Who do you think Jesus was?

That wasn't jesus.

But if you think so then get thee to a psychological research facility.

it's statements like this that make atheists look more than stupid. i would add to it, shallow, transparent, selfish, egotistical...desperate. do you realize you are hurting yourself by being this way?
it's statements like this that make atheists look more than stupid. i would add to it, shallow, transparent, selfish, egotistical...desperate. do you realize you are hurting yourself by being this way?

It's not me that looks foolish here. You imagine things and think it's jesus or god - how smart is that?

Seriously. If you believe what you say, get to a lab and have it tested.
It's not me that looks foolish here. You imagine things and think it's jesus or god - how smart is that?

Seriously. If you believe what you say, get to a lab and have it tested.

this is retarded.

get what tested? my life? the holy spirit? any spirit? do you even think about what you say, or has it just become some rhetoric that you automatically spew whenever anyone mentions jesus?

and tested for what? meaning? i have it already. it was for me, and i understand it.

so i'm not certain what your affinity for a lab might be, but if you're trying to imply that you're "scientifically-minded", then allow me to point out to you, that one of us has experienced jesus. now which one of us would be a credible source regarding the experience...you know, from a scientific standpoint, or a legal one?
this is retarded.

get what tested? my life? the holy spirit? any spirit? do you even think about what you say, or has it just become some rhetoric that you automatically spew whenever anyone mentions jesus?


Something's retarded. Can you not understand plain English?

You're the one that claimed you could "measure jesus."

I'd suggest you go try it.
Something's retarded. Can you not understand plain English?

You're the one that claimed you could "measure jesus."

I'd suggest you go try it.

i'm telling you i have, and i didn't need a lab to do it. i'm living it...it's me...it's my life.

YOU want to measure the effect jesus has on ME...in a lab.

that's silly.
i'm telling you i have, and i didn't need a lab to do it. i'm living it...it's me...it's my life.

YOU want to measure the effect jesus has on ME...in a lab.

that's silly.

And I'm telling you that is your opinion and belief. Your claim, your statement in response to mine was that "jesus could be measured"

Measurement is not belief or opinion. Now, you are welcome to retract your statement, but can only verify it by going to a lab and measuring it.

I'm not the one that made the claim, you did:

the effect that jesus has had on me could be measured.

and you know what, you're right, it is silly. :)
And I'm telling you that is your opinion and belief. Your claim, your statement in response to mine was that "jesus could be measured"

Measurement is not belief or opinion. Now, you are welcome to retract your statement, but can only verify it by going to a lab and measuring it.

I'm not the one that made the claim, you did:

and you know what, you're right, it is silly. :)

that is my opinion and belief based on MY measurement, which is not conducted in a lab, but in myself over a lifetime.

now, what you're saying is that you would like to measure that very same thing in me, in a lab? you want me to live my life in a laboratory...for you? and what type of instruments are you going to use to take these measurements of who i am and why? certainly you can see how impossible and entirely pointless it is to endeavor to recreate someone's life. why would you want to turn a human into a lab rat? i can only assume it's because of your own very narrow valuation of our existence.
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that is my opinion and belief based on MY measurement, which is not conducted in a lab, but in myself over a lifetime.

now, what you're saying is that you would like to measure that very same thing in me, in a lab? you want me to live my life in a laboratory...for you? and what type of instruments are you going to use to take these measurements of who i am and why? certainly you can see how impossible and entirely pointless it is to endeavor to recreate someone's life. why would you want to turn a human into a lab rat? i can only assume it's because of your own very narrow valuation of our existence.

Gawd, what next. You truly don't get it. :shrug:

You think you can twist and weasel your words like you and other theist's interpretation of the bible, but it's very clear right here in plain simple English what you said. You are welcome to retract it and admit you were wrong, but you don't get to redefine it.
Oh and as I said your claim has nothing to do with jesus anyway, it's only in your brain, you'd have first measure the change and then prove it was due to jesus. It's not going to happen Lori no matter how hard you believe.
Gawd, what next. You truly don't get it. :shrug:

You think you can twist and weasel your words like you and other theist's interpretation of the bible, but it's very clear right here in plain simple English what you said. You are welcome to retract it and admit you were wrong, but you don't get to redefine it.

nobody's twisting anything; those are legitimate questions i asked you, and points i made, that you are ignoring. what you don't get, is that just because YOU aren't able to measure something, doesn't mean it doesn't have a value, or doesn't exist.

Oh and as I said your claim has nothing to do with jesus anyway, it's only in your brain, you'd have first measure the change and then prove it was due to jesus. It's not going to happen Lori no matter how hard you believe.

i am the change. my life is the result. and i know it was due to jesus. this is MY experiment. i have observed, and experienced, and valued. and this has been for ME. that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. all it means is that you're missing out.
nobody's twisting anything; those are legitimate questions i asked you, and points i made, that you are ignoring. what you don't get, is that just because YOU aren't able to measure something, doesn't mean it doesn't have a value, or doesn't exist.

i am the change. my life is the result. and i know it was due to jesus. this is MY experiment. i have observed, and experienced, and valued. and this has been for ME. that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. all it means is that you're missing out.
M*W: Atheists have life changing, positive experiences, too, and sometimes darn good luck. It's not because of Jesus or any other deity. You credit Jesus/god with your positive experiences, and we don't, that's all. It doesn't seem fair, does it?
I believe we all see jesus some times. In our cold harts and small beedy eyes... we see him from time to time.

"Jesus, the baby Jesus wanted me to own a Celica and have five kids with my husband Jethro. See the baby Jesus loves us. "

I honestly don't think you could take Jesus out of the trailer park

there fore the argument who was Jesus and what was he like, seems to be taking off on the wrong foot. Jesus is who ever you want him to be. Who ever you wanted him to sound like when your spewing off hick bull shit, Jesus Christ will be there.

Be with you mother fuck Christ may be.

I deal in coke pepsi and Ketimine.
and only the finest of morphines

I sugest you will figure you out when you say you've figured Jesus out as well.

Like all the songs on the radio, they only make sense after hardcore {1+1=2}, Dam.. strate

Christians devalued the American car industry by being near Michigan. It's a fact, yeah I made it up my self, so I should know.

now like Christ it's gone there are more options with less a fallowing and you feel guilty about it all. the fact is like the Vatican, Ford and Chevy sold out, Detroit like Rome. American cars should be designed and built at home! Except the camero, that things sweet lets have it for the camero SS....

Any way, Science?
M*W: Atheists have life changing, positive experiences, too, and sometimes darn good luck. It's not because of Jesus or any other deity. You credit Jesus/god with your positive experiences, and we don't, that's all. It doesn't seem fair, does it?

sure it seems fair. if someone has a child, and being a parent to that child changes them, they could attribute the change to being a parent, or to the child. if someone seeks counseling from a psychologist, and that counseling changes them, then they could attribute the change to the counseling, or to the psychologist. and if i say to god, "if you are real, then prove it to me", and god does, just the way the bible says god does, and that changes me, then i can attribute that change to god, and christ.
He was a conglomeration of myths legends and fairy tales all rolled up into one person. He as an individual, did not exist.
