Who goes to heaven?

Those who live their lives justly, will be saved. You don't have to be a Christian to be saved, that's the myth created by the institution of Christianity, and is blasphemy to what Jesus taught. Remember that Jesus didn't create Christianity, people centuries later did. Slavation comes through spirituality, not some religion.

All you need to do is live your life as outlined by Jesus, which most people do.
Originally posted by The All Knowing
Those who live their lives justly, will be saved. You don't have to be a Christian to be saved, that's the myth created by the institution of Christianity, and is blasphemy to what Jesus taught. Remember that Jesus didn't create Christianity, people centuries later did. Slavation comes through spirituality, not some religion.

All you need to do is live your life as outlined by Jesus, which most people do.

It's people like you that make me happy that Christianity exists.

Thanks to you, I think I'm going to heaven. But then Tony1 will reply and say otherwise :p

You made my day... thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by muscleman
People in Asia or any country who never heard of the gospel r spared. The bible said "Those who do not know the law do not sin", how else can u commit an act against your conscience when the law in your heart isnt even there? The church forms your conscience, some people's conscience is formed in the street and might feel like its ok to kill and steal, but the word of God is where the right conscience is formed, but those who have not heard of it r spared. The church have a teaching concerning that, ppl misunderstood the name of Jesus, He is the Word incarnate, u follow his words such as humility and love, u r in a good side, but if u claim to know jesus but have no love and no humility, then yur doomed.

According to you it is best that there are no missionaries, because if they tell somebody of Jesus but that person doesn't accept Him, then they're doomed to hell, however if they don't tell that person of Jesus they get to go to heaven? Seems like backwards logic.
Listen you all, to enter the kingdom of God, u dont need to worship the name of Jesus IF U HAVE NEVER HEARD OF HIM, otherwise how can u worship what u never heard of? The formation of conscience doesnt exist within you, this goes to explain why the asians, south american natives, etc. are spared.

However, if the good news are taught to you, if u have heard the name of Jesus, AND REJECT HIS name because He teaches Love, teaches not to b a pervert, teaches to respect and obey parents, obey the gov't law and give to Ceasars whats his, teaches to love everyone regardless, etc. If u reject His name, u reject all these along with it. THATS WHY JESUS SAID "SURELY I SAY UNTO YOU, I WILL B MORE TOLERABLE IN SODOM AND GOMORAH THAN TO YOU" eternity in Hell.

But then again like what the parable said, some might not openly obey Jesus as God but RESPECT HIM like the Roman Soldier (who was a pagan) and are humble, obedient, hard working, this is the kind of person Jesus was talking about who first said "No I will not obey you, but later on obeyed Him without knowing it" Some may not openly Love Jesus as God but have HIGH RESPECT FOR SUCH A PERSON WHO TEACHES PROPER WAY OF LIVING. In short, be humble, respectfull and obey his commandments, whether u openly say his name or not, at the end that doesnt matter, what matters is How much u love.

there is a place called "Purgatory" a place for sinners whom God showed mercy to. Its a place for purification, where yur flaws are removed, and made perfect worthy enough to enter heaven. Majority of humble and respectfull ppl will go here, christians or not (I hope ill make it here). The rest who r pridefull, hipocrite, disrespectfull and self centered will go to the house of their Father Satan, Hell, christians and non believers alike. Even more ppl go to hell than those who go to heaven and purgatory.

But if u want to enter heaven straight (By the way only saints are known to enter heaven directly, the chosen few). Then u must be perfect life on earth, as your heavenly father is perfect.

To be perfect doesnt mean to be free from sin, we all sin. To be perfect means to obey the laws of God PERFECTLY. Such as if u sin, confess them, then do goodworks, then help neighbors. A LIFE DEVOTED TO GOD 100%.

An example of this kind of ppl are the nuns, Mother Theresa, her whole life till the day she died she spent it taking care of starving and dying ppl in India, other saints as well. St. Francis who gave up his riches and devoted the rest of his life serving the poor.

