Who built the Pyramids?

Apparently there are many here who do not appreciate what can be done with 20,000 to 100,000 manual laborers working for years.

If nothing else was possible, they could have raised the level of the surrounding terrain as the pyramid was being built. When it was completed, only the last topmost piece of the pyramid would be visible. Then the sand or dirt or whatever would be removed, restoring the original (and current) level of the terrain, and exposing the completed pyramid. .
I am one of the few chosen ones who know who built the pyramids. I also know how and why they were built. Both of you are right. Those who believe they are built by "aliens" and those who believe they are built by "humans". They were indeed built by "humans", but ancient, different, "humans".

We are their descendants, but we no longer possess their infinite wisdom and love, because we are a mixture of their race and another primitive race, which lived on earth a long time ago. The ancient humans didn't use their muscles to build things like the pyramids and the things in Baalbek. They could have built much more amazing things, but that wasn't their intention. They didn't use technology to build the pyramids either.

I said that the pyramids are built by the ancient people, but that's not entirely true. At that time, 5000 years ago, the ancients didn't exist anymore. But we, their descendants existed. The mixture between the two human races is the reason people have special "talents". 5000 years ago, prophetic wisdom ("talent") and infinite love wasn't uncommon. People like Jesus appeared in many places. All the ancients were like Jesus. Jesus was a descendant of that race, like all humans, but he happened to inherit all their "magical powers".

I could tell you everything about everything, but I have already told it before, and I am aware that you are me and that I am talking to myself.

People don't know why the pyramid is built in that shape. It was an easy thing to build the pyramid and I think that it took less than a year to build. You people were here when the pyramids were built, and you are still here, unaware. Some day, aeons later, you will all solve the mystery of the Sphinx. I am all.
are you fucking kidding me? I tried to show people an interesting way of moving large stones while, simultaneously, respecting that fact that this thread already existed, and that I should post here. I did so in spite the fact that it turned into some crazy thread about magic and alien, because it was simply the proper place to post it.

I apologize for thinking I would find people who understood that this is a scientific way of showing how things like Stonehenge or the pyramids could have been built. I guess expecting a scientific, or at least sane, response on a science website was too much to ask. jesus fucking christ, can people be banned for being too unscientific?
cato said:
are you fucking kidding me?

No. Nothing is unclear to me.

I apologize for thinking I would find people who understood that this is a scientific way of showing how things like Stonehenge or the pyramids could have been built.

I watched it. It doesn't explain how you can "carve" great blocks of stones like the ones on Baalbek. I also used to think of theories, but I don't need to do that anymore since I know everything.

The ancient people had bigger heads than us. Did you know that they could lift their vehicles with their mind's power, communicate "telepathically" and control their lions with their mind? All this makes you think I'm crazy, but the most insane about this is that everything I say is true.

I guess expecting a scientific, or at least sane, response on a science website was too much to ask.

Of course, if I would seem sane to you, you would know everything. You have to defend your person, so that you can remain yourself. It is natural. But if you wouldn't defend yourself, if you wouldn't be for or against, you would be infinite.
Did you know that they could lift their vehicles with their mind's power...
right.... because they can't simply lift themselves with this power, they have vehicles to life them, which they can lift......
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SkinWalker said:
Right yorda... where's the evidence? More delusions.... woo-woo after woo-woo....

Evidence? What kind of evidence would satisfy YOU?

superluminal said:
I am infinite.

I know I am =)

cato said:
right.... because they can't simply lift themselves with this power, they have vehicles to life them, which they can lift......

Of course they could lift themselves, even you can levitate for a little while, by "jumping". There is nothing mysterious or supernatural about it. There is no supernatural. Anyway, they often used vehicles also. They preserved some pictures of them, but under the darkest ages, most of them were destroyed by humans.

Today humans have also invented ways to travel in the sky (like aeroplanes) but our vehicles will never be as safe as theirs. They could move the vehicles as though they were our own body. They were one with everything. They were no longer limited to their personal body.

I know it's easy to make this sound very funny and illogical. I haven't told you enough. But to whoever I have told everything, all of them have believed. At first they also called me delusional. In time, you will find everything by yourself, so I don't need to tell.
I wont even dignify your ad-hock arguments with a response, good day.

Tell us everything. I'm sure the webhost won't mind the little extra bandwidth your post will use.

Let's hear it.
superluminal said:

Tell us everything.


I suppose that whole world wouldn't fit the books that would then have to be written. I have written many things before. Read my previous posts. Read all the posts that have ever been written on sciforums and anywhere else. I have written them all. I write the things you write, because we are the same "me", just in different bodies.

Ok, I'll tell about everything.

Everything is nothing. If you see everything, you see nothing. If you are everything, you are nothing. If you have all personalities, you have none.

BUT I HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU EVERYTHING. The goal has already been attained, otherwise the universe wouldn't be visible. Everything visible is created. You can never find the cause (nothing-everything) by observing these effects.

The universe is visible because you (the person) separate it from yourself. You become "the center" of it. You defend your person, that's why you remain limited (yourself)

The goal can never be "reached". The goal is not somewhere in time, so you can't reach it by evolving in time. The presence has no duration. That is why phycisists are confused when trying to observe particles at quantum level. When they arrive at the very core of atoms, they discover "nothing" (like "superposition"). The phycisists are watching their own mind, which is everywhere at the same time (present). You can't observe the present, it has no duration. It is nothing.

The only way to reach the goal is to stop believing in evolution. We can't reach the unreachable (3.1415...) Life (everything) can never stop. It is accomplished.

Everything is a wide concept, but now I've explained it and the universe has reached its goal. Because there is no goal. The goal IS always attained, forever.

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superluminal said:
Why didn't you listen to them? They were right.

There is no right or wrong.

In all of the world, there are no absolutes, no ultimate truths - but rather temporary truths, which simply take us from one relevant concept unto the next.

We as a species are merely on a journey which takes us to the next step after we have grasped the present one.

Truth, any truth, is relative to where we happen to be at any given point on this journey of ours.

I see my words, my writing on any given topic, merely as one perspective - one facet where a multitude of facets may exist - where my perspective may change from one day to the next, from one moment to the next, or over the course of time.

I offer nothing - I don't believe, nor do I disbelieve, my own words - I remain neutral in all matters about which I write

My perspective is no more, nor less, valid than that of another; but it is my own (at that point in time in which it is written).

You see, even as I write this, I do it for my benefit alone - for it suites me at this point in time - at this point in my life.

Whether BS, nectar of the gods, or something between the two, it can only be determined within the perspective of the reader, for that is where truth abides, such as may be found.
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You see, even as I write this, I do it for my benefit alone - for it suites me at this point in time - at this point in my life.

Very good then. You will be ignored from this point forward...
You didn't understand me. No one has ever done.

Edit: Soley in a state of metamorphosis.
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You didn't understand me. No one has ever done.

Possibly english is not your best language? Maybe its a simple language problem? Conveying your ideas in a non-native language can be hard.

Of course I could be wrong.
superluminal said:
Possibly english is not your best language? Maybe its a simple language problem? Conveying your ideas in a non-native language can be hard.

English is actually my 3rd language.

Anyway, everything I said was a joke.
