Who is more immoral?

Can you state the general ethical rule she is breaking so we can take a look at it?

there is no such thing as a general ethic rule, everyone has their own ethics which have some sort of high probability of being the same as others' ethics. The ethics state that exposing oneself in a sexual manner for whatever purpose there is, to individuals that are not in a lawful marriage of love, is immoral.
....Now why does everyone seem to be assuming she only did it for the money?
why is it that no one ever seems to realise that women enjoy sex too?....

she was having sex for money. She wasn't having affairs. She wasn't sleeping with the guys for free.
Orleander thats just silly. YES some women and men do it for the money, others do it because they like the sex and the fact that someone is willing to pay them to have sex with them. Not every women is forced into prostitution inspite of what feminists may say. Some people ARE forced into it like my male friend but others chose to do it. Same thing with stripers some do it for the money, others just like the feeling of power it gives them and the money is added bonis
Yes, but when you take money for it, its about the MONEY. They may have a job they like, but its a job. Its about the MONEY.
i disagree.


Your married (i dont know if you are or not and i dont care either way)
a guy offers you and your husband $1,000,000 if you will sleep with him
a) would you take the money
b) would you feel that your relationship wouldnt suffer
c) would your husband feel the same way about you


humans in general and sociaty put more importance on sex than they do on most other labors.

Now you MAY have an open realationship and who cares but most people dont. As a person who HAS been cheated on i know exactly what my responce would be to that kind of offer

No i am not excusing the man who went to a pro
but nither am i nieve enough to assume that because it was for money that was the only thing involved. It may have been that she was that poor she had no other choice and that is sad but that is not how all sex workers get into it.
your the one who thinks sex for money is all about the money so put your mind where your mouth is

If sex for money means nothing then why would you hesitate to take the money AND to think it wouldnt change your relationship
???? I never said it meant nothing.
I said its about the money. Its a job and people get paid for jobs. How many volunteer hookers do you know?
umm how many girls and guys have one night stands??? alot i would assume

thats beside the point, I am not going into the ambulance service because the money is good im going in because i want to help people. The money is just what i need to survive. Why do you assume that a pro's motives are more greedy than mine?

If it was ONLY about the money why did she chose this proffession? she could have chosen anything?

If it was because it paid MORE money than anything else than she is immoral for putting money above her relationship
If it was for other reasons like that she enjoyed being a pro then yes she is hust as imoral as her husband who went to a pro

Put it this way, if it was ONLY about the money why didnt she tell her husband?