LOL, u think its hard being a doctor? Now try entering Heaven straight, I challenge u...Meanwhile, as a concerned brother, please make sure u r atleast humble and respectfull so we can make it to purgatory atleast, u may suffer there but atlest u go to heaven certain amount of time
Not being aware of Jesus or not hearing of him spares you???!

Great another get out... A man/woman (xev) may steal, rape and kill but if he hasnt heard of the word of Jesus he's/she's spared??!!

Sounds kinda like another unthought out bit of logic to me??!!! but then again what the h3ll do i know?!
Sounds like another unthought out get out clause to me again...

So a man or women (xev) can steal, rape and kill but if he hasnt heard of the word of Jesus or read about him he's/she's spared??!!

Errrrrrrrrr or maybe im missing something?!

p.s oops sorry about the double post but sciforums was having a problem... and kept asking me to repost.... so apologies to all....
I would think that if you don't worship the way Jesus and God wanted you to, then your going to hell regardless if you have heard of the Almighty.

Wasn't one of the threats of not converting (back in history) was that you will go to hell because your not living and devoting your life to God and Jesus?
Yeah sure... but you have to be aware of Jesus to devote your life to him... what if you lived in the amazon.. had killed and stolen from other tribesmen your entire life.. but hadnt heard the "word of the lord"??

Are you redeemed by proxy?!
there is a place called "Purgatory" a place for sinners whom God showed mercy to.

If you are a Christian that belongs to a Bible church then you would believe that there is no such place a Purgatory. This was a concept created by the Roman Catholics, among other things.

The only idea that would potentially solve this debate is the Trinity. Did Jesus Christ actually teach that he was a part of the Godhead? Did he actually create Christianity? Did he enforce the Trinity? Once the Trinity is debunked then there would be no need for Salvation through Jesus Christ.

I consider myself to be Agnostic. As everyone else, I couldn't tell you for sure if there is a "God" or not. I am open to the idea of "God" but in no way would I ever submit my mind to any religion. IMO religion influences and creates such a bias on the "truth" which would otherwise be much more authentic.

Why should we be questioning Heaven and Hell? Here's an idea, instead of focusing so much energy on the afterlife why not direct that energy on this life? We shouldn't be looking forward to a promise that was written in a Holy Book centuries ago. I feel that religion has digressed the Human Race in some ways. Why not make "Paradise on Earth" so to speak. Ofcoarse, doing good deeds will help in this process. Not only will it comfort you Biblically speaking but it will also surround you with positve energy, energy that has the potential to grow....In This Life.
Originally posted by muscleman
People in Asia or any country who never heard of the gospel r spared.

I love this one so much:

'Eskimo: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?"
Priest: "No, not if you did not know."
Eskimo: "Then why did you tell me?" '
Annie Dillard

if you are a true beliver, then this whole question is not relevent
if you are not then it is also not relevent..
I don't believe in heaven and hell. Nobody will be rewarded or punished in the end - you'll just face the consequences of your actions.

What are the definition of heaven and hell anyway? Are they specific places or just different states of mind?
I do believe there is heaven and hell. I also believe in God. However I do not think that only believers will go to heaven. I believe everyone will be judged by their merits. I believe most spritual leaders will all go to heaven because they follow their religion and any religion does not teach you to do bad. And no, in my opinion you do not need to go to any places of worship to go to heaven.

People who speak against God will probably go to hell. Not because of their own disbelieve (which I think is not a big 'crime' considering we grow up learning to believe only what can be explained), but because of their impact on other people who may not have commited their sins if they had not been influenced by the naysayers.
Sheep goes to heaven if they follow good sheep. Sheep goes to hell if the follow bad sheep. Therefore we should be good in case sheep follow you.
Originally posted by ethan
if you are a true beliver, then this whole question is not relevent
if you are not then it is also not relevent..

you can't discount entertainment value... :)
Originally posted by Pammy
Sheep goes to heaven if they follow good sheep. Sheep goes to hell if the follow bad sheep. Therefore we should be good in case sheep follow you.
The problem with being a follower is that sheep are sometimes just lemmings in disguise.
Lead on!
