White Jesus

How do you know? King David had red hair. I really dont know who King David was but i just read that in a book preceding the bible it is written that he had red hair.

Do you know anything about this MZ?
M*W: I don't know anything about King David's hair color, I guess only his hairdresser knows for sure. But I do have a bit of information on King David and who he really was. According to Ahmed Osman in Moses and Aknenaten: The Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus, 2002, indicates that King David was the Pharaoh Tuthmosis III, of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Tuthmosis ruled from 1490-1436 BC, and was believed to be the great grandfather of Amenhotep III, also known as Solomon by the Jews. "Solomon" is an interesting name, because it means "Sol-o-Mon," or "Son-of-Man." Allegedly, Solomon was the grandfather of Amenhotep IV or better known as Moses. Although Moses had several names and titles, this is the most familiar Israelite name, even though Moses was no Israelite.

Some additional citations by Osman:

"It became possible to create matching chronologies from Abraham to Moses on the one hand, and from Tuthmosis III, the sixth ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty, to Seti I, the second ruler of the Nineteenth Dynasty."

"The king was regarded as the physical son of Amun. As Tiye was not the heiress when she and Amenhotep III were married, she could not be regarded as the consort of Amun and her son, Amenhotep IV (Moses), could not be considered the physical son of Amun. In the Eighteenth Dynasty that meant he would not be accepted as the legal heir and king. This same situation faced an earlier Pharaoh, Tuthmosis III, whose mother was not the heiress when she married. On that occasioin an adoption ritual took place at Karnak where the image of Amun, carried by the priests, chose Tuthmosis III as Amun's son. (My note: Amun was the patron deity of the Eighteenth Dynasty and the cult of Re, the sun-god, whose center of worship was at Heliopolis, north of modern Cairo.)

"Re was looked upon as the lord of the universe, the giver of all life, and the king ruled according to Re's divine plan by virtue of being his son."

"The priests, and those of Amun in particular, became increasingly powerful from the time of Tuthmosis III (King David). This king was not the son of the queen, although he was the king's son. So, in order to have him accepted as his heir, his father arranged a ceremony in Karnak where the image of Amun (sun god), carried by the god's priests, chose young Tuthmosis (David) to be the son of Amun (Son of the Sun), a kind of adoption by the god (Amun) which ensured his right to the throne. Tuthmosis III (King David) turned out to be the mightiest of all Egyptian Pharaohs, rulling for fifty-four years and fighting many wars in Asia to consolidate the empire."

"The task of establishing the identity of the David from whose House the promised Messiah would one day appear has been complicated by the fact that the Old Testament provides us with two contrasting characters for David. One is a mighty warrior king, who fought a series of major wars in Asia and established an empire that stretched from the Nile to the Euphrates; the other tribal king, who ruled over the traditional Promised Land--from Dan in the north to Beersheba in the south of the Israel-Judaean upland--and spent much of his life in a running conflict witht he Philistines. A further complication is that biblical scholars have reached the conclusion that the warrior David established his massive empire during the years of the tenth century BC."

"Acceptance of this dating, plus some confused archaelogical evidence, has led scholars to identify the tribal David (1000-960 BC) as the biblical King David."

(My note: David was known as the greatest king of the ancient world).

"David is dwd in the Bible, which, in transliteration into Egyptian, becomes twt, the first part of the name of Tuthmosis III."

"Historical and archaeological evidence, as we shall see, also makes it clear that the David who re-established this vast empire in the fifteenth century BC cannot have been the same David who is said to have become involved in recurrent conflict with the Philistones five centuries later. Apart from anything else, Tuthmosis III had been dead for the better part of three hundred years before the mass invasion of the coastal areas of Canaan by the Philistines--the Peoples of the Sea--in the middle of the twelfth century BC, brought Egyptian control of the territory to an end."

"What persuaded the biblical scribes to take two characters who lived five centuries apart and treat them as one? The clue lies, I think, in the answer to another question. Who was the father of Isaac?"

(My note: Ahmed Osman indicates that Abraham was a contemporary of Tuthmosis III (David) and goes on to say:

"The Old Testament assures us repeatedly that Abraham was the father of Isaac and also the founder of the twelve tribes of Israel. I believe Abraham was merely the adoptive father: the child's real father--and the founder of the twelve tribes of Israel--was Tuthmosis III."

