Which Religion is the One True Religion?

And yes dalahar, I've read the bible, hence my low opinion of it. (I have three or four of them around the house somewhere...)
superluminal said:

Are you being sarcastic?

i don't like being sarcastic
Medicine Woman said:
arnoldmiro said, "If you initially beleive [sic] in God, then you will beleive [sic] in his book. If not then no book you will beleive [sic] in."
M*W: No, this is not true. 1 does not = 2. Belief in God does not require belief in the bible. The whole concept of the monotheistic god was around much earlier than the bible that talks about the monotheistic god, and it was not written in the bible but in much earlier works (Egyptian, Babylonian, Sumerian, etc.).

I disagree with you. If you beleive in the presence of a God, then how would you know how to get in contact with him ? How would you understand why did he created you and other humans and creatures ? How would you know that this act please him and that act makes him angry ?
There will only be two ways of comunicating with God :
First is that he gets in contact with every human individually. Do this and do not do that.
Second, by sending a messenger to tell us what God wants us to do and to let us know God more and to answer our questions regarding life and other things. God's instructions and answer to our questions are presented to us by his messenger in the form of a Book.

Regarding your "three possibilities for the world to be created:"

1. The Earth is divine in that we should love and care for it and, in a sense, we should worship it.

2. The Big Bang was a natural occurrence by the expanding universe. There was no higher power causing it to happen.

3. There is/was no god that created the universe.

I agree of the presence of the first two theories, but with the third it must say " There is/was God that created the universe ."

Why is it so important for some to believe there was a creator who made everything. In the greater scheme of things, it doesn't matter how we got here. What matters is what we do with our Earth and everything that's on it.

If you disagree with the first two theories, then you will have no other way but to agree with the presence of God.
Regarding the humans need to now the truth about creation is that since the old days, humans have had many questions, of which : why are we here, and why and how we were created and who created us ... etc.
Humans have brains to think, analyse and develope logic, unlike other creatures on earth who have brains with limited capabilities compared to humans.
So you have to choose whether to live like animals, eat, drink, mate, sleep, and die, and live your life with minimum mental effort, or you act like normal human beings who think and develope logic and ask why to get useful knowledge, and search for the best way to live a proper life.
It is up to you to decide.

Peace be upon you
Humans have brains to think, analyse and develope logic, unlike other creatures on earth who have brains with limited capabilities compared to humans.

Yet, many humans do not use their brains in that capacity but instead follow fantasies.

So you have to choose whether to live like animals, eat, drink, mate, sleep, and die, and live your life with minimum mental effort, or you act like normal human beings who think and develope logic and ask why to get useful knowledge, and search for the best way to live a proper life.
It is up to you to decide.

I have chosen to live like a human being - it is the theists who have not.

When will you decide to live like a human being?
(Q) said:
I have chosen to live like a human being - it is the theists who have not.
It's a good option that you live like a human being. But I say, it's much better if you choose to be a real human being.

(Q) said:
When will you decide to live like a human being?
When will you decide to live the christian way?
(Q) said:
Yet, many humans do not use their brains in that capacity but instead follow fantasies.
Indeed thats what you are doing, following fantasies, although if you think with a broad mind you shall broaden you view. You view your world though a needle hole, being stubborn not to look directly with bare eyes.

I have chosen to live like a human being - it is the theists who have not.

When will you decide to live like a human being?

We live like humans who look to the univers and think and use science and logic to know the truth, and when they find it, they stick to it.

Open your mind, do not be a prisoner of your thoughts.

Peace be upon you.
But I say, it's much better if you choose to be a real human being.

I am a real human being.

When will you decide to live the christian way?

When I become insane.

Indeed thats what you are doing, following fantasies

You mean the fantasies that provide you with a computer and internet connection, not to mention the technologies and medicines that allow you to live a longer, healthier life? Shall I go on with what those fantasies have brought you?

You view your world though a needle hole, being stubborn not to look directly with bare eyes.

Yes, I've been told that many times by theists in one form or another. Of course, when pressed, they cannot tell you where and how to look - can you?

And let's not forget the masses of people, some here, who have been looking their whole lives and have found absolutely nothing.

I and many others, have given gods the benefit of the doubt to reveal to us their definitive existence - none has been forthcoming.

