special huh, well if you want to why dont you look for another planet who has life if im soo wrong about that matter. Or maybye you can depend on your precious scientists to try to find one for your and prove me wrong.

FACT: earth is the only planet found with evolved life other than bacteria and no aliens wouldnt be waving our hands at them but we would be able to observe features indicating live on other planets, such as offected o zones like ours, or maybye buildings or i dunno.... WATER???!?!? huh one planet out of the so many that your precious scientists had to oberserve to try to prove it wrong i know its a hard fact to swallow but it is the only planet with life on it that we have found to date

FACT2: from the bible : god has said to had made life on earth -if this isnt true please point out another planet with life on it. oh wait you cant--

kinda adds up dont cha think? ----:shrug:-----

apparently no theory has yet to prove any proof -.- whats your point
The basis of your argument was that science had proved something.

FACT2: from the bible : god has said to had made life on earth -if this isnt true please point out another planet with life on it. oh wait you cant—
You aren’t making much sense here.

Is your claim of fact that the bible has that quote? If yes then I agree that is a fact.

But if your claim is that “god has said to had made life on earth”, then that cannot be shown to be fact.

The issue of life elsewhere seems irrelevant to the argument of whether a god exists or not. If life as we know it is unique then that still would not lead to a valid conclusion that your bible statement is true.

but we would be able to observe features indicating live on other planets, such as offected o zones like ours, or maybye buildings or i dunno.... WATER???!?!?
You appear to have an unrealistic perception of what scince is able to observe regarding distant planets. None of the planets in our solar system appear hospitable to our form of life except perhaps under the ice of one of the moons of Jupiter. But as for planets in other systems: We are currently barely able to detect their existence and most are only determined mathematically. We are ceratinly not yet in any position to detect any specfic features on such distant objects.

and if you guys are so intact on proving god doesnt excist then why cant you prove it
Generally it is not considered possible to prove a particular object does not exist since we are currently incapable of searching every corner of the universe to verify its non existence. What is considered possible is to prove that something does exist. The primary objection to theist arguments is that theist’s claim a god exists but cannot support their claims, and since the claims are so fantastic and unsupportable many folks do not find the arguments credible or believable.

To many the claims seems so childish, incredible, and idiotic that that are prepared to assert that such a thing does not exist. Not because they can prove non existence but purely on the basis of incredulity.

"guess its troll feeding time" isnt rude in the least bit right? oh wait no its not when you say it to a christian but when i insult you its soo bad -.-
Your first sentence in this thread where you reopened it included the phrase “ that seems to be the only thing your ignorant mind believes, – this is an attempt to bait people into an emotional response – this is typical of trolling. You have been fairly accurately identified.

spirits have been proven to excist--- EMPS are a scientifical term of the energy given off by spectral matter
Please quote a reputable scientific peer reviewed article to substantiate your claim.
huh your scientists are doing that... funny they havent found one bit of life on any other planet than simple non evolving bacteria isnt that wonderful? i mean looks like if there wasnt there would at least be one more planet out of any of your other billions of planets that scientists are still examining, its actually funny in a way your trying to prove me wrong yet we are the only ones out of billions and billions of stars... kinda makes you wonder :poke:
ok so you say that the universe has .0007 matter of carbon. true. has any formed any examinable life or if that life does excist has it excerted any communicational waves such as radio wave or other because we would have picked up on it by now... i really dont see what your trying to prove. oh were the only planet. god said he sent life to earth. huh. makes you wonder i dunno its just that it makes you seem like you think your special huh, well if you want to why dont you look for another planet who has life if im soo wrong about that matter. Or maybye you can depend on your precious scientists to try to find one for your and prove me wrong.

FACT: earth is the only planet found with evolved life other than bacteria and no aliens wouldnt be waving our hands at them but we would be able to observe features indicating live on other planets, such as offected o zones like ours, or maybye buildings or i dunno.... WATER???!?!? huh one planet out of the so many that your precious scientists had to oberserve to try to prove it wrong i know its a hard fact to swallow but it is the only planet with life on it that we have found to date

You have just flunked Astronomy 101.
You need to get some basic facts straight about the current research concerning detecting life around other stars.
"Astronomy" magazine is a monthly publication that is usually quite good.

yours truly,
the son of sagan;)
huh your scientists are doing that... funny they havent found one bit of life on any other planet than simple non evolving bacteria isnt that wonderful?
So we're visiting other planets now are we? You're priceless.

i mean looks like if there wasnt there would at least be one more planet out of any of your other billions of planets that scientists are still examining, its actually funny in a way your trying to prove me wrong yet we are the only ones out of billions and billions of stars... kinda makes you wonder :poke:
See above about not having been to other planets yet. Which means by your own statements absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. Keep trying though, you're only tying yourself in knots and looking dumb with your wild claims, but you were warned.

ok so you say that the universe has .0007 matter of carbon. true. has any formed any examinable life or if that life does excist has it excerted any communicational waves such as radio wave or other because we would have picked up on it by now... i really dont see what your trying to prove.
I said that huh? Did you pull that out of the same place you get your other 'facts'.
Just out of curiousity do you know anything about the speed of sound(those waves you're refering to) and how long it would take them to travel to the nearest star let alone the others? How about how long we've been directing waves into space?

oh were the only planet. god said he sent life to earth. huh.
Tell you that himself did he? Tell him to let the rest of us know.:rolleyes:

makes you wonder i dunno its just that it makes you seem like you think your special huh, well if you want to why dont you look for another planet who has life if im soo wrong about that matter. Or maybye you can depend on your precious scientists to try to find one for your and prove me wrong.
We've been a spacefaring race for less than 60 years, we've visited our own moon less than 10 times and other planets(wait I'm just going to count this one) Ah yes, 0. Of course however you're conditioned to believe in miracles.

FACT: earth is the only planet found with evolved life other than bacteria and no aliens wouldnt be waving our hands at them but we would be able to observe features indicating live on other planets, such as offected o zones like ours, or maybye buildings or i dunno.... WATER???!?!?
FACT: Planets we've stepped foot on - 1, ammount that have contained life - 1 = 100%
Planets we've probed - 8(9 if you included the recently downgraded pluto)
ammount containing life = 1 so that's 12.5% of planets.
Hell even I consider those numbers generous. Even so I'm not entirely sure what kind of capabilities you think we have, but I suggest a reality check. Go look it up, I'm not going to waste my life educating you in great detail.

huh one planet out of the so many that your precious scientists had to oberserve to try to prove it wrong i know its a hard fact to swallow but it is the only planet with life on it that we have found to date
See above. I'll give you a hint at this point, we can't see the planets in that much detail with our current technology.

FACT2: from the bible : god has said to had made life on earth -if this isnt true please point out another planet with life on it. oh wait you cant--
That weakass argument is the best you can come up with? A book written by men says 'god created life on our own planet' so everything else in it must be true.
Well I'm convinced. From now on I shall be a Muslim. Or did I chose the wrong religion? The bible isn't the only religious text, and you're not a member of the only religion in the world, your text has no more importance in proving your arguments than the others do.
It's called circular logic, I exist on planet, decide to write that god creates life on planet, I exist on planet, proving therefore I was created by god, proving therefore I exist because of god etc ad nasuem.
kinda adds up dont cha think? ----:shrug:-----
Bless, you're delusional.
Here's a second bit of advice for you, you won't get m/any conversions here as most of your arguments have been previously covered. You want to be Christian then that's fine, not everybody cares if god exists and you've admitted you can't prove he does, so why do you care if people don't share your beliefs? Why do you even think they should believe given your own statements?

EDIT: Come up with something sensible as a response, or you may find very quickly what it's like to be on everybody's ignore list, or worse than that you may find yourself banned for trolling.
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