(My note: Akhenaten (Moses) is credited as the originator of the monotheistic god. However, Moses worshipped the sun god and formed this monotheistic religious concept after this).

Osman, Ahmed: Moses and Aknenaten: The Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus, Bear & Company, Rochester, Vermont, 2002.

Osman, Ahmed: Jesus in the House of the Pharaohs: The Essene Revelations on the Historical Jesus, Bear & Company, Rochester, Vermont, 2004.
Thanks M*W.

I just read for the first time this morning, in some links, that he was described with red hair from a book that pre-dates the Bible.

Admittedly, i have not read these books myself but the links i found explicitly state this. Do you know about this?
I am very olive covered. Black hair and eyes black as coal:D
M*W: Being of Italian ancestry, my children were olive skinned with dark eyes. My younger daughter, when in the sunlight, her hair would turn a bright red. Staving off all the questions of why she didn't favor her siblings, her paternal grandfather told her not to worry, when he was a boy in Italy he had bright red hair! My beautiful little grandson, 4, who is half-Italian and half-Mexican has beautiful bright blue eyes and light brown hair! I guess my family represents half of the UN!
2000 years is a long time. That is 100 Generations. As I said, the Arabs began playing with Negro Slavery. The Turks invaded. Any Man with blond hair and blue eyes was killed out of jealousy. Any woman with blood hair and blue eyes was ____ brown. Ask around about the World Wide Preference for Light Skin, Light Hair and Blue Eyes. As a Resessive Gene it would not last long more dominant Dark Genes. The Inroads of Negro Slavery would overwhelm any prior Lightness. Given 100 Generations.

But, yes, their are instances of Light Skin and at least Green Eyes in the Mid-East. Just ask around and stop assuming things.

Why is Jesus white? Why isn't he a short dark Palestinian Jew? Who bleached him?

know any blond middle eastern Jews or Palestnians?
2000 years is a long time. That is 100 Generations. As I said, the Arabs began playing with Negro Slavery. The Turks invaded. Any Man with blond hair and blue eyes was killed out of jealousy.

LOL. You are hilarious. I assume you have never been to Syria or Lebanon.

Any woman with blood hair and blue eyes was ____ brown. Ask around about the World Wide Preference for Light Skin, Light Hair and Blue Eyes. As a Resessive Gene it would not last long more dominant Dark Genes. The Inroads of Negro Slavery would overwhelm any prior Lightness. Given 100 Generations.

The Arabs are naturally brown colored. It's a racial characteristic, especially of the Hijazi Arabs (the Semitic ones).

Not everyone in the world prefers European racial characteristics, that's simply false.

But, yes, their are instances of Light Skin and at least Green Eyes in the Mid-East. Just ask around and stop assuming things.

And blond, red, brown hair and blue eyes.
I've been there! There are the most amazing sets of carvings in the mountainside near the entrance to a temple (Ling-Fen?) in Hangzhou. Visiting it was the highlight of a week spent mostly working (teaching business students). Good memories!
John said:
How do you know? King David had red hair. I really dont know who King David was but i just read that in a book preceding the bible it is written that he had red hair.

No surprise at all. Mohammed had "red" hair. One possible explanation - henna. Its a natural coolant and is used on the hair as a paste to keep the head cool. Also has the side effect of colouring it red. Some people use it more than others. Som peoplw get more colour than others. The more you use it the "redder" your hair.
All religions are bollocks anyway; it's laughable for one to pick out small inaccuracies in the other while ignoring the fact they are both founded on a rubbish pile.
Nowadays Jesus is just a symbol - can you really not understand why white countries find it easy to relate to him if he is shown as one of their own? Stop playing dumb.
I am so sick of these mis-translations of Hebrew words I see in every single thread.

Maybe Sol-o-man can be translated into "Son of man" in another language...I don't know.

But his name in Hebrew is transliterated as "Shlomo"...so...they can't both translate into "son of man".

90% of these stupid conspiracy Torah theories are just mis-translation after mis-translation...with no background verification.
Thanks M*W.

I just read for the first time this morning, in some links, that he was described with red hair from a book that pre-dates the Bible.

Admittedly, i have not read these books myself but the links i found explicitly state this. Do you know about this?
M*W: I had read in the distant past about the significance of red hair in ancient writings, so I dug through my boxes of books and found one to reference.

