Why are you ARGUING about "GOD?"


Death Beckoned
Registered Senior Member
What is it about us that makes us need to argue about this? God is just a good reason to argue, to me, but I think there is something about humanity in general, some of us in particular, that makes us want to argue and fight with each other. Why? If we can't really prove to each other that MY God is real, and yours is not, why do we feel like we have to argue over it? We can't really know, not in the sense that we can prove it to everyone, so why do we have to insist that we do know?

Why can't we accept that we don't know for sure, and accept that this is alright? :bugeye:

Why am I waiting with baited breath to take down whoever posts first? :)
Talking about something is one good way to think about that thing. You have to approach the questions from different angles than your usual ones.
You can see another person's point of view. And its not "fighting." Its more of a debate or discussion virtually. And as you can see another person's point of view, you may be able to learn about them, or understand WHY they believe what they do
Some people cannot admit that they can't know for sure, that's why it is fun to try and point out the uncertainty inherent in the subject. Given that the idea of God influences many aspects of our lives from politics to reproduction, it's an important subject to debate.
Yes, Spidergoat, but why do we have to insist that our way is the only way and all others are wrong or evil?

Why do we have to think we are better than everyone else, and put them down just because they think differently?

My question is more about humans than God, though the two are so intertwined I don't know if you can separate them.
but why do we have to insist that our way is the only way and all others are wrong or evil?
my way (agnostic/atheist) is to understand that we cannot know for sure. and my argument is: since we can't know for sure, why would we let it control our entire lives? but then people come back and say "because god told me so" and then it becomes a fight about weather god really told them.
[Why can't we accept that we don't know for sure, and accept that this is alright? :bugeye:


That is the eternal "WHY?"
Cottontop3000 said:
..why do we have to insist that our way is the only way and all others are wrong or evil?
well b/c it is :p
we all know the difference between right and wrong,
however theists will always try to justify evil,wrong etc when done in the name of God,well b/c god is god and hes beyong our understanding/comprehension has to be obeyed unquestioningly etc..ad nauseam....
religion justifies even the wrongest wrong evil shyt this way.so there will never be peace on Earth until this idiotic religious beliefs END.
Our own way is always right, but it is usually not right for others. When we are arguing with people, we are arguing with ourselves. We want to convince ourselves that we are right. Why? Because we are not perfect, so we are attracted by perfection.
Cottontop3000 said:
What is it about us that makes us need to argue about this? God is just a good reason to argue, to me, but I think there is something about humanity in general, some of us in particular, that makes us want to argue and fight with each other. Why?

Evolution. Competition, survival of the fittest and such.

If we can't really prove to each other that MY God is real, and yours is not, why do we feel like we have to argue over it? We can't really know, not in the sense that we can prove it to everyone, so why do we have to insist that we do know?

Because we want to win!

Why can't we accept that we don't know for sure, and accept that this is alright?

Accepting that we cannot know for sure is the same as accepting Pascal's Wager as a valid justification for faith.

Pascal's Wager is corrupted, mainly because it supposes that God does not act. And if God doesn't act now (and one is to believe in Him "just in case"), how sure can we be that He will act at the time of our death? Such a faith is faith out of fear and lack of better knowledge. One sould never commit to something out of fear or lack of better knowledge.

Why am I waiting with baited breath to take down whoever posts first?

I could answer this one, but I won't.

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cole grey said:
Talking about something is one good way to think about that thing. You have to approach the questions from different angles than your usual ones.

Yes. More people know more.

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Sauce said:
You can see another person's point of view. And its not "fighting." Its more of a debate or discussion virtually. And as you can see another person's point of view, you may be able to learn about them, or understand WHY they believe what they do

Why the hell would I be interested in what someone whom I do not know, cannot see or hear, thinks?

You suppose affiliation where there is none.

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spidergoat said:
Some people cannot admit that they can't know for sure,

Admitting that you cannot know for sure is advocating relativism.
Will you admit that you cannot know for sure whether you love your cat or not?
Would you insist that you cannot know for sure whether you love your cat or not?
What consequences would such a suspension have for the way you treat your cat?

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Cottontop3000 said:
Yes, Spidergoat, but why do we have to insist that our way is the only way and all others are wrong or evil?

Why do we have to think we are better than everyone else, and put them down just because they think differently?

Because we want to win. We follow our own self-preservation.

A part of the self-preservation, however, is cooperation. One has better chances of survival if it is within a group.

