Who goes to heaven?


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
A question. I seem to recall the christian bible mentioning something about believers going to heaven, and nobody else does. Now compare two people.

1) Hitler, who believed in the christian god.
2) Me, who doesn't, but at least tries to be good.

If I'm wrong and there is a god, am I just plain old screwed? Hitler gets in, and I don't?
Im agnostic and I think Im a good person. :D (To hungover) Im probably going to hell just look at my number of posts. 666!!!
no what I really love is the beautiful be a fu**er and got out of it at the last minute policy...

I could I theory kill, rape and steal and as long as on my death bed I accept Jesus to be my lord and savior I get in..... Its great...

maybe it got around that problem of hanging pagans up to die for their beliefs etc.....
If you don't believe, then why should you worry?

If you think there's no heaven, then there's no heaven for you...simple as that.

It's one of those philosophical/ethical sorts of things. Give it a try.
People always ask that question. How do I enter heaven...Its so simple to some, but it is also almost impossible to others.. To enter heaven, read below...

1.) Love God above all, you do this by "spiritual works of mercy", spreading the good news, Jesus, His name tell the world how great of a man He bcame when all he did was love, and the same thing can happen to you if u love. Ressurection. "I will raise you up in the last day". Why should we speak of Jesus? To give God the credit, after all the efforts he did, gave you life, show you mercy and patience, died for you, prepared an eternall happiness for you, I think He deserves the credit more than Brittney Spears, dont you?

2.) Love your neighbors as you love yourself (corporal works of mercy). "Faith w/out works is dead". Feed the hungry, visit the lonely, give clothing to those who have none. We are brothers and sisters in Christ, and theres One ruler above all, our Father. We must love one another as God loves us.

But some may still b confused and say "Doing the things above is so difficult, I cant do all that, that sounds hard".

You know how u do them? One word, "Humility", be humble. There was 2 criminals crucified next to Jesus, one was skeptic, pridefull, and blind, he said to Jesus "If you really are God, stop rambling and show me proof, why dont you come down the cross and prove it", the other criminal was upset and said "Be quite man! Cant you see we suffered because we deserve it! He did nothing to deserve this!" This guy in respect to poor suffering Jesus said to him, "Jesus, remember me when you rise up to heaven", Jesus responded "Surely I say unto you, right at this moment I will take you with me to Paradise".

You know how u do them? One word, "Humility", be humble.

Since humility is a trait you've certainly not exhibited, it is easy to conclude that you yourself would be left to burn in the fiery oceans of hell, that is of course, if it existed. You might consider reading up on Dante in order to get an idea of what to expect. :D
Originally posted by muscleman
2.) Love your neighbors as you love yourself

You obviously don't like yourself then. With all your hatred and critisism of atheists how can you love yourself?
It depends on what you believe, Adam.

I'm not religious at all and I don't believe there is a heaven. Therefore, when I die I will not go to a heaven because I do not believe there is one.

If you are religious and believe in God, Jesus, heaven...yadda yadda yada...then when you die you will believe there is a place that is waiting for your arrival.

Now, if you worship Mickey Mouse and believe that you will go to the great Epcot Center in the sky when you die, you will be there.

As for Hitler, his heaven will be filled of Aryans and he will be the great ruler.

See where I am going with this?
Originally posted by DeSeRt RaT UK
You obviously don't like yourself then. With all your hatred and critisism of atheists how can you love yourself?

I dont hate atheist people or anyone, hhowever I HATE THE COMMENT THEY MAKE,, I hate the sin, but not the sinner. I hate the lies they speak, I hate the ignorance they present, I hate the trash talking against God, I hate the path they are in, but I love them in Christ for otherwise I would not bother to tell u the good news..Even Jesus called the Pharisees "You brood of Vipers!"", but even then it doesnt mean Jesus dont love them, this are the same ppl who crucified Him, but at the end Jesus said "Forgive them for they donot know what they do"
Originally posted by Adam
If I'm wrong and there is a god, am I just plain old screwed? Hitler gets in, and I don't?

Wouldn't that really suck for the jews and gypsies living there?
Yes Adam, you're fucked. But look on the bright side, all the cool people are in hell! I mean, hey, Pascal is probably in hell for being a Catholic and not a Chickesque protestant!

To quote Nietzsche:

"In heaven, all the interesting people are missing"
I still want to know what happens to all the people in Asia after they die? Because they don't follow God do they ALL go to hell? Because they are brought up this way and may possibly never even know what Chrisitanity or Jesus was/is?

