Who do you think Jesus was?

Not necessary, as they say: it is merely my assertion you object to? Why?

Sorry...your post made me throw up a little in my mouth. :puke: Nothing personal though. You made the same statement that a lot of Bible thumpers make where I'm from. It's a statement I hear often and it just made me cringe. Only because it is a huge irk factor for me when I hear people state a religious belief as fact. But, hey- we all have our beliefs and that's cool. Didn't mean to single you out.

*rides off on my rare purple unicorn* Hi-Ho, Uni! Away!

Peace :m:
Only because it is a huge irk factor for me when I hear people state a religious belief as fact.

when i come home after work,i want to take a shower, i have learned to ask my granddaughter if she has to pee before i get in there..otherwise she will be at the door the whole time i am in the shower..
now that that has become a routine, i say LMNO and she says P..and heads to the bathroom..i know as FACT that she often just goes in there and just stands there till i open the door..

it should be understood when a believer states it as fact, one must determine whether they are using it in a subjective/objective matter, fact can be subjective..
it should be understood when a believer states it as fact, one must determine whether they are using it in a subjective/objective matter, fact can be subjective..

oh, yeah? I know of someone who has witnessed a strawberry talking to them saying, "Please don't eat me." So this means we all shouldn't eat strawberries, because after all they can talk? Subjective doesn't always equal fact. I'm just sayin'
oh, yeah? I know of someone who has witnessed a strawberry talking to them saying, "Please don't eat me." So this means we all shouldn't eat strawberries, because after all they can talk?
what does this have to do with anything??
and it doesn't mean we should all not eat strawberries..
you would have to take responsibility for you own compulsion to not eat strawberries and not blame the person who told you not to eat strawberries,because you were the one who decided to do as your told.

Subjective doesn't always equal fact. I'm just sayin'
saying facts can be subjective, does not say subjective equals fact..
there are things in my life that are consistent only in my life, they are so consistent that i consider them fact, these facts, that are subjective to my own perspective, ARE facts to me.
Sorry...your post made me throw up a little in my mouth. :puke: Nothing personal though. You made the same statement that a lot of Bible thumpers make where I'm from. It's a statement I hear often and it just made me cringe. Only because it is a huge irk factor for me when I hear people state a religious belief as fact. But, hey- we all have our beliefs and that's cool. Didn't mean to single you out.

*rides off on my rare purple unicorn* Hi-Ho, Uni! Away!

Peace :m:

No worries. Assertions in general piss me off; particularly on the unknowable, and without any reference to alternatives however remote.
what does this have to do with anything??

Was just saying that just because this person "experienced" this doesn't make it fact.

saying facts can be subjective, does not say subjective equals fact..

That's what I'm saying! Which is why I said that it irks me when others state their religious beliefs as fact.

there are things in my life that are consistent only in my life, they are so consistent that i consider them fact, these facts, that are subjective to my own perspective, ARE facts to me.

so just because one may have had an experience that led them to believe Jesus is the way truth and the life- another could have the same experience only with Satan and both would be right because they've each had consistent experiences? Would you say or do you believe there are many paths to one truth then?
so just because one may have had an experience that led them to believe Jesus is the way truth and the life- another could have the same experience only with Satan and both would be right because they've each had consistent experiences?
yes..they can be..
another way to say it would be..
god will not show a person his entire being,he will only show you a piece of him, just because i see one part of him and another see's another part of him, does not make either of us wrong..

Would you say or do you believe there are many paths to one truth then?
i believe god guides based on your own experiences and language.
IE just cause god wants me to do 'this' does not mean he wants you to do 'this'..what works for me may not work for you..

when you say 'one truth' are you referring to an objective truth?
maybe he wants me to learn one truth, and you another..
that way if we ever learn to communicate with each other effectively then together we would have a bigger/better truth,this also implies that we will never know the whole truth.
god will not show a person his entire being,he will only show you a piece of him, just because i see one part of him and another see's another part of him, does not make either of us wrong..

One side to him is bloodthirsty (according to the bible) and another is manipulative (according to the bible) and another side claims to love all unconditionally and show no favoritism (according to the bible). I simply use the Bible as an example because that is what I'm familiar with most.

So a satanist a christian and a mormon are all just different sides to "god" no matter how contradictory those sides may be?

when you say 'one truth' are you referring to an objective truth? maybe he wants me to learn one truth, and you another.. that way if we ever learn to communicate with each other effectively then together we would have a bigger/better truth,this also implies that we will never know the whole truth.

but what if ones own truth contradicts that of another? eg a christian believes that anyone who denies that Jesus is the son of God won't go to heaven. Another may believe all go to a heaven like place after dying, no matter if they believe in Jesus or not.
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One side to him is bloodthirsty (according to the bible) and another is manipulative (according to the bible) and another side claims to love all unconditionally and show no favortism (according to the bible). I simply use the Bible as an example because that is what I'm familiar with most.

So a satanist a christian and a morman are all just different sides to "god" no matter how contradictory those sides may be?

but what if ones own truth contradicts that of another? eg a christian believes that anyone who denies that Jesus is the son of God won't go to heaven. Another may believe all go to a heaven like place after dying, no matter if they believe in Jesus or not.

I think the answer is you have to go with whatever feels good since nothing related to God is ultimately provable. I think that is why they call it faith.
I think the answer is you have to go with whatever feels good since nothing related to God is ultimately provable. I think that is why they call it faith.

And therefore cannot be considered fact or even evidence for that matter. It is totally subjective and non-verifiable. No more provable then ghosts or UFOs etc.
One side to him is bloodthirsty (according to the bible) and another is manipulative (according to the bible) and another side claims to love all unconditionally and show no favoritism (according to the bible). I simply use the Bible as an example because that is what I'm familiar with most.
i believe he is who he needs to be for each of us..

So a satanist a christian and a mormon are all just different sides to "god" no matter how contradictory those sides may be?

would you know what good is, if there was no bad?
would you know joy if there were no sorrow?
would you know accomplishment if there were no struggle?

but what if ones own truth contradicts that of another?
i firmly believe god does not want a bunch of mindless clones,
we have to maintain our differences in order to be of use to him,

i can cite the abortion issues (pro vs con) for contradictory beliefs,i also believe that neither side should win, if ANY side wins there would be laws made to force ppl to be on the one side.

logic should tend to itself.
And therefore cannot be considered fact or even evidence for that matter. It is totally subjective and non-verifiable. No more provable then ghosts or UFOs etc.

Proof and fact are subjective
I'll be waiting. In the mean time my statement stands. Please review my statement if you'd like to actually discuss the point.
I think the answer is you have to go with whatever feels good since nothing related to God is ultimately provable. I think that is why they call it faith.

And therefore cannot be considered fact or even evidence for that matter. It is totally subjective and non-verifiable. No more provable then ghosts or UFOs etc.

The fundamental aspects of this universe our based on beliefs.
Gravity is demonstrable, repeatable, measurable and real. So your analogy is simply wrong.

No belief is required. In fact it exists whether you are around or not.
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Gravity is demonstrable, repeatable, measurable and real. So your analogy is simply wrong.

No belief is required. If fact it exists whether you are around or not.

Gravity is unexplained. What do you call accepting as real something unexplained?