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cato said:
my way (agnostic/atheist) is to understand that we cannot know for sure. and my argument is: since we can't know for sure, why would we let it control our entire lives?

The question is, how far does your agnosticism reach and how consistent it is.
You are agnostic about God. Why aren't you agnostic about trees, or about your password for the forum? Or about your feelings for your friend?

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scorpius said:
well b/c it is
we all know the difference between right and wrong,
however theists will always try to justify evil,wrong etc when done in the name of God,well b/c god is god and hes beyong our understanding/comprehension has to be obeyed unquestioningly etc..ad nauseam....
religion justifies even the wrongest wrong evil shyt this way.so there will never be peace on Earth until this idiotic religious beliefs END.

Arguing strawmen is easy.
The question is, how far does your agnosticism reach and how consistent it is.
You are agnostic about God. Why aren't you agnostic about trees, or about your password for the forum? Or about your feelings for your friend?
what? I am skeptical of many things. I am always questioning the reasons why I do things. the difference is that I believe in things that I can prove. I may not have to prove them to my self, but if I ever feel that it is important to the way I live, I will prove it. if someone says there is a gas station on the corner, I take that "information" and analyze it's likelihood of being true. so if my friend said there was a gas station on the corner, I would have no reason to be suspicious.
You miss my point, I think, some of you. Why can't we agree to disagree, for now, and try to find common ground for Now. Leave the arguing and thinking for another day. Why must we wait on Him to make the lives of starving people around the world a little more tolerable? Do any of you know what it is like to starve, to death? While we sit here comfortably on our high-dollared computers and argue something that is really unanswerable, in my opinion, we could instead be trying to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Those that are going to grow up with a hatred for the "people who have", the "people who are arrogant in their wealth," if they live at all.

I am just as guilty of this as anybody, and I'm not trying to start a fight by condemning any of you. I am just trying to think more seriously about my life, and why I do and think the things I do, and hoping to change something that can be changed. Hopefully for the better. I really am glad I got back on the internet, after 10 years, because talking to you guys has really started me thinking again in my life. Something I've resisted doing for too long. Now, I just want to do what I can to change some of the wrong that I see in my country, the U.S.A. I think our thinking and policy is wrong overall. I want to see us help others, not hurt them. I want to see us wake up and realize that our arrogance and pride (somehow related to the religion of Christianity, I think, my old religion) is hurting many others world-wide, and while we have sat on our laurels after "winning" the cold war, we have lost sight of what is really important. What the "Bible" really teaches, at its heart.

I say stop arguing and hating, if this applies to you, and start trying to be a better human. If you want to tell me to fuck off, I'm sure you will.
Cottontop3000 said:
Do any of you know what it is like to starve, to death?

<strike>It's better than to starve spiritually and be a living dead.</strike>

I am just as guilty of this as anybody, and I'm not trying to start a fight by condemning any of you.

<strike>I'm going to start a fight all over the world by condemning everyone.</strike>

I want to see us help others, not hurt them.

<strike>People hurt others because they haven't helped themselves.</strike>

I say stop arguing and hating, if this applies to you, and start trying to be a better human.

<strike>Impossible, I have to argue and hate so that I can learn to love.</strike>
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cato said:
what? I am skeptical of many things. I am always questioning the reasons why I do things. the difference is that I believe in things that I can prove.

Do you ever question the methodology of proving?
Cottontop3000 said:
You miss my point, I think, some of you. Why can't we agree to disagree, for now, and try to find common ground for Now.

"Agreeing to disagree" means insisting that truth cannot exist, and thus, no common ground can be found.

To agree to disagree is to give up on truth. For the sake of ... ego?
water said:
"Agreeing to disagree" means insisting that truth cannot exist, and thus, no common ground can be found.
Agreeing to disagree means that no truth can be found at this moment, not that it doesn't exist.

What does one need in order to prove to every single person on this planet that a certain God exists? In my opinion, that would be individually up to each and every person on this planet. It's not impossible to do that, if God wanted to, but since He doesn't appear to want to do that, then why don't we just agree to disagree until He does?

To agree to disagree is to give up on truth. For the sake of ... ego?

For the sake of our damned race.
I agree with Water, I think it is best to air these issues. arguing your point is, IMO, the best way to educate yourself. you learn what you really believe, you learn the viewpoint of others, and you learn to think critically about the issue in general. sure, maybe the argument will never cease, but I still think a un-endable argument is good for all who participate.
yes, I can see that as well. once there are no more new avenues to travel down, and you just get a cyclical argument, then it would be time to stop short of a conclusion.