What about the children that die at an age where they can not even talk or read? Because they haven't read and followed the bible they will go to hell?

The logic that if you follow God, you shall not go to Hell is flawed.
So your telling me that all I have to do is love Jesus? I dont have to go to church or pray? All I have to do is have blind fate in something that there is no proof of?
So your telling me that all I have to do is love Jesus?


She'd like to know God.
Ooh love God.
Feel her God.
Inside of her - deep inside of her.

No. Type O Negative, "Christian Woman":

2. Christian Woman

A cross upon her bedroom wall.
From grace she will fall.
An image burning in her mind.
And between her thighs.

A dying God-man full of pain.
When will you cum again?
Before him beg to serve or please.
On your back or knees.
There's no forgiveness for her sins.
Prefers punishment?
Would you suffer eternally.
Or internally?

For her lust.
She'll burn in hell.
Her soul done medium well.
All through mass manual stimulation.

Body of Christ.
She needs.
The body of Christ.

She'd like to know God.
Ooh love God.
Feel her God.
Inside of her - deep inside of her.

Jesus Christ looks like me.
Jesus Christ looks like me.
Jesus Christ looks like me.
Jesus Christ - Jesus Christ - Jesus Christ - Jesus Christ looks like me.
Originally posted by DeSeRt RaT UK
I still want to know what happens to all the people in Asia after they die? Because they don't follow God do they ALL go to hell? Because they are brought up this way and may possibly never even know what Chrisitanity or Jesus was/is?

What about the children that die at an age where they can not even talk or read? Because they haven't read and followed the bible they will go to hell?

The logic that if you follow God, you shall not go to Hell is flawed.

People in Asia or any country who never heard of the gospel r spared. The bible said "Those who do not know the law do not sin", how else can u commit an act against your conscience when the law in your heart isnt even there? The church forms your conscience, some people's conscience is formed in the street and might feel like its ok to kill and steal, but the word of God is where the right conscience is formed, but those who have not heard of it r spared. The church have a teaching concerning that, ppl misunderstood the name of Jesus, He is the Word incarnate, u follow his words such as humility and love, u r in a good side, but if u claim to know jesus but have no love and no humility, then yur doomed.

that is like the parable Jesus said "The master asked a servant a favor to go with him but the servant saaid "no" I will not go, but later on went. The other servant said "Yes I will go", but didnt go later on, who will the master favor more?", then apostles said "the guy who went" Jesus said "Truly I say to u, thieves, prostitutes, and sinners are entering the kingdom of God before them (hipocrites, pharisees).

In fact the man with the greatest faiith Jesus encountered wasnt even a believer of God but was a pagan. Jesus was walking and he met a roman soldier (at the time paganss and r enemies of the jews) the roman soldier have a sick daughter, he said "Lord I am not worthy to have u under my roof, etc.but say the word and my daughter shall b healed" Jesus then said "Truly I say to u, I have not seen a man with greater faith than he in Jerusalem (chosen ppl, like christians today)

again, the child in capable of reading are spared, like the ppl in asia, and others. Jesus said "Unless u bcome like this little child u will never enter the kingdom of God" in other words "Unless u r innocent, humble and obedient""

but theres a sad catch. Jesus said he will not return until all the corners of the earth have heard of His words, when the judment day comes, not one person have not heard of him, but every nation already has. Either u rejected Him, or u followed Him.

But u know how Jesus will judge us? It comes down to the ones aforementioned..

"hungry diud u feed me? mourning did u comfort me? lonely did u visit me?"

"Christian guy said ' but Lord i expell demons in your name and do alot of fun worship singing in the church, and since when did i ever see u hungry or depressed or lonely?"

"Jesus said whatever u do to the least of my brothers u do unto me"

at the end thats what counts, and nothing else. everyday ppl die of starvation, everyday ppl commit suicide bcuz of deprresion, everyday teens run away. Whhat did u do about it?

Praying is good and going to church, thats what Jesus wants, but that should bring u to the love of huimanity. Otherwise yur prayer must not b sincere and mayb your intention is different, mayb u just did it bcuz u have nothing else to do or just bored or just want to make sure u dont go to hell.. Thiss r all wwrong intention, u should go to church and pray bcuz u want God to come into u and help u guide and help u love your brothers and sisters, thats the right intention
Children are pure and have no sins.....they go to heaven. Anyone read the book Left Behind?

Judgement day came and all the children and real Christians just disapeared one day...the others were left on Earth to face the antichrist and lots of other mean things.