Who built the Pyramids?

I can only wish that more people are intelligent enough to put me on their ignore list.
"Who built the Pyramids"
The Egyptians. With levers, pulleys, and other simple machines. Take a history class. :p
I was going to post an insane theory which only the insane, unintelligent, and me would believe, but I see that someone else already has...darn. In the meantime, suffice it so say that the Egyptians did build the Pyramids. Just remeber that, having never met the Egyptians or living under their influence, you cannot safely or effectively judge their capabilities or mentality. Besides, they may still be watching.
I could believe that the ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids, but they had to pretty smart.

- The Pyramids of Giza are precisely at the Geometric Center of Earth's Land Mass
- The interior temperature inside the Pyramids is the average Earth temperature (remains constant)
- Many chemicals used to build the Pyramids are of unknown composition and are still yet to be reproduced
- The Pyramids are aligned to True North, with 3/60th degree of error
- pi and phi are expressed through the proportions of the Pyramids
- The base side length of the Pyramid is 365.24 Pyramid Cubits (sound familiar?).
- The base of the Great Pyramid x 43200 equals the equatorial circumference of Earth
- The height x 43200 equals the polar radius accurate to 0.2%
- Etc....

Whoever was the architect of the Pyramids precisely designed every corner of the Pyramids with a specific purpose.
All you people Lie mercilessly and Thoughtlessly, whats your problem? what is it? ha? :mad:

How many times has it been told to you and proved to you that I built them with my bare chest ;) :D
Vital One, I agree with most of your assertions about the pyramids, especially, that they were smart (and knowledgable). I have a problem with this single point however:
VitalOne said:
- Many chemicals used to build the Pyramids are of unknown composition and are still yet to be reproduced
This does not have any ring of truth to it. (For one thing, though I have read many wierd claims about the pyramids over the years I have never run into this one.) More critically there are a plethora of analytical methods that would allow any outlaw elements to be identified. Do you have a source for this claim?
Vital One, I agree with most of your assertions about the pyramids, especially, that the Egyptians were smart (and knowledgable). I have a problem with this single point however:
VitalOne said:
- Many chemicals used to build the Pyramids are of unknown composition and are still yet to be reproduced
This does not have any ring of truth to it. (For one thing, though I have read many wierd claims about the pyramids over the years I have never run into this one.) More critically there are a plethora of analytical methods that would allow any outlaw elements to be identified. Do you have a source for this claim?
man created them, aliens helped man. it has to be. you know that aliens had electircity, light bulbs and a battery? you go into the pyramids and there are hyroglyphics clearly showing a snake,(which is the sign of energy, surounded by a bulb like object, in the pyramids, there are no signs of any sort of radiation marks, and during the time of the pyramids, egyptians did not know how to create fire. check it out for yourself. look it up anywhere. a scientist, i even have video on it... he took what was written on the walls, and out of natural resources created an actual working light bulb, he didnt add anything at all. he did exactly as it was. check out the landscape of d.c. and mars, pentagon connecteing to five major points creating a pentagram. white house, 33rd degree building where freemasons ware upgraded to the 33rd degree. george washington memorial, and two others i cant remember right now. then look at the streets connecting from the white house, it formes a pentagon. almost every president in the history of the united states was a freemason. a mason is a person who has a god but their god is lucifer, a masons goal is to rule the world. check out 9/11 also. planned, to gain more power. im serious look at the statue on top of the capital building. meant to be built as the virgin mary, but instead is persephone, goddess of the underworld, maried to hades. the geography of cydonia mars, has a five point mount connecting to the face on mars, an area which is crounded with mounts and more, all in the exact same geography as d.c. the pope. look at the chair he sits on, upside down cross. thats the sign of lucifer. in the bible it says that god tells the truth and the devil tells us lies, but in a phrase in the bible, it clearly says that god says that us humans must be lied to. everythings a lie. look all of it up. theres alot more, too sick of typing though.
You are truly undereducated. Read a real book and stop visiting all those silly websites.
Personally I think the Pyramids a Folly.
My meaning of the word folly in this particular case is the building of something by people under the guidance of a leader to keep the people active, employed and occupied, rather than being idle, unemployed, poverish and revelling in crime.

It's known that the Egyptians could only farm at certain times of the year, since the rest of the year the Nile would flood their productive fields. They chose to use that particular area because the nile contained Silt where the sediment would wash onto the fields increasing the fertility. It could be suggested that some of the mediterranean active volcano's of that time aided in generating the silt from volcanic ash.

I mention the farming because it meant for some of the year the people had to make do with their granary reserves and would be idle since they would be waiting for the Niles waters to retreat from the fields. Rather than having all those people unable to purchase food for not being able to work, and to stop them fighting over the food that was available it would only make sense to have them build something that would be seen of importance so little would have to be explained about the true reason for the monument being built, in return for work would either be rations or pay.

It could be suggested that for many years this was the case but perhaps after a while the understanding of what the monuments were truly about were lost which in turn would probably have seen a break in that Egyptian culture at that time.

"Empires Rise and Fall"
Megatird said:
check it out for yourself.

I did. In fact, I departed for a two week tour of Egypt exactly one year ago today. I visited various tombs, temples, mastabas, the quarry at Aswan where stone was sourced for building, the stepped pyramids at Saqqara, and went inside 2 of the three great pyramids at Giza (Chefren and Mercinrus).

I was not left thinking aliens were involved. Far from it. I saw plainly man made structures, like the castles and cathedrals I like to visit in the UK.
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quelquechosedautre said:

I love the story....why not?...Timeline made some good money...this one would be better as a movie. How much Cocain do you think he took back? One metric ton could enslave 10,000 people for many years to build the pyramid. Just imagine the possibilities...

Based on my dreams. time machine will not be developed until after 3200 AD. May be the Sun will go nova sometimes after?
People are always asking the wrong questions about the Egyptian pyramids. Always people ask "how" instead of bothering to read books and journal articles...

The right question is "why?"

"How" they were built is abundantly clear. Why they did so and why tens of thousands of citizens were willing to engage in such an effort is what we have but fleeting speculations of.
OK...let us speculate "Why"?

Why indeed....May be it is connected to Stargate....would not it be interesting to find out such a massive geometrical shape mass has something to do with communication using gravity waves? That some stranded alien had to build with primitive technology rather than using spent Uranium....

Because a stone based gravity device is difficult to modulate than a DU, perhaps 3 pyramids are necessary to show the artificial nature of the gravity wave to be picked up by a sensor somewhere out there.... :D
The Great Pyramid was originally used as a temple of initiation.

The pyramids - particularly the great pyramid - have been built according to various mathematical and astronomical laws in order to serve the people as clock and calendar. Moreover, the fact that the lateral faces stand at an angle of 51 degrees to their base enables the pyramid to reflect the sun's rays far out to sea and far into the desert. Thus the pyramids also served as lighthouses.

All the laws on which they are based, together with the history of those who have built them, were inscribed on the ceramic tiles with which they were covered. When we, after a long time, discovered the secret of their writing, we read right from the pyramids ourselves the knowledge and information, the mathematical and astronomical laws they have applied, the secrets of the pyramids and all their scientific knowledge. In the darkest ages of the earth, however, these written records dissapeared, so we have to discover all truth for ourselves.

The form of the pyramid has an ancient meaning. You must learn the law of the three-dimensional world which is based on the law of the spirit and could not exist without it.



Who built the pyramids? The Atlanteans.
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