Who built the Pyramids?

There are no apparent such things as "Atlanteans" other than those who live in Atlanta, GA.

As to the "why" question, it is apparent that the pyramids hold a funerary purpose and that the elite rulers (pharohs) believed it their right to be interned in monumental fashion for their transitions to the afterlife. The pyramid of Khufu has an observable transition from early mastabas that began with single story, mud-brick structures and gradually increased in size and grandeur through Imhotep's design of Djoser's (Zoser's) "Step-Pyramid" at Saqqara to the "Bent Pyramid" to the major structures of Giza that come to mind for most people.

There is no evidence that the 51 degree angle of some pyramids is anything but a convention of simplicity and common sense. Pyramid angles vary and, indeed, the "Bent Pyramid" has multiple angles (51 and 43). Very likely the pyramid angles were meant to provide maximum height/grandeur and minimal chance of collapse. Also, the steeper the angle, the more difficult it would be to transport blocks up ramps. The brightness of the pyramid itself added to the grandeur and monumental appearance, however. And they would have been visible for miles, particularly with their white limestone casing stones in place.

c7ityi said:
When we, after a long time, discovered the secret of their writing, we read right from the pyramids ourselves the knowledge and information, the mathematical and astronomical laws they have applied, the secrets of the pyramids and all their scientific knowledge. In the darkest ages of the earth, however, these written records dissapeared, so we have to discover all truth for ourselves.
These stones, however, were nearly completely removed in later periods to construct fortifications. According to Petrie, there were no writings or inscriptions on any of the casing stones of the Great Pyramid or those at other sites (i.e. Medum, Dahsuhr, etc.). It would appear that your "source" is flawed.

Moreover, the esoteric "law of the spirit" notwithstanding, the ancient meanings of the pyramids are clear: they're funerary. The "why" involves "why" tens of thousands of citizens were motivated to support the authority and validity of the elites? One answer might include the association of the elites (the pharohs) with gods and the divine, but it would seem that these "gods" must have been able to provide some assurances that their divinity was genuine. Their apparent control of the Nile? Prosperity and success of harvests and military?
c7ityi_ said:
The Great Pyramid was originally used as a temple of initiation.

As it had no entrance, how did people get inside? To enter it, I climbed up stairs placed on the stepped stones, and went through a doorway that had been blasted into the side halfway up. Originally, the sides were smooth, and there were no stairs, and the only opening was a slim shaft even further up, that people might be able to slide down (if they could scale the smooth sides) but certainly could not crawl back up.

The pyramids - particularly the great pyramid - have been built according to various mathematical and astronomical laws in order to serve the people as clock and calendar.

If it was a clock, to be anyway near accurate, it would have had a curved side, or had some curved structure to measure a shadow by (like the Jaipur Observatory). It doesn't, so it wasn't a clock.

Moreover, the fact that the lateral faces stand at an angle of 51 degrees to their base enables the pyramid to reflect the sun's rays far out to sea and far into the desert. Thus the pyramids also served as lighthouses.

A lighthouse during the day? Why? As most civilisations were concentrated around the Nile, the Nile was the highway. You got on your Felluca, and sailed along it until you got to where you wanted to go, and then turned round and went the opposite way. No lighthouse needed for navigation, it's hard to get lost on the Nile, really.

All the laws on which they are based, together with the history of those who have built them, were inscribed on the ceramic tiles with which they were covered.

They were capped with plain limestone (not ceramic tile), some of which survive at the top of Khafre's pyramid. Many cap stones are on display at the Museum of Antiquities in Cairo. They are plain and undecorated too. Inside the great Pyramid, the walls are smooth, plain, and undecorated. No hieroglyphs or pictograms are present.

When we, after a long time, discovered the secret of their writing, we read right from the pyramids ourselves the knowledge and information, the mathematical and astronomical laws they have applied, the secrets of the pyramids and all their scientific knowledge. In the darkest ages of the earth, however, these written records dissapeared, so we have to discover all truth for ourselves.

There is nothing inscribed on, or inside the pyramids. There are inscriptions on the walls of some of the surrounding burial chambers, and these usually tell the life story of the person that was buried there. They certainly aren't science books. The major inscriptions are at the temples, and they tell stories about the gods, victories in battle, or detail how much much gold etc a pharoah has made as an offering to a god. The only place I saw anything vaguely academic inscribed was at the temple of Kom Ombo, where medical instruments are shown, but the actual remedies were written on papyri.

The form of the pyramid has an ancient meaning. You must learn the law of the three-dimensional world which is based on the law of the spirit and could not exist without it.

