Why atheism makes you mean

They are not religious.
We're looking for pro-social concepts that don't spring from religion... aren't we?

Thats debatable. I could bring up several scriptures that emphasize these concepts.
Those scriptures would be written by humans. Prosocial concepts are humanist concepts. Theism gets its prosocial concepts from humanity and human nature. It gets its anti-social concepts from its own need for survival, power, domination, wealth, etc.
The fact that no athiest group has ever established a family, community or country anywhere in the world without first belonging to a theist family, community or country says it all. Even atheists are forced to admit that unlike theistic scriptures which speak volumes about relationships, atheism says nothing at all about any prosocial concepts.

I am not sure why you don't realize this by now, but atheism isn't supposed to. It's non-acceptance of a single assertion. Addressing the title of the thread, the only "mean" thing I have noted is your attempt to declare people who don't accept that assertion as "mean".
Those scriptures would be written by humans. Prosocial concepts are humanist concepts. Theism gets its prosocial concepts from humanity and human nature. It gets its anti-social concepts from its own need for survival, power, domination, wealth, etc.

So where are the scriptures written by athiests? That would be a prosocial act.

I am not sure why you don't realize this by now, but atheism isn't supposed to. It's non-acceptance of a single assertion. Addressing the title of the thread, the only "mean" thing I have noted is your attempt to declare people who don't accept that assertion as "mean".

Well duh, we're not as smart as all the atheists. What did you expect?:rolleyes:
Those scriptures would be written by humans. Prosocial concepts are humanist concepts. Theism gets its prosocial concepts from humanity and human nature. It gets its anti-social concepts from its own need for survival, power, domination, wealth, etc.

This hypothesis stood out as rather strange...

The good qualities in religion from humans.
Ít's bad qualities come from theism's own nature.

Aren't you anthropomorphizing theism?
Apart from the lack of justification for the split in causes itself.
Even atheists are forced to admit that unlike theistic scriptures which speak volumes about relationships, atheism says nothing at all about any prosocial concepts.

So what. You are implying incorrectly that being an atheist is equated with a lack of pro-social concepts. Atheism has no pro-social concepts of itself, but being an atheist does not exclude one from having pro-social concepts, such as secular humanism.

In other words, you are saying that once one adopts atheism, you can then have no other concepts.
So what. You are implying incorrectly that being an atheist is equated with a lack of pro-social concepts. Atheism has no pro-social concepts of itself, but being an atheist does not exclude one from having pro-social concepts, such as secular humanism.

In other words, you are saying that once one adopts atheism, you can then have no other concepts.

Not from atheism itself, no. But in a theist society, they generally adopt the customs and laws that the theists put forward or accept, since the majority are generally theists. Even the so-called "secular" societies require the theists to accept those values for the society to become secular.
Not at all. You have it the other way around, I started this thread first. Besides, I don't get mad. I get even. :cool:

I see, so it just evolved into a punishment thread after the other one was made. It doesn't matter what you feel during an act of punishment or revenge... the act is still the act.
I see, so it just evolved into a punishment thread after the other one was made. It doesn't matter what you feel during an act of punishment or revenge... the act is still the act.

It was called the same from the beginning. You should be asking these questions in the other two threads.;)
Thats debatable. I could bring up several scriptures that emphasize these concepts.

That's not relevant, Sam. If an ideology doesn't entail belief in some form of religion, then it's not religious.

You could also bring up scriptures that emphasize some key elements of communism... but so what?
That's not relevant, Sam. If an ideology doesn't entail belief in some form of religion, then it's not religious.

You could also bring up scriptures that emphasize some key elements of communism... but so what?

You don't see many theists embracing it, do you? If and when they do, it will probably work.
I've been thinking on communism in this context as well, and will have more to say when I've thought and researched more.