Which Religion is the One True Religion?

superluminal said:
Why are you dragging these old thresds back to the top and cycling current ones off the page?
Simple reason, I am bored with some of the "current" "redundant" irrelevant threads. But certainly like water cycle, it`s just a matter of refreshing. :D
superluminal said:
I can eat your soul. I will make a figure in your image. I will chant. I will devour your soul.
I know that aforetime.
(John 8:44)
My hobbit friends and I object to the thread stating that 'Lord of the Rings' is not true. We agree it makes as much sense and speaks as much truth as other religious texts we have read.
superluminal said:
Stop it or I will kill and eat you.
M*W: And I will dance around your disemboweled remains and chant in demonic Tagalog while the other atheists on this forum pick your bones.
sniffy said:
My hobbit friends and I object to the thread stating that 'Lord of the Rings' is not true. We agree it makes as much sense and speaks as much truth as other religious texts we have read.
The story has religious/occult ideas/stories (like giants, hobbits, atlantis, monsters, magic, mutants, they're all real), so there's nothing weird if it "makes a little sense", even though the real stories and ideas are highly distorted and partly fictious. But if you don't have much knowledge about religions, many fictious stories can seem very alike real stories, even though they are not.

All religions are true (partly, partly not)
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But if you don't have much knowledge about religions, many fictious stories can seem very alike real stories, even though they are not.

Let us all just meditate on this for a bit (after we've stopped rolling on the floor in uncontrollable fits of laughter).

It's just...ahhh...beautiful.
I just watched the movie "Sin City" and this character Rourke has this line and it goes something like this:

"Power dosen't come from a gun, or money. Power comes from lying. Lying and getting everyone to play along even though they know in their hearts that it's not true."

It reminded me of something. Can't quite put my finger on it...
Yorda what makes LOTR any more or less fictitious than any religious text? A text about any subject is a text open to interpretation by the individual reading it. A 'real story', rather an oxymoron in itself, would be something like a news article or series of articles although these too are open to interpretation. Are you saying that religious texts should be taken literally? Perhaps I have misunderstood your post?
Lord_Phoenix said:
I agree with spidergoat. In religion if you go too deep then you realize that your faith is only decreasing. Investigating religion is a bad idea. I did it and now I am an atheist.

I disagree with you my friend. If you dig deep in your religion and you end up with a decreasing faith, that means that either you were beleiving in a religion that is not the right one, or you have not been comprehensive enough.
The presence of God should be simply logic, and simple minds can recognize him.
Religion is based on a book that is sent from God to detail for us :
- Why we were created.
- What are the characteristics of God.
- The constitution by which we shall live ( what shall we do and what is forbiden ), as God is the creator and he is the one who knows what is best for his creatures.
Do not give up my friend, keep searching with an open mind and you shall find the truth.

Peace be upon you
audible said:
ain't that the truth.
anybody with any intelligence know it's non-existent.

My dear Friend,
If you beleive that God is non-existant, then what you you beleive in ?
How we were created ? :confused:

Peace be upon you.
sniffy said:
Yorda what makes LOTR any more or less fictitious than any religious text?

Because it uses true ideas to create a fictional story, and mixes them in all kinds of ways, so it becomes a half-truth. Like if there were once a recept of a good soup, they lost the recept and today they only know some of the ingredients but they don't know how much of each they must use to make a good (true) soup.

Are you saying that religious texts should be taken literally?

Partly. Only those who hear the voice of truth can know how to interpret the stories, whether they are allegorical, true false or partly allegorical yet true etc.

There's much allegory in religious text. And some of the real events are also allegorical. Like when Moses and Aron talked with the Pharaoh to release the people, the staff formed into a snake. That part is allegory but they still had a conversation with him. Moses' snake then ate the Pharaohs snakes which means that Aron and Moses destroyed all the selfish arguments of the Pharaoh.

The staff is intellect, which is of great use, but if it only serves the earth (ex. bodily desires), it becomes selfish slyness (snake, satan) In the hands of Moses, who fought for the people, for "heavenly" (selfless, loveful) purposes, the slyness became wisdom.

Moses lifted up a bronze snake in the desert and everyone who watched at it were cured.

The story of solomon is pure allegory, true allegory though, of the process of initiation. The part when Moses divided the red sea is a real event.

When Jesus fed 5000 people and 12 bags were left, it was allegory. It means that even the people who had reached the 5th level had to go through all the 12 signs of the zodiak (faces of god) in order to understand what he taught.

another allegory: when Jesus drove out the demons from the man Legion (satan) and sent them to the 2000 pigs

The Crucifixion of the divine self is both allegory and a "real", physical, event.

When people touched him on his way to crucifixion and they were healed, it was real, it was real when his face shone like the sun (like with Moses), the flood was real, the garments of skin were their bodies, the spirit of god above the waters was noah, the staff was like the ark of the covenant, giants existed- why else would people be so many different sizes and intellects. many stories come from the atlanteans....

"simple minds"can recognize him.

When you have discovered the beginning you have discovered the end. First there is nothing, then you can recognize him, then not, then you can recognize him again, with new eyes, and when you do understand, then you become it again.

anybody with any intelligence know it's non-existent.

True, it takes very little intelligence to realize that God doesn't exist. But once you have gotten that intelligence, it takes lost of wisdom to understand what God really means. If you are very intelligent, like the yogis in the east, the ancient greeks, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hermes, you can undertand the concept of God with new eyes and it's no longer nonsense. In the end it seems like it almost stops existing because you become "God", which means that you become what you really are, you just become yourself.

Because of your of intellect, you have discovered the doubts of the mind, which makes you disbelieve things you haven't seen or experienced. You can no longer intuitively sense or accept ideas which you don't already know. You have set a limit to your evolution because you have found a personality and world which you love. You understand the outer world and parts of the inner world. But when you devolop further, you will again realize that "God", which religions speak of, exists. But "he" will be completely different than what he is now. You will not be a part of any religion though and none of the religious nor atheists will agree with you, only the yogies of east, lions and you will understand.
arnoldmiro said:
My dear Friend,
If you beleive that God is non-existant, then what you you beleive in ?
How we were created ? :confused:

Peace be upon you.
can you rephrase that, as it makes no sense.
if it says what I think it says, I beleive in humanity,no deity required.
my mum and dad created me, and your mum and dad created you, and their parents created them and so on ad infinitum.
how come you dont know this did'nt you attend school.

yorda said:
it takes lost of wisdom to understand what God really means.
yes it certainly does, because gaining wisdom, means clear and free thought, no longer held captive as a slave of fantasy/mysticism, to live in the real world.
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