Who claimed to have personally met a historical Jesus ?

Which part did you not understand?

For example, you:

You commonly claim that you "like science" yet you appear to know nothing whatsoever about it, to the extent of falsely claiming what science says and how it works.

If you really know better then correct me, instead blabbering , beside , you are accusing of me been a falsifier . please retrieve your accusation or perhaps the moderator should look into this matter .
If you really know better then correct me
No-one (except the ignorant or liars) claims that the universe started with "particle of infinite large gravity".

you are accusing of me been a falsifier . please retrieve your accusation or perhaps the moderator should look into this matter .
Since your falsification is a matter of record (post 76 for one) then please, by all means get a moderator to take a look.

If you really know better then correct me,

Hahahaha !
Numerous posters here, including myself, HAVE been trying to correct you.

But you simply reject anything you don't like.
You are not at all open to correction.

Like the Talmud references to Jesus - you were wrong, but you cannot admit it!

Far from being correctable, first you just called me LIAR, and now refuse to deal with the facts. Your most recent nonsense is to mis-understand a reference - it's NOT a quote of Deut. But you'll never admit error, will you?

The Talmud DOES say Jesus is boiling in a vat of shit - but you just cannot admit it.

You've also ignored the fact that the Talmud says :

Talmud Sanhedrin 43a
It is taught: Yeshu had five disciples - Matai, Nekai, Netzer, Buni, and Todah.

Is THAT historical evidence for Jesus?

In fact the Talmud has all sorts of late and bizarre nonsense about Jesus that is NOTHING like the Gospels stories - how can they be evidence for Jesus?

Like Jesus hiding the egyptian black-magic word in a cut on his thigh, so he can get past the magic guardian dogs whose bark erases memory of the magic word !

Is THAT historical evidence for Jesus?


Hahahaha !
Numerous posters here, including myself, HAVE been trying to correct you.

But you simply reject anything you don't like.
You are not at all open to correction.

Like the Talmud references to Jesus - you were wrong, but you cannot admit it!

Far from being correctable, first you just called me LIAR, and now refuse to deal with the facts. Your most recent nonsense is to mis-understand a reference - it's NOT a quote of Deut. But you'll never admit error, will you?

The Talmud DOES say Jesus is boiling in a vat of shit - but you just cannot admit it.

You've also ignored the fact that the Talmud says :

Talmud Sanhedrin 43a
It is taught: Yeshu had five disciples - Matai, Nekai, Netzer, Buni, and Todah.

Is THAT historical evidence for Jesus?

In fact the Talmud has all sorts of late and bizarre nonsense about Jesus that is NOTHING like the Gospels stories - how can they be evidence for Jesus?

Like Jesus hiding the egyptian black-magic word in a cut on his thigh, so he can get past the magic guardian dogs whose bark erases memory of the magic word !

Is THAT historical evidence for Jesus?


I mention Talmud , the point was Yashua is not mentioned , there is no reference of his existence in any writing . So I consider Talmud have many credible events which have taken place and some derogatory arguments but there are there . So in the time of Herod or his sons will be mentioned there . So if people do not want to accept Josophus short mentioning , the Talmud would be a good reference for the name . I know the name Jesus would not appear but Yashua would . I will be obvious since at that time Israel was in a revolting state . About 20 to 25 years latter Jerusalem was ceased by Valpaisano.

I mention Talmud , the point was Yashua is not mentioned , there is no reference of his existence in any writing .

There is NO reference to Jesus in ANY writing?
Then why did you claim there is references in the Talmud?

So I consider Talmud have many credible events which have taken place and some derogatory arguments but there are there .

Name ONE credible event concerning Jesus from the Talmud.

the Talmud would be a good reference for the name .

you agree with the Talmud that Jesus had 5 disciples?
You agree with the Talmud that Jesus was stoned to death in Lud ?


There is NO reference to Jesus in ANY writing?
Then why did you claim there is references in the Talmud?

Name ONE credible event concerning Jesus from the Talmud.

Listening stupid I told you several time , for my argument is enough that he is mentioned
. Unfortunately in the Talmud they will and are insulting their Jewish mench , but his name brought glory for Yahveh monotheism,
How could these 4 authors all claim the same thing without having the word of God?
There's ZERO contemporary evidence of Jesus. The four letters are actually all from the same letter. German linguistic scholars settled this yonks ago. There's also no contemporary evidence for Moses. There's also no contemporary evidence for Mohammad. It's clear the leaders in the near Middle East were more than happy to make shit up to consolidate power under their rule (and still do) and that the suckers, errr, patrons/common idiots, ARE more than happy to eat that shit up - even to the point of arguing for MORE.

It should be noted that the human race, over the last 10,000 years has actually seen a REDUCTION in the brain size of about 3-4%. Many think that as civilization arose, moronic people who otherwise would have been weeded out, actually reproduce FASTER! The US population looses 0.8 off the Intelligent Quotient per generation. Others argue our brain is just more efficient. Those people really need to read more here at Sciforums :)
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There's ZERO contemporary evidence of Jesus. The four letters are actually all from the same letter. German linguistic scholars settled this yonks ago. There's also no contemporary evidence for Moses. There's also no contemporary evidence for Mohammad. It's clear the leaders in the near Middle East were more than happy to make shit up to consolidate power under their rule (and still do) and that the suckers, errr, patrons/common idiots, ARE more than happy to eat that shit up - even to the point of arguing for MORE.

It should be noted that the human race, over the last 10,000 years has actually seen a REDUCTION in the brain size of about 3-4%. Many think that as civilization arose, moronic people who otherwise would have been weeded out, actually reproduce FASTER! The US population looses 0.8 off the Intelligent Quotient per generation. Others argue our brain is just more efficient. Those people really need to read more here at Sciforums :)

Your second paragraph is interesting but the speculationg is also enormous .
As for me history have much validation , and I don't think we can brush it away we have tradition they help to support history
As for me history have much validation , and I don't think we can brush it away we have tradition they help to support history
Yes, I think History is extremely important. I delineate between History and Tradition. We have a tradition of Jesus being a real live person, along with Mosses and Mohammad. There's no good (ie: contemporary) evidence for any of these people ever having existed. None. Zero. In fact, exactly the opposite, there's a lot of good contemporary evidence to suggest they didn't exist.

Does knowing this change our tradition? Perhaps it does, is that really all that bad? Not to me :shrug: