Why atheism makes you mean

Sure, as long as you can show it requires an atheist society. France is not an atheist society in my opinion. More like a secular one. The French consider religion to be private, not absent.

Religious expressions and Biblical references are coming back in public rhetoric and during the 2007 presidential campaign, Nicolas Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal, both raised as Roman Catholics, made a number of references to their faiths.[4] [5] For the first time ever, the French media asked all candidates to declare their religious affiliations; out of 12 candidates, all but one accepted to answer.[6] One of the more significant signs of evolution is on the left: the anti-globalisation activist José Bové feels close to Christianity, Marie-Georges Buffet, head of the fading French Communist Party strongly opposes any anti-religious interpretations of French secularism [7]. However, both of them stop short of self-identifying as believers, probably for ideological reasons.

So you're maintaining that those ideologies are really religious ideologies after all?
I think those ideologies require being brainwashed in prosocial concepts from birth. The kind of stuff that Christmas and communions get you.
It was called the same from the beginning. You should be asking these questions in the other two threads.;)

There was only one question I was interested in (implied in post #343). Your response indicates that you do comprehend that atheism isn't a "system" but simply the non-acceptance of one assertion. At the same time your response also indicates that you knowingly and willingly will continue to position atheism as a "system" so long as it meets your personal agenda for revenge / punishment.

I guess Q was right about your dishonesty.
There was only one question I was interested in (implied in post #343). Your response indicates that you do comprehend that atheism isn't a "system" but simply the non-acceptance of one assertion. At the same time your response also indicates that you knowingly and willingly will continue to position atheism as a "system" so long as it meets your personal agenda for revenge / punishment.


If its not a "system" why are there a bunch of atheists in any thread on atheism?

I now hear that there are religious atheists out there. You can buy a Tshirt and belong to a club of athiests.

Atheists donate to atheist evangelicals who promote their cause through book and television.

Pretty soon it will just be another theism.

I guess Q was right about your dishonesty

Oh Q is never wrong. Don't you know? You could also join his club, he works so hard on behalf of all the atheists here. :(
If its not a "system" why are there a bunch of atheists in any thread on atheism?

Because we're subject matter experts :)?

I now hear that there are religious atheists out there. You can buy a Tshirt and belong to a club of athiests.

There are also christian atheists, jewish atheists, etc. For the 'atheist-exclusive' clubs, they are simply trying to start some kind of 'ism' from scratch.

Atheists donate to atheist evangelicals who promote their cause through book and television.

Their "cause"?

Pretty soon it will just be another theism.

That could be a good thing. A type of theism without the paranormal claims.

Oh Q is never wrong. Don't you know? You could also join his club, he works so hard on behalf of all the atheists here. :(

Q has a very interesting perspective on things. I recall him having some form of autism(?) and the end result is that his mind separates the objective from the subjective really well.
Q has a very interesting perspective on things. I recall him having some form of autism(?) and the end result is that his mind separates the objective from the subjective really well.

You're confusing him with spidergoat. :p
Sure, as long as you can show it requires an atheist society. France is not an atheist society in my opinion. More like a secular one. The French consider religion to be private, not absent.

I don't see much point in distinguishing between a secular society and atheist society, but we can if you like. I'm guessing that by "atheist society" you mean a society where atheism is imposed? The ideology of such a regime would not be acceptable to many atheists. But, I think we're drifting off topic...

Back at the beginning of our sub-discussion where we began talking about non-religious ideologies, you suggested that it means ideologies adopted by atheists. So, we have ideologies like libertarianism, socialism, environmentalism, and more (I haven't examined these in any detail) which are non-religious (ie they are adopted by atheists), and have a lot to say about prosocial concepts.

But I'll back off... I find the anti-religion bashing by certain sciforums members very distasteful, and I know that it's difficult to debate properly when you have to be on the defensive all the time. I'll just point out that if some set of atheists act as members of a "club", that does not imply that all people who think there is no God are part of that club. I personally would like to distance myself from the Dawkins-loving, t-shirt-wearing, religion-hating crowd.
I've seen dogs eating dog. Thats the only reason I can think of why a dog would drag fresh meat across the road
SAM said:
The fact that no athiest group has ever established a family, community or country anywhere in the world without first belonging to a theist family, community or country says it all.
Once again this ridiculous assertion. The only backing for it is a personal, unsubstantiated opinion that Navajos are really theists, all Buddhists are theists, all animists are theists, anyoen with a religion, in fact,is a theist, and anyone SAM thinks has a religion has one.

But the Hitlers are all closet atheists. Somehow, they have to be.

It would be silly only, except it illustrates something that is not silly: there's apparently a real problem with strong, childhood inculcated theistic belief. SAM does not make these kinds of errors on her job, while driving a car, etc. This topic - and only this topic -is untouchable by ordinary reason.

Like this:
SAM said:
Even atheists are forced to admit that unlike theistic scriptures which speak volumes about relationships, atheism says nothing at all about any prosocial concepts.
Well duh. And the point of that?
Or this:
SAM said:
You could also bring up scriptures that emphasize some key elements of communism... but so what?

You don't see many theists embracing it, do you? If and when they do, it will probably work.
Lots have - the early Christain Church was replete with communes, most monasteries operated as communes, etc. Many theistic red tribes operated as communists, in the Americas. They lasted a while, then disappeared for one reason ot another (often: being conquered by other theists) - I believe you call that "failing".
SAM said:
I've seen dogs eating dog. Thats the only reason I can think of why a dog would drag fresh meat across the road
I've seen dogs rescue dogs, dogs rescue children, dogs rescue cats, dogs rescue rabbits, etc, and not eat them. Dogs will rescue members of their pack - will risk their lives to rescue members of their pack - of any species. Apparently, dogs have a theist nature? Or is that a Buddha nature? Or WTF are you talking about?

I've never seen a dog eat a dog. Nevertheless I believe you, when you say you have. But the idea that because you cannot think of any reason a dog would rescue a dog, and not eat it, means it did not happen, is one hell of a symptom. And one I run into a lot in arguments with theists: they can't think of any way an eyeball could evolve, therefore it didn't. They can't think of any reason people would be kind to each other except from childhood religious nurturing, therefore they aren't. They can't think of any way a truly theistic person would do evil, therefore evildoers must be atheists.

Your lack of imagination does not constrain the real world - or even the possible world.
Personally, I resolve the theist/atheist thing by convincing myself they're only two sides of the same argument, and they are subsumed anyway by mythology which is a human universal trait. All cultures are at least mythic, because we sustain cultures by maintaining myths. Sometimes maybe the myth is sustained in spite of a culture, Easter Island etc.

We can identify a Western myth, for example - the economic argument that doesn't expect any difficulties with unlimited growth. Growth is worshipped, perhaps in spite of the economic myth being arguably wrong.
Has he seen wild dogs doing that? Or "brainwashed" or "selectively bred" ones?