We live like humans who look to the univers and think and use science and logic to know the truth, and when they find it, they stick to it.

That is a lie and you know it.

Open your mind, do not be a prisoner of your thoughts.

Give in to fantasy? No thanks.

Open your mind, read a book (not the Quran) and learn something.

Undertanding be upon you.
dalahar said:
Yorda, will you marry me? :cool:

um... i'm too young to marry. I don't think two people can marry, because their bodies are separate, and if they tried to unite, their bodies would be destroyed. I think it's only possible to marry myself or God. and you probably wouldn't want to marry me because i'm shy and I am so different from you.
dalahar said:

Sorry, dalahar, I didn't mean to hurt you. don't be sad. you can find someone else :) and you can find your own yorda inside yourself. She has always been with you, you just haven't seen her because only the one side was born (dalahar)..... Yorda will not leave you.

I've thought... some things remind me of someone who I really miss... like music... sometimes I thought I met this person.... but then I asked myself, what is it that I really miss?... so I realized... I only miss myself... I miss to be complete...

People ARE what they WANT TO BECOME. that is what they REALLY are...

Haich said...

Desire stems from a feeling of deficiency, from the search for a complementary half which we lack, without which we feel alone and forsaken. If, however, we have found everything in ourselves, if we are a whole, what more do we require? What can we lack?​
dalahar said:
I wanna be a bigga rockstar and I wanna make-a lotsa, lotsa money...money...money...money!! :cool:

If you really want to know what you want (ie. if you want to know what your lost self is) you have to be like a small child and ask why until there is no answer. Like, why you want to be a rockstar with lots of money... the answer is simple: happiness.

The visible world is an idea, and the goal is an ideal. The visible world always tries to reach the ideal. It is impossible to paint a perfect circle, but the ideal can easily be perfect. That's at least what some greek dude said.
arnoldmiro said:
I disagree with you. If you beleive in the presence of a God, then how would you know how to get in contact with him ?
arnoldmiro said:
M*W: I don't believe in the presence of a god. I used to be a christian, and I believed like any other christian that I had a direct line to Jesus (although I was catholic and allowed the priesthood to intervene for me). At that time, I believed I knew how to get in touch with God, but I came to realize that it was blind belief and false hope.
arnoldmiro said:
How would you understand why did he created you and other humans and creatures ?
arnoldmiro said:
M*W: When I was a christian, I THOUGHT I understood why we were created, but now I know that was a fallacy.
arnoldmiro said:
How would you know that this act please him and that act makes him angry ?
arnoldmiro said:
M*W: It's all rhetoric. If something doesn't exist, you can't please "him" or make "him" angry. I can no longer speak from the platform of a christian or monotheist. I give absolultely NO consideration to what any supernatural god likes or dislikes.
arnolddmiro said:
There will only be two ways of comunicating with God : First is that he gets in contact with every human individually. Do this and do not do that. Second, by sending a messenger to tell us what God wants us to do and to let us know God more and to answer our questions regarding life and other things. God's instructions and answer to our questions are presented to us by his messenger in the form of a Book.
arnolddmiro said:
M*W: There is no god; therefore, no "god" contacts any human at any time. There is no god; therefore, there are no "messengers" of god. When people hear things in their minds, it's not god; therefore, it's either one's own consciousness or one's delusion. Books lie. The bible is the foundation of all monotheistic lies. I cannot speak for the Qur'an, but the Qur'an states that Jesus was a prophet born of a virgin. Unfortunately, these are also lies. Jesus never existed.
arnoldmiro said:
I agree of the presence of the first two theories, but with the third it must say " There is/was God that created the universe ."
arnoldmiro said:
M*W: Sorry, there is no god who created anything except delusions in believers' minds.
arnoldmiro said:
If you disagree with the first two theories, then you will have no other way but to agree with the presence of God.
arnoldmiro said:
M*W: There is no way I can agree with the presence of god existing and no way would I allow you to rope me into such a lie.
arnoldmiro said:
Regarding the humans need to now the truth about creation is that since the old days, humans have had many questions, of which : why are we here, and why and how we were created and who created us ... etc. Humans have brains to think, analyse and develope logic, unlike other creatures on earth who have brains with limited capabilities compared to humans. So you have to choose whether to live like animals, eat, drink, mate, sleep, and die, and live your life with minimum mental effort, or you act like normal human beings who think and develope logic and ask why to get useful knowledge, and search for the best way to live a proper life. It is up to you to decide.

