Who here is fearful their children will become atheist/theist/Scientologist/Mormonist

My children can do what they want with their religion but they need to respect the fact that other people may not believe what they do, all in all I don't have as much of a problem with religion's morals but I have a problem with religious ceremonies, wars and what not, they can do what they want, just leave me out of it
I will encourage my children to find their own belief system, as I did, and support their choices as well as I can.
I have to be honest, though, if my child elects to be a member of a religion I will feel like a failure.
I will encourage my children to find their own belief system, as I did, and support their choices as well as I can.
I have to be honest, though, if my child elects to be a member of a religion I will feel like a failure.

Raven you can barely support a statement. You've convinced yourself you can.
Alright let me tell you guys a bit more about what I think about this. I will avidly debate with my child who believes this and constantly try to change what he believes, but only by logic, and by no other means. I will talk to him as if he is a good friend, and the debate will purely for knowing what he thinks. I am not fearful, nor will I be angry if my child does choose religion, though.
Alright let me tell you guys a bit more about what I think about this. I will avidly debate with my child who believes this and constantly try to change what he believes, but only by logic, and by no other means. I will talk to him as if he is a good friend, and the debate will purely for knowing what he thinks. I am not fearful, nor will I be angry if my child does choose religion, though.

Why would you want to? It's their life and their choice. As an atheist, I would never want to force my beliefs (or lack of) on my children, like Catholicism was forced on me as a child. I would rather they believe in something or nothing, so long as they are happy in their choice. And I can assure you, if either or both of my children grew up to be theists, it would not really bother me if they found happiness in believing in 'God' and as long as they believed out of their own free will.

I wouldn't want my children to feel that I was disappointed in them for what they choose to believe in. Nor would I try to change their minds. That is something they need to discover for themselves and if they choose to believe, then it is entirely their choice and I would support them no matter what.
I'm with everyone else (except Cheski, who has proven himself to be a useless prick with nothing of value to add to any discussion) in that I don't fear my children becoming theists (or atheists). Whatever works for them is fine by me.

But, since you put it in the title...I would bring my child behind the shed and beat him or her bloody if he or she became a Scientologist.
Personally.. if I catch scientologists sniffing around my kids, I swear Ill get the gun out. I dont mind Islam, Christianity, Mormonism.. my kid can even become Amish or Jewish. Anything but Scientology. It kills families.
I will encourage my children to find their own belief system, as I did, and support their choices as well as I can. I have to be honest, though, if my child elects to be a member of a religion I will feel like a failure.
M*W: I sympathize with your feelings. I raised my children as catholics, and at the time, I told them that was the right thing to do. They accepted it, because they trusted in me that I was telling them the truth. I regret bringing them up in a religion that I now think is inherently wrong (christianity). My children are all grown up, now, and the elder two are christians, but the younger two are not. The younger two appreciate what I tell them about atheism. The elder two fear for my salvation! In any event, the elder two never step foot in a church, but I think they have an innate fear of no salvation. I don't pressure them into my belief/non-belief systems. It is kinda hard to do that since I crammed christianity down their throats and later regretted it. Ultimately, they have to find their own path, and it may not be the one I'm on. All that means is that they are still searching for the truth. Someday they may find it.
Personally.. if I catch scientologists sniffing around my kids, I swear Ill get the gun out. I dont mind Islam, Christianity, Mormonism. my kid can even become Amish or Jewish. Anything but Scientology. It kills families.
M*W: I don't know that much about Scientology, but why do you think it "kills families?" From what little I've read, Scientology builds up the individual ego, so I can see where that would be a problem. Who can live with a person with a big ego?

I refuse to see anymore Tom Cruise movies, because he came out as a public nutcase. Same goes for Nicolas Cage. His recent movie is the biggest flop in five-years. I thought Scientology was supposed to improve its members lives! Lisa Marie Presley is another one.

I even have a recent convert to Scientology in my own family (a nephew).

I thought it was interesting that you said Scientology "kills families." Please explain.
Here is the smart approach:

I would be happy if my children became Mormons, assuming they are following the practice correctly. What parents wouldn't want a teenager who is non-drinking, not doing drugs and says no to sex??? :)

Now of course when they reach 18-20, I would sit down with them and say:

"Look son...." :m:
I will encourage my children to find their own belief system, as I did, and support their choices as well as I can.
I have to be honest, though, if my child elects to be a member of a religion I will feel like a failure.

I'd probably feel like that if my children were atheist.
Anyone? Seems quite irrational to me.

i ahve three kids and i will be proud of them whatever they decide to belive in, allbeit, becoming a mormon (which may i add, most of our family members allready are)

if they dont want to belive then thats also up to them, has long has they are informed enough to make such choices
Why would you want to? It's their life and their choice. As an atheist, I would never want to force my beliefs (or lack of) on my children, like Catholicism was forced on me as a child. I would rather they believe in something or nothing, so long as they are happy in their choice. And I can assure you, if either or both of my children grew up to be theists, it would not really bother me if they found happiness in believing in 'God' and as long as they believed out of their own free will.

I wouldn't want my children to feel that I was disappointed in them for what they choose to believe in. Nor would I try to change their minds. That is something they need to discover for themselves and if they choose to believe, then it is entirely their choice and I would support them no matter what.

Someone is bound to try to change their mind, but now that you mention it I will be sure to tell them I am not sure of anything, and that the choice is still theirs, and that whatever they choose I will understand. If I tell my parents now I supported the Holocaust, they'd probably ask me to explain myself. I someone feel like I can compare this to religion, but I realize how extreme of an example this is.
I want my kids to grow up into good adults. I wouldn't want my kids to become like S.A.M. Is that a good answer?
No. If I had children, I'd teach them something like Confucianism or Taoism growing up, and allow them to choose their own religion.
I dwell on this. My daughter is a very dedicated believer and I dread the day she finds out I don't believe. I don't want my atheism affecting her decision. I want her to come around to it naturally like my son did.

I can just imagine future holidays though. Especially if she becomes a minister or a missionary.