Pol Pot, Mao, and Stalin would agree. Machiavelli would have reservations - although appropriate for the subjects, the Prince must take care to avoid such delusions in himself, and maintain the form only. Jefferson and apparently Lincoln would more or less agree with Machiavelli.
The propensity of athiests to misuse religion [as the propensity of some theists themselves] is not indicative of the problems inherent in religion, but in people.
Still confusing athiesm with reason?Apparently most scientists would not. Is that a sign of the evil of individualism, in scientists, or do they get a pass because of the more immediately severe consequences of such delusion on their work?
But we have at last the basics of a discussion that can progress. The next question might be how a responsible member of such a society, one held together by a crippling delusion with all attendant effects and eventual fate, should act if they find themselves unable or unwilling to accept the crippling or the deluded state.
Since when does atheism equate to responsible member of society? In fact, they don't have a society, they co-exist [or not, as they choose] in a society formed and sustained by the crippling delusions of the theists. Kinda like epiphytes.
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