Peace be upon you
M*W: Again, 1 does not = 2. All monotheistic religions arose from sun worship by ancient humans. Therefore, the only real and true original "god" was Amun Ra, known by many other names/titles (Helios, El, Eloh, Al, Allah, Atun, Aten, Son of God, Sun God, Sun of God, Sol, Saul, etc.).
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Again, 1 does not = 2. All monotheistic religions arose from sun worship by ancient humans. Therefore, the only real and true original "god" was Amun Ra, known by many other names/titles (Helios, El, Eloh, Al, Allah, Atun, Aten, Son of God, Sun God, Sun of God, Sol, Saul, etc.).

Dear Medicine Woman,
Thank you for your answer :)
You are mixed up.
All the names you mentioned are meant to refer to a superpower, some are tangable like the Sun Atun, or Helios, Sol. While others are refering to a God that do not have limited powers like the tangable ones, but a God that is recognised by logic, mind, and the reflection of his power is seen through out the universe, even within ourselves.
So all the references you mentioned are incomperable, as the comparison will not be valid.
Amoun Ra was never refered to as Allah, or Aloha !! Where did you get this information ??
Amoun Ra is another imagination of the superpowers like the one of Atun. It is still a tangable with limited capabilities man made God, though it is just a creature like you and me.

Peace be upon you.
Amoun Ra is another imagination of the superpowers like the one of Atun.

Very much like Allah is from the imagination of Muhammed.
arnoldmiro said:
Dear Medicine Woman,
Thank you for your answer :)
You are mixed up.
arnoldmiro said:
M*W: You sent me a PM and asked, "Dear Medicine Woman,
Re: "Which religion is the one true religion" forum.
Please see my message on that forum dated 29/8/05,
and let me know what do you think about it.
Peace be upon you.
arnoldmiro said:
All the names you mentioned are meant to refer to a superpower, some are tangable like the Sun Atun, or Helios, Sol. While others are refering to a God that do not have limited powers like the tangable ones, but a God that is recognised by logic, mind, and the reflection of his power is seen through out the universe, even within ourselves..
M*W: I answered your question as best as I could even though I felt like you had Machiavellian motives by asking me the question. As a matter of fact, I have done my homework on this subject, and I stick to my answer.
arnoldmiro said:
So all the references you mentioned are incomperable, as the comparison will not be valid.
Amoun Ra was never refered to as Allah, or Aloha !! Where did you get this information ??/QUOTE]
M*W: Apparently, you have a language barrier. What I told you was the root word for El, Eli, Eloh, Elohim, Al, Ali, Aloh, Allah, is "el/al" meaning "god." When "im" is either moved from the prefix to the suffix, it indicates plurality. Eloh and Allah are one and the same entity/diety. I don't believe in either of them. You can believe in whatever you choose, but don't try to say that I am "mixed-up" when it is you who doesn't understand nor can interpret what I've said.
arnoldmiro said:
Amoun Ra is another imagination of the superpowers like the one of Atun. It is still a tangable with limited capabilities man made God, though it is just a creature like you and me.
M*W: I have never seen Amun Ra spelled "Amoun." "Amun" is the same as "amen" at the end of a pharaonic prayer. Christians use it. I don't know if Muslims or Jews do. Amun Ra was a sun god. It was not "a creature like you and me." It is a celestial entity. I do not worship this or any god. Further, absolutely nowhere did I say that "Aloha" was "Allah." We're talking two different languages here. I stand by my original answer to you, and I offer you these references:

Aldred, Cyril, Akhenaten, Abacus,London, 1968.

Aldred, Cyril, Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Thames & Hudson, London, 1973.

Freud, Sigmund, Moses and Monotheism, London, 1939.

Gardiner, Alan H., Egypt of the Pharaohs, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1961.

Osman, Ahmed, Moses and Akhenaten: The Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Pharaohs, Bear & Company, Rochester, VT, 2002.