Why Are Atheists Treated Worse Than Other Unbelievers?


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
Oh never mind


According to Christianity, it should also say "No Jews, Moslems, Hindus, etc". It would likewise have all unbelievers thinking "I don't believe it".
According to Islam, wouldn't it say "No Christians"?

Many Christians villify atheists much more than Moslems yet The Holy Babble says both are unbelievers & are condemned.

Why do some theists hate atheists so much more than they hate theists of conflicting religions???
Its not hate, its logic.

If I am a book lover, I would take into my book club even people who did not read or love the same kind of books as I did. But anyone who proclaimed they did not read or hated books, should not be surprised if they were kept out. Especially if they spent all their time telling the others how stupid books are.

According to Islam, wouldn't it say "No Christians"?


Your rabid rhetoric reeks of hate & finding any logic in your posts is as searching for a needle in a barn full of hay.
Your attempt at analogy is inept. It doesn't fit.
You asked why atheists are considered lesser than people of other religious beliefs.

Its because while religious people may not agree on what God is, they most definitely find any theism closer to their ideology than atheism. If you consider religious beliefs as several overlapping circles, athiests stand outside all the circles. There is no agreement of any kind between atheists and theists but there are many points of agreement between theists.

You can see this in practice here at sciforums. I can get along with theists of differing beliefs when it comes to God. But atheists are another story altogether.
You can see this in practice here at sciforums. I can get along with theists of differing beliefs when it comes to God. But atheists are another story altogether.

the enemy of my.....
doctrinal diffs b/w abrahamic religions slight

what would the brickforbrains know
You asked why atheists are considered lesser than people of other religious beliefs.

Its because while religious people may not agree on what God is, they most definitely find any theism closer to their ideology than atheism. If you consider religious beliefs as several overlapping circles, athiests stand outside all the circles. There is no agreement of any kind between atheists and theists but there are many points of agreement between theists.

You can see this in practice here at sciforums. I can get along with theists of differing beliefs when it comes to God. But atheists are another story altogether.

It's not simply that people disagree on what God is but that they believe in different contradictory gods. Thus the circles do not overlap.
You agree there is an omniscient omnipotent angry god with a lust for punishment & that's about it. According to Christianity, you will be punished along with the atheist.
It's creepy.
LOL, even a similar font.

can you make it "no sciforum members"

It's the exact same font. I copied it from the other text in the cartoon ;)
I can try the sciforums thing, but I'll have to do it later on.
just thought i'd point out that, according to their own doctrine, christians aren't supposed to hate anyone at all. ha!
You asked why atheists are considered lesser than people of other religious beliefs.

Its because while religious people may not agree on what God is, they most definitely find any theism closer to their ideology than atheism.

The only real agreement between theists is the supernatural; ie. delusions.

If you consider religious beliefs as several overlapping circles, athiests stand outside all the circles. There is no agreement of any kind between atheists and theists but there are many points of agreement between theists.

What points of agreement are there between Christians, Muslims and Jews on their gods?

You can see this in practice here at sciforums. I can get along with theists of differing beliefs when it comes to God. But atheists are another story altogether.

No, you have plenty of posts where you've disagreed vehemently with other theists.
The only real agreement between theists is the supernatural; ie. delusions.

Whatever it takes

What points of agreement are there between Christians, Muslims and Jews on their gods?

There are several, which become more and more obvious when political economic and social matters are discussed. If you don't believe me you can ask practising Christians and Jews here.

No, you have plenty of posts where you've disagreed vehemently with other theists.
And I still get along with them better than I do with atheists.