White Jesus

He's talking about Maitreya Buddha.



I love the look on the Buddha's face! I bet he was fun to hang out with. His smile kinda looks like mine on my avatar. :)
Who bleached him?

The Roman Catholics did.
Who else?
Look at the nose!
Who gathered the books, named the Popes, started the Crusades, spread the word and made the art?

By the way, I agree. The fat, jolly man at the Chinese Restaurant is Hotei.
The gods of a culture tend to resemble the people of that culture. Europeans adopted the religion so they envisioned God and Jesus and all related characters with European features.
People forget that Jesus lived 2000 years ago. Were Arabs dark back then? Why should they have been. Today Arabs are dark because they got a bit too close to Negro Slave Trade, but that is relatively recent.

Jesus lived in a Middle East that was conquered 3 Centuries before by Europeans... that was Colonized by Europeans. That was then being occupied by Europeans. Blond Hair and Blue Eyes, although not extremely common, were spoken of. The Oral Tradition that tells us of a Fair Skinned, Auborn Haired and Amber Eyed Jesus... well, why not? It would be a Thousand Years before the African Slave Trade would turn the Arabs Brown. They played with Fire... so they got burned. But Jesus was way before that Time.

Why is Jesus white? Why isn't he a short dark Palestinian Jew? Who bleached him?
Is Jesus white?

Obviously not. He was born somewhere in Iraq, not in Europe. The various ways he has been depicted over the centuries is a reflected of how a particular culture and/or artist views him. Maybe Jesus was just a myth; in which case we are free to illustrate him in any way we wish <:
People forget that Jesus lived 2000 years ago. Were Arabs dark back then? Why should they have been. Today Arabs are dark because they got a bit too close to Negro Slave Trade, but that is relatively recent.

Jesus lived in a Middle East that was conquered 3 Centuries before by Europeans... that was Colonized by Europeans. That was then being occupied by Europeans. Blond Hair and Blue Eyes, although not extremely common, were spoken of. The Oral Tradition that tells us of a Fair Skinned, Auborn Haired and Amber Eyed Jesus... well, why not? It would be a Thousand Years before the African Slave Trade would turn the Arabs Brown. They played with Fire... so they got burned. But Jesus was way before that Time.

know any blond middle eastern Jews or Palestnians?
Actually.... yes..... one, but I think it was due to recessive transgenerational chromosomal misplacement.

How do you know? King David had red hair. I really dont know who King David was but i just read that in a book preceding the bible it is written that he had red hair.

Do you know anything about this MZ?
How do you know? King David had red hair. I really dont know who King David was but i just read that in a book preceding the bible it is written that he had red hair.

Do you know anything about this MZ?

John, relax man. It was sarcasm.

And actually I do know a little bit about this, hence my post regarding this very issue. (See above for link).

I'm the same race, and I'm white. Well, a little olive colored, but if I stay out of the sun, I'm very white.
And actually I do know a little bit about this, hence my post regarding this very issue. (See above for link).


It is just a simple question.

How do i know the answer?

Do you believe that all humans originated in Africa then?