Blah blah blah. It's a mausoleum, plain and simple. I've stood inside it, and while it is a great experience to be inside such a large, and ancient structure, it's not bristling with 'pyramid power' or any other pseudo scientific BS. It's a big stone structure to put dead people and their belongings in. We still do this today ourselves. We embalm, then bury our dead in a good suit, in a wooden box, put an inscribed stone with the coffin to identify the corpse, and leave on offering of flowers. We just do it on a smaller scale than the egyptians did. A note about alignment is needed here too, churches should be constructed so the altar faces East. Therefore the graves should also be aligned so that the dead can rise and face the east come the resurrection. Burial practises, life after death, inscriptions, offerings, and alignment are part of Christianity and accepted western culture too. It's just not dressed up with such mystery. Nor should the pyramids be, either.



Who built the pyramids? The Atlanteans.[/QUOTE]
phlogistician said:
As it had no entrance, how did people get inside?

When they left the earth, they blocked the entrance with a large stone from the inside so that no man can find it.

It doesn't, so it wasn't a clock.

The Zodiac is a clock, and the pyramid partly represents it.

They were capped with plain limestone (not ceramic tile), some of which survive at the top of Khafre's pyramid. Many cap stones are on display at the Museum of Antiquities in Cairo. They are plain and undecorated too. Inside the great Pyramid, the walls are smooth, plain, and undecorated. No hieroglyphs or pictograms are present.

I'm not talking about that.

There is nothing inscribed on, or inside the pyramids.

Like I said, the writings dissapeared in the darkest ages.

There are inscriptions on the walls of some of the surrounding burial chambers, and these usually tell the life story of the person that was buried there.

Those were written by humans, not the ones who built the pyramid.

The pyramid was not originally a grave. You are being ridiculous. That would be a really big grave! It have been used as a grave later, by ignorant humans, but not at the time of Ptah-hotep and before.

I've stood inside it, and while it is a great experience to be inside such a large, and ancient structure, it's not bristling with 'pyramid power' or any other pseudo scientific BS.

The earth is older and greater than the pyramid, don't you think it's a greater experience to be here than in the pyramid?

It's just not dressed up with such mystery.

Either everything is a mystery or nothing is.

For the primitive person the pyramid an everlasting riddle, it stays the same until he has solved his own mystery, the mystery of the Sphinx: People, you must recognize what you are!

For thousands of years the Great Sphinx has gazed toward the East, its eyes focused on eternity, silently reading a message that mankind has long forgotten.

The whole essence of truth cannot be transmitted from mouth to ear. Nor can any pen describe it, not even that of the recording Angel, unless man finds the answer in the sanctuary of his own heart, in the innermost depths of his divine intuitions.

An alternation such as that of Day and Night, Life and Death, Sleeping and Waking, is so common, so perfectly universal and without exception, that it is easy to comprehend that in it we see one of the absolutely fundamental laws of the universe.
c7ityi_ said:
The Great Pyramid was originally used as a temple of initiation.

The pyramids - particularly the great pyramid - have been built according to various mathematical and astronomical laws in order to serve the people as clock and calendar.

I think you are in error here.
The pyramid was not a temple of initiation; though it stood in a temple complex to receive offering and serve as a `chapel ` for those who would pay respect, it’s main purpose was to hold the body of the pharaoh.

Yes, the temple was built with mathematics and geometry, but its use as a clock or calendar by anyone is pure speculation; (ie. it’s possible to tell the time with any building)

c7ityi_ said:
Who built the pyramids? The Atlanteans.

Why discount the Egyptians?
blobrana said:
Why discount the Egyptians?
Because they didn't build it. The primitive people used slaves to built, the Atlanteans used forces of nature.

The word Pharaoh means 'great house'.
If I had never seen the pyramids, how could I be talking about them.

Duh, you've seen pictures of them but have never seen them up close and personal.

His person is the cover, the "house" of God. God lives in him, shines and manifests through him. The strength of his look is in so piercing, that the people who are not completely true, their eyes must knock down before this look. I know, that this huge strength, that radiates from his eyes is love. He sees everything. He also sees, that I am futile and all my other imperfections, but he understands everything. He is the love itself. He is my father!​
Duh, you've seen pictures of them but have never seen them up close and personal.

"Of course" I haven't seen the pyramids, I don't live in Egypt! I mean that I've seen the Pyramid, what it represents and means, the awakened man, spirit and matter, the 4 faces of God, the Zodiac...
"Of course" I haven't seen the pyramids, I don't live in Egypt!