In their Chapter, The Red-headed Tribesmen, the O'Brien's theory, red 'headgear' may have been mistaken for 'red hair.'
"the Dimili Alevis are also known as the Qizilbash, 'the read heads', in reference to their distinctive deep-red headgear, which they adopted in honour of Ali, the son-in-law of Muhammed, who had apparently said: 'Tie red upon your heads, so that ye slay not your own comrades in the thick of the battle.'"

Clement of Alexandria states in Stromata, "Men make gods in their own image; those of the Ethiopians are black and snub-nosed, those of the Thracians have blue eyes and red hair."

According to a Bahai web site:

"Red hair occurs ONLY in the WHITE RACE or in African-Americans who have Caucasian blood in them (such as Red Foxx and Malcomb X). A few black African tribes sometimes paint their hair (and sometimes their skin) red (as the Masa'i) but this is just paint! All native Africans have black hair; except for Albinos who have white hair. NO native Africans or Dravidians are born with red hair. Only Caucasians have naturally red hair. Interracial people sometimes have red-hair, but this is because of their Caucasian genes. The Israelites were Caucasians.

"Esau, the twin-brother of Israel (Jacob) had red hair and a hairy body--two traits only Caucasians or people with Caucasian blood have."


O'Brien, Christian and O'Brien Barbara J.: The Genius of the Few - The Story of Those Who Founded the Garden of Eden, Turnstone Press, Wellingborough, 1985.

Collins, Andrew.: From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race, 2001.


(Please note that this web site is for reference only, and I recommend it only for informational purposes).


(I'm having computer problems, so I will stop here).
Why is Jesus white? Why isn't he a short dark Palestinian Jew? Who bleached him?

All cultures to which Christianity has been brought have adapted Jesus to their own ethnicity and physiology to make the religion more palatable and to emphasize the universality of the notion of salvation. Europeans made Jesus white, Africans made Jesus black, and even Chinese made Jesus a Han.
It's not just European whites that have done it; all of 'em do it, even though the man was just a Hebrew from Judea.
Jesus was a Jew and if you take the time to look, you'll discover that real Jewish people are caucasian


You're sure about that? What is a "real" Jew?

There are Jews of every colour. To claim that only "real Jewish people are Caucasian" is, well, bizarre. You don't think the Lemba tribes in Africa (as one example) are real Jews because they are black? What of the Falashas?
Jesus was a Jew and if you take the time to look, you'll discover that real Jewish people are caucasian
M*W: It is my understanding that anyone born East of the Caucausus Mountains were considered to be white. Now this brings up the point that there are people of all colors born East of the Caucausus Mountains these days, so this definition doesn't really apply anymore. I have a Iranian Muslim friend born in Tabriz and he explained to me that he and his family were Caucausians. In his case, he did have white skin and didn't look Arab at all nor did he consider himself an Arab.
M*W: It is my understanding that anyone born East of the Caucausus Mountains were considered to be white.

No, M*W, you forgot to mention that added little parameter about how far north! I think Africa is east of the Caucausus Mountains, ain't it? Or at least a large part of it. And Africans ain't white.

Baron Max
Caucasian has to do with anthropological measurements not skin tone. Europe, Middle East and even astonishingly, India are all Caucasian, although Indians, unlike Europeans and Middle Easterners are not "white"

Caucasoid race is a term used in physical anthropology to refer to people of a certain range of anthropometric measurements.[8] 19th century classifications of the peoples of India considered the Dravidians of non-Caucasoid stock as Australoid or a separate Dravida race, and assumed a gradient of miscegenation of high-caste Caucasoid Aryans and indigenous Dravidians. Carleton S. Coon in his 1939 The Races of Europe classifies the Dravidians as Caucasoid as well, due to their "Caucasiod skull structure" and other physical traits (e.g. noses, eyes, hair). In his The Living Races of Man, Coon stated that "India is the easternmost outpost of the Caucasian racial region". Sarah A Tishkoff and Kenneth K Kidd state: "Despite disagreement among anthropologists, this classification remains in use by many researchers, as well as lay people."[
"Each made god in his own likeness"

JC was a man, yes, and was arabic in colour. Moses was a black man by the way.