White Jesus

Hold on, are we talking about modern or archaic homo-sapiens? I am referring to the archaic. Or are you referring to ardipithecus ramidius?
Lets be serious here.

See my post above yours.

Actually I am being quite serious.

If you are referring to the very base of human evolution, Ardipethicus, then yes, I believe Africa to be the spawning point. However, homosapiens I believe to come from Siberia due to the Neanderthals migration to the region.
If you are referring to the very base of human evolution, Ardipethicus, then yes, I believe Africa to be the spawning point. However, homosapiens I believe to come from Siberia due to the Neanderthals migration to the region.


Yes that one. Unless you read something else. Google it.
MZ, I am not saying i have these answers or that you are wrong. Just wanted to see what your thoughts were.