Why are atheists so pissy?


Registered Senior Member
Talk about facists. Atheists want everyone to believe the same hopeless spell they have fallen under.
Talk about facists. Atheists want everyone to believe the same hopeless spell they have fallen under.

lol Fascists ? Now who's pissy ?
Atheists do not want everyone to believe the same. In fact, atheism is not even a belief.
I agree. It's jealousy. Christians are happier and atheists want everyone to be down in the mud with them.
Talk about facists. Atheists want everyone to believe the same hopeless spell they have fallen under.

-How about frustrated theist when atheist dont buy their theorys ? ;)
Its because they are compassionate and want to save everyone from themselves.

Oops that sounds familiar... :D
I agree. It's jealousy. Christians are happier and they want everyone to be down in the mud with them.

-Prove that you are happier than me, I´m not atheist but Christian by choice of my parents, whom are reaching the truth, at this moment buddhists are top of my list.
Why should I prove that? You're admittedly not an atheist. My comparison was only to atheists.
-Prove that you are happier than me, I´m not atheist but Christian by choice of my parents, whom are reaching the truth, at this moment buddhists are top of my list.

We don't have to prove anything. Not to you or anyone else. On a 1-10 happiness scale, I am a 777,777,777,777! :D
By the way, can someone please explain to me exactly how I go about placing someone else's quote in my comment box?
By the way, can someone please explain to me exactly how I go about placing someone else's quote in my comment box?

Do you want to hear it from an atheist ? Or do you want to wait for a Christian ?