One does not have to live in Egypt to see the pyramids, or haven't you ever heard of travel?
c7ityi, only one thing that needs to be said about your drivel: poppycock.

None of it has any evidence. It can't even be considered to be speculative with any seriousness since none of it has a hope of being tested.

Indeed, much of what you stated runs counter to the evidences that are present, such as the funerary purposes of the pyramids. The transistion from small tombs to mastabas to the Great Pyramid are very clear in the archaeological record as are the inscriptions that indicate their funerary purposes.

Get a real education and quit bothering us with that nonsense.
I'd think it gave the people something to do to keep them occupied in their daily activities and also build a city around the construction site. This building project was a way to pay people for their craftsmanship and to have people nearby the leaders to keep them in check. Most of the labor to get the stones out of the quarry to the site was don'e by the lower class that lived along with the working craftsmen and were well treated with homes, food and drink.
There's no evidence that the pyramid labor was a slave force. There is, however, much evidence that suggests the laborers were paid in both food and lodging. The labor may have been considered one's religious duty or perhaps it was a civic duty (or both). It may have also been considered a form of "tax" since the may have provided other returns to the people such as promises of prosperity and good harvests, dikes for the flood seasons, tracking of the Nile's status & flooding from Upper Egypt, etc. It may also have been that the populace was motivated by the overall prosperity of the state itself and the marvel of their technology, which was very good for the period, expecially when compared with trading partners.

Rest assured, it had nothing to do with "aliens" from other worlds or any planetary "spiritualism" mumbo-jumbo. Thats just all new age bunk.
c7ityi_ said:
When they left the earth, they blocked the entrance with a large stone from the inside so that no man can find it.

So these space aliens lacked the technology to hermetically seal the pyramid, or even bond or glue or cement the blocks in place? They mastered space travel, but not glue?

The Zodiac is a clock, and the pyramid partly represents it.

No it isn't, and no it doesn't. The Zodiac is a bunch of shapes in 2D that mere men have ascribed to a 3D selection of stars. It is nothing special.

I'm not talking about that.

Nope, but I can't say what you are talking about without using bad language.

Like I said, the writings dissapeared in the darkest ages.

When are they? How and why?

Those were written by humans, not the ones who built the pyramid.

It's well known that pyramids were built by humans. I've been to the first one ever built in Egypt, designed by the high priest Imhotep, who basically got the idea of building Mastabas on top of each other.

The pyramid was not originally a grave. You are being ridiculous. That would be a really big grave! It have been used as a grave later, by ignorant humans, but not at the time of Ptah-hotep and before.

I only hear one ignorant human at the moment.

The earth is older and greater than the pyramid, don't you think it's a greater experience to be here than in the pyramid?

No, because the earth is spoiled by ignorami. I'd rather be in a pyramid with like minded explorers.

btw, you're a complete moron.
(Q) said:
One does not have to live in Egypt to see the pyramids, or haven't you ever heard of travel?

To the highly developed race, the so called sons of God -- or angels, or Anak, or Elohim, or Nephilim, or giants, or Atlanteans -- all the secrets were known. They knew how to release their vehicles from the attraction of the earth with their mind's power, and control them. About their thought guided vehicles, they left some pictures on palm sheets for future generations before the destruction of their native country. Some people are still there to protect them, even after thousands of years, when we have since long discovered other methods to release vehicles from the ground and move in air.

But the ones we have will never be as easy to control or as safe as when guided by the mind. Later, however, we will discover these secrets, and also the last secrets of life. Then the circle of the developing period shuts.

blobrana said:
How would you prove that?

It's not my purpose. Infact, it might be impossible to prove it, except if you yourself have access to universal memory. Later, Atlantis will rise again, so there might be some things left.

The word Pyramid means 'wheat cake'.

But the FORM means (or used to mean) something completely different.
phlogistician said:
So these space aliens lacked the technology to hermetically seal the pyramid, or even bond or glue or cement the blocks in place? They mastered space travel, but not glue?

They were not space aliens.
They were born on earth.
They were giant in both size and knowledge.
They did not develop much technology.
They lived in harmony with nature.

We make technology because we inherited their knowledge and the primitive side of the other human race.

They did not always explore the universe physically.
They did not have "space travel", like you know it.
They could have built everything, but they would have never done that.
They were not crucified on the two beams of from space and time like we are.
They could feel themselves being everywhere at the same time.

Nothing was unknown to them.

When are they? How and why?

The information dissapeared thousands of years ago. Ignorant humans destroyed much of it.
c7/yorda is obviously posting nonsense in order to get a good laugh at our expense, no one could possibly believe any of that crap. He/she is probably